Friday, August 5, 2011


By Juan Montoya
When I was a reporter at the Brownsville Herald in one of my former lives, I wrote a story about then-sheriff investigator George Gavito saying something manly about a suspected killer like: "You can be sure well get this animal off the streets."
Now, it just so happened that his uncle Oscar Castillo was the editor of the Spanish version El Heraldo and he sidled up to me and asked me whether his nephew (George) had really said that. I replied that he had and Oscar, a bantamweight boxer in his day, shook his head and said something like: "A que Jorge, one of these days it's going to get him into trouble."
Time passed and Castillo was proved right.

Before Gavito achieved fame for recycling the success of the Mexican investigators in solving the so--called Satanic murder of Mark Kilroy whose body was found in Matamoros Mexico in April of 1989, he got into more hot water trying to convince a secretary in theh Cameron County District Attorney's office to drop her sexual harassment complaint against his boss Luis Saenz in exchange for a job at a local state representative's office.

Alas, the studious lass was recording the conversation and made the tapes available to the local newspaper.

Now we understand that Gavito has been placed in administrative suspension this last week following a complaint of (you guessed it) sexual harassment by a victim at the port.

Now, sensitive as these things are, we were not told any details of the alleged offenses claimed against the head of security at the port.

Was it a female or male making employee the complaint?

Was he getting paid while he was in suspension?

Did the alleged harassment occur prior to or after his recent wedding to an Austin attorney?

When will the determination of the validity of the charges be concluded?

"At this point it's a 'he said, she said' situation," said a navigation district source. "We won't know until the investigation int the matter is concluded by Port Director Eddie Campirano."

We are in the process of submitting an Open Records request to the Brownsville Navigation District and will keep our readers appraised of the details as they become available.


Anonymous said...

What is the percentage regarding that most Brownasville habitants are descendants of Ignorant Maids, Farm Pickers, Minimum - Way Laborers and Welfare Queens and Kings { Nacas & Nacos }?!?!

Anonymous said...

{Nacas & Nacos}?!?!

LOL! Look who's talking. Ya andas mamado o que, pendejo!


Anonymous said... of Texas-Brownsville

Check how much the compadres make at UTB.

The pen is mightier than the sword said...

BrownAsville? Ignorant is being unaware or lacking education as in formal education, it does not imply a low intelligence quotient. Maybe the parents of the majority of the Brownsville inhabitants referred to in the previous post lacked the opportunity to obtain an education. Work or starve, what would you do? This 'Anonymous' person is not only ignorant in the sociology of the area and but also lacking in the area of social grace. Anonymous is the ignorant one and has much to learn.

I am an ejukated gud spallar said...

BrownAsville? Minimum - Way laborers? In one statement, Anonymous has two misspells. Anonymous is minimally wage educated, but obviously ignorant. "P"

Te amo Abuelito said...

Anonymous is destined to have his grandchildren call him Abuelito.

? said...

What do any of these comments have to do with the article?

Anonymous said...

Gavito is from the Luis Saenz School of Sexual Harrasment or should I say from the Free Sex at the Office on the Company Dime School.
Both are a disgrace and should either pay for sex or have sex at home.
Gavito, like Luis Saenz should retire from the public tit and suck on each other's tit.

Anonymous said...

Hey you forgot to mention Celebrity sexual harasser

Anonymous said...

My only comment is it would have been Oscar del Castillo, not just Castillo.

Former law enforcement said...

Gavito, what a joke!!! The only reason he got exposure from the Matamoros killing was being in the right place at the right time??? Gavito couldn't solve his sexual harassment problem??? Gavito continues to do these things because he thinks he has weight??? I just wonder how someone so STUPID got that security job at the port??? I wonder how many asses he kissed to get it???

Juan Jose Carreola said...

All this Shist - is so Typical of this Segregated and ignorant Sorry - ass Tex - Mex Border Ejido.

Castillo said...

