Friday, August 19, 2011


By Juan Montoya
Now the process to select the new president of Texas Southmost College has started and the first of six candidates has visited out city and has been interviewed by trustees and members of the community, it is interesting to note that at least two board members don't seem too interested in who gets the job.
That much was evident when the first candidate Nora Garza, currently vice president for resource development at Laredo Community College, met the trustees recently.
Robles called in to beg off on the interview. And not even halfway through the meeting, David Oliveira said he had to go see about getting immunizations for this son to attend school.
Robles and Oliveira, who voted in the minority against the separation of UTB and TSC, have consistently supported the wishes of UTB president Juliet Garcia to dissolve the junior college and transfer some $200 million of assets to then UT System.
Now, as the college sets about to go at it alone, It doesn't seem like they have the heart for it.
"What is David (Oliveira) talking about getting his son his immunizations?," asked an incredulous TSC supporter. "His son is going to veterinarian school. It's not like he needs someone to hold his hand to do it."
It has become apparent to some that these two gentlemen (to use the term very loosely) couldn't care less what happens to TSC now that their plan to destroy TSC has failed and the college is starting to go at it alone.
But to many to disrespect a credible candidate because they didn't get their way smacks of petty caprichos that have no place in such a serious matter.
"The candidate was heard telling some of the faculty president that she had scoured over the past five years on the TSC-UTB budgets and that she could not find exactly where the money transferred from TSC ended up in the UTB budget," said an attendee. "Those who hadn't though much of her before perked their ears because no one else has been able to find out either."
By not attending and leaving, it's apparent that Robles and Oliveira couldn't care less about the new TSC president or about the college they are supposed to be a part of.


Anonymous said...

SO what else can you tell us about the interview?

Anonymous said...

It appears an investigation is in order. Why can't we polygraph each one of these bozos, starting with julieta la queen MAMONA? WHY AREN'T THESE PEOPLE finances AUDITED ANNUALLY?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Doc it is time to go !

The City could use your talents. The County could use your expertise and common sense.

Nothing, nothing is going to change at UT TSC for 3 to 7 years so your leadership could be put to use elsewhere.

Take the lead from Mayor T. Martinez and direct Brownsville / Cameron County into becoming as vibrant as exciting as the Mcallen / Edinburg / Mission area.

Brownsville thanks your family for your time and efforts given to UT TSC and dont allow yourself to be distracted.

Come on Mayor T. Martinez and County Judge Cascos, appoint one of our stars to a super committee to lead us into greatness.

Anonymous said...

Typical Browntown politics.Did Juielta Garcia forget where her education started? If it wasn' t for Texas Southmost College education would have ended for most Browntown students @ High School.There is always room for competion.I think Dr. Garcia needs to be replaced w/ someone w/ a fresh outlook. It's been a stagnant cesspool @ UTBrownsville.Its time for new leadership.

Anonymous said...

They would have never absented themseves if Juliet was in charge. Their loyalty is first to Juliet and then to the community. L'il Bobby Robles is nurturing his Napoleonic complex, while David Oliviera has taken directions from Juliet for so long, he is like a lonely old dog, following the smell of his mistress. The losers...the community, the tax payers and the students. Community College education and training is what is needed to improve job skills and get the economy moving.

Anonymous said...

What talents does the doc have? He is a terrible trustee. The 28 million dollar arts center that was originally supposed to cost 8 million is his fault. A junior college needs classrooms, not fancy buildings

Anonymous said...

Let's put Joe Lee Rubio on the TSC board. A balding 53 year old convicted felon and professional student can certainly do better.

Anonymous said...

How could you turn your back on Lucino Rosembaun, Jr. by accepting money from the Ghost Whisperer of Acacia Lake?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Olivera. Take your job and shove it.

You performance over the past few years has become worse your attitude and appearance horrible, sloppy and yea that is everybody laughing at you and not laughing with with you.

The gig is up for you and your sister Garcia ! Don't you have no shame man ? Save the little respect your family name has earned and take some time to fix yourself your appearance your attitude !

If you are waiting for the other brick to wake you then hold - on and the remaining TSC Board will honor your request.

Anonymous said...

Must read By DB "For those unaware of theErnie, Norma and Erin Hernandezes' pilfering pasts, Perez-Trevino provides a quick study: "Hernandez has long been known in the vending machine industry, supplying several governmental entities with vending machines, including the City of Brownsville while he was on the City Commission. This drew criticism as long ago as 2006 that he was benefiting from his position in violation of the City Charter. If the charter were to be followed, he would have to automatically forfeit his seat because of his business dealings with the city. He continued in office, however, because city attorneys at the time maintained that no conflict existed. (For the record, city commissioners can fire city attorneys.) Hernandez's wrecker service and embroidery businesses also had dealings with the city. He said at the time that his vending business was not a conflict because he had not entered into a contract with the city."

Anonymous said...

these 7 gentlemen are not going to resign. Their orders are to spy as much as they both hate to be at the meetings like good soldiers they follow orders.

Anonymous said...

The childishly petulant behavior of these two now that their very apparent wishes have been thwarted reveal the truth of their alleged commitment to "public service". Apparently it only goes so far as their personal allegiance to the status quo. Where is it written you get your way or you don't play?
