Wednesday, August 31, 2011


By Juan Montoya
For the fourth time, Texas Southmost trustee Robert Robles passed on meeting and interviewing a candidate for the presidency of the beleaguered community college.
Robles apparently isn't taking it too well that Juliet Garcia will no longer rule over the district as it heads toward a total separation from his beloved UT System.
Apparently, neither does trustee David Oliveira, who also passed on the meeting and interview of the fifth TSC presidential candidate hopeful by the trustees.

Dr. Robert Muñoz, the shunned interviewee, is currently the vice president for continuing education services as Tarrant County College in Fort Worth.
And to make matters worse, Robles was a drive-by participant in the trustee interview for the fourth candidate of the six that survived the screening committee's grilling selection process over the last few months.
"In the case of Karen Bleeker, the fourth candidate to be interviewed, Robles showed up for about 15 minutes and excused himself," said a knowledgeable source. "He couldn't have possibly have heard enough during that time to make an intelligent decision about who to choose as TSC president from that short time."

Bleeker was the president of Colorado Community College since April 2008 and left that position in March.

Muñoz, the fifth TSC presidential candidate, apparently made a good impression on those trustees who did remain to get a feel spoke for him.

He also spoke at a public forum Tuesday.

A recent Fitch Ratings report indicated that the board's selection of management would play a crucial role in the college's future. It stated that depending on the board's selection of its president and administration, its fiscal outlook and debt rating could improve or possibly suffer a downgrading.

"With so much riding on the selection of our next president, how can Robles and Oliveira abandon their fiduciary obligations to our college at this crucial time?" asked a TSC supporter. "It's obvious that they were enamoured of Juliet and don't really care what happens to our community college."


Can you define arrogant said...

Urban Dictionary definition of arrogant.

Anonymous said...

How is a TSC Trustee removed ?

Can someone do some quick research and if it takes a lawsuit; then so be it.

Since we the voters are the same pendejos from 1991 I would think the best course of action would be to have a voting resident who believes he has lost the confidence of these two jokers; believes these two jokers have violated the oath they took; believes these two
jokers have the intent to bring harm, disrupt, extort and hold hostage the TSC thru their conduct etc etc etc

Hopefully the remainder of the TSC Board will be prevented from providing and paying for the jokers
legal defense lawyers.

Action against the absent Dr. Jitit will come in time. Come in time.

Anonymous said...

These guys (Li'l Bobby Robles and David Oliviera) continue to prove they are not public servants, but arrogant elitist DICK HEADS. They disregard the fact they were elected to serve the community...they still think they were "picked" to obey Juliet Garcia (Queen Scorpiana). Let's recall them.

Anonymous said...

Yes, let's recall them
