Friday, September 2, 2011


By Juan Montoya

On Aug. 12 we posted a note about the resignation of Port of Brownsville Security Chief George Gavito.

Aside from a bland confirmation by the port's public information officer and a couple of commissioners, no one was saying what the reason for George's leaving the navigation district position was.

BND's Public information Officer Manuel Ortiz issued this missive:

"I can only confirm that Mr. Gavito handed his resignation to Port Director (Eddie) Campirano and that Mr. Campirano accepted it. That's all I can tell you."
Then we learned that Gavito had been placed on administrative leave by Campirano after the administration received a sexual harassment complaint.

However (as is usual in these delicate cases), few details of the incident leading to Gavito's leaving the port had been made available. However, now we have been told by several sources that the alleged sexual harassment incident didn't involve George personally at all, but rather one of his assistants.

They way they tell it, one of George's employees had a nude on his screen saver at his work station and a female employee saw it reflected on a glass plate window and complained about it to the administration. The employee (some said he had been with the port for some 30-odd years) was summarily dismissed as a result, they say.

When George found out, he is said to have "pulled a Gavito" and stormed into Campirano's office and lodged a strong protest (too strong, some say) at the abrupt dismissal of his assistant.

Campirano then gave Gavito the two-week administrative furlough and before that was over, George handed in his resignation.

We have not been able to get much more than that from the port , or from Messr. Gavito. As far as we know, he is now commuting between here and San Antonio and Austin with his son. Word has it that he left with a nice parachute for his years of service at the port, but how attractive that was we can only speculate.

People who have seen him tell us George is none the worse for wear. He looks fit and is said to be sporting a decent tan. We wish we knew where he is hanging out in his retirement so we could ask him about the port gig.


Anonymous said...

George has always been a "bull in a China closet" around town and, like Tony Zavaleta, loves to use his size and bult to intimidate others. Add that both are tactless we can see the demise of both.

Anonymous said...

Gavito? I thought he was dead. What a drag.

Anonymous said...

Try looking @ Lynn Wagners in Austin.They lined their pockets scamming their way thru Rosenthal & Wagner.Sporting a tan? Must be the afterburn from the Limas/Rosenthal/Solis Scam.

Anonymous said...

Gavito might be an ass... and people might not like him... but when it comes to top cops!...Who has sloved more cases then him?

Anonymous said...

puro cool arrow

Anonymous said...

gavito and the rest of port leaders used money to buy off others , tom delay , salamon ortiz ,eddie lucio , and other sentors too fix the port docks and warehouses , and get grants to use as security for the port , but is was used to inrich other persons companys with out bidding , ect ,ect.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ese tipo Jorge Gavito, tiene una prepotencia solo porque tienes unpuesto publico no lo hace Dioses, ese tipo cree que puede insultar y humillar , recuerdo hace anios en Palo verde de visita a mi amiga,,, su nena estaba jugando en su triciclo y gritando y jugando con su perrito,, pues al senior le disgusto el ruido de la nena y el perrito,, porque la mujer con la que el estaba caminando traia un perrito y no queria caminar, so tipo ese de Gavito la dio de gritos a la nena de mi amiga,,, abusador que es,, por eso vivo en la florida,, con tipejos como ese en el poder de la politica dije no que va aqui no vivo
