Thursday, September 1, 2011


By Juan Montoya

When candidate Estela Chavez-Vasquez came seeking the support of the Brownsville Union Coalition representing organized labor in the city, she came with a tale of childhood labor in the migrant stream in the Midwest.

"When she was seeking our suport, she told us about working in the fields picking pickle and falling flat on her butt one day with two pails full of pepinos," siad a BUC member recently. "She said she had always been on the side of labor."

Impressed, the group worked in solidarity with the waif-like candidate and worked to gert her elected.

Much to the union group's surprise, it was Chavez-Vasquez's vote at the city commission that wiped away the gains that unions have made in th city in the last 30 years as it relates to collective bargaining and civil service.

"Instead of pepinos, she has chosen to go after the clabaza," said a firefighter. "All that work we did for her and then she goes and votes against us."

Firefighters were scheduled to lose their insurance coverage today if the city's moves were not challenged in court. Now that Alejandro has issued the TRO, they hope to convince the judge in the upcoming hearing to make it permanent.

Firefighters have less respect for commissioner Rick Longoria, whose brother works in the police department and uncle in the fire department. Longoria has said in the past that he does not believe in unions or collective bargaining for public employees, although he belongs to a teacher's union himself.

"It's embarrassing that the police union supported him in the last election," said a union representative. "We expected the police to be together with us, but they supported rick despite that."


Anonymous said...

Mother F*&*^%8g back stabbers, they use you and once elected, they abondon you. Remember elections come every four years.

Anonymous said...

I have seen Estal chaves at commission meetings, and she looks confused. Kalifa, damn she is one big dork, she can't speak in public. No wonder Tony Tormenta treats them like his daugthers.

Anonymous said...

Estella Chavez - Vasquez, no relation to Cesar Chavez? He' d be rolling over in his grave. I hate Unions.The only ones they serve are the Honchos.People raise your own voice! Protest, Boycott,Get some Press!!! Estella Chavez remember what happened to Hoffa. His address still unknown!

Anonymous said...

Who the hell is ESTAL??? The only "confused, dork, who can't type something correctly," is you. Sexist, disgusting, moron. Pay attention in city commision meetings instead of making your sexist, rude, half-brained observations. I'd rather be a lost Female dork who can't speak in public, than YOUR SORRY ASS. At least they TRY and make Brownsville better, instead of pointing fingers like you.

Chelle Garza
Dist 2 & At Large Voter.

Anonymous said...

Didn't see that coming. Oh well enjoy your one term. Stelaaaaa!!!!

Anonymous said...

Didn't we tell you that Estela was just like Cata? She is a power hungry sorry excuse for a female. So depressing.

Anonymous said...

You wanted them now eat shit.

CC Watcher said...

What did the firefighters expect??? Come on, a politician actually keeping his or her word??? Another female who just wanted to get into the mainstream and add something to her resume???
