By Juan Montoya
Even as Texas Southmost College and the UT-Brownsville work out their long-pending divorce to end their one-sided "partnership," by the year 2015, this isn't stopping Juliet Garcia from kicking her heels to celebrate the inglorious 20th Anniversary of the unholy union.
In emails directed at a limited number of individuals, her administration has announced that the University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College will celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the coming of UTB to this city.
The party will be held at the UTB Education & Business Complex's Courtyard, and not on TSC property.
Now, the TSC trustees have just selected Juliet's successor ats TSC president without the UTB hyphen. But what is not clear to some of the trustees at TSC is why they have not received their invitations or why they were not consulted on the celebration being how the partnerships is still in effect and won't be dissolved until 2015.
"As far as I know, we have never been notified that this event was taking place," said Trey Mendez, one of the majority on the board who voted to separate the institutions rather than give in to Garcia to dissolve the junior college and hand over $200 million in assets to the UT System. "I don't know how it will be funded, but if you consider that we hand over more than $50 million to UTB from out budget of $63 million, I don't see how you can't say that it's coming from TSC taxpayers."
Mendez said he had not received an invitation from the Garcia administration.
So was the case, apparently, with Adela Garza, who said she knew nothing of the event and did not get a notice from UTB.
"I guess we're not invited," she said. "We weren't on the invitation list, apparently."
Both trustees said they have just been though a rigorous, time-consuming process to select the new president of the community college this past week. As tiring as the process was, they said that the final selection – Lily F. Tercero of the Alamo Community College District – was rewarding in itself.
"This woman is just amazing," said Garza. "While at Alamo, she was a member of their accreditation team and knows the ins and outs of the accreditation process. She is going to be a tremendous asset to our efforts to rebuild our community college."
Mendez, while ignoring the reasons why the TSC board's majority members were apparently shunned from the Garcia shindig, said that the board had just gone through a major step in delivering what they had promised the local community.
"We're going to take the high road and let Juliet have her party," he said. "We have taken a major step with Dr. Tercero's selection and we feel good about our college's future."
"EDBC Courtyard" refers to the Education & Business Complex's Courtyard on campus grounds, not BEDC. Is is the main building on University Blvd.
Julietta Villarreal Garcia is Jabba the Hutt incarnate, gluttonous glob of GHOULosh. Hope she chokes on her food.
Trey and Adela: Keep on trucking!!! Great job. Can't say enough about your accomplishments, and it is all because you consistently DO THE RIGHT THING. THE TWO OF YOU, KIKO, AND RENE. Love you guys.
The e-mail invitation to the celebration was sent to everybody on the UTB server, everybody with a @UTB.EDU email account got an invitation. The invitation was posted on the UTB/TSC website in several places. The mass email notifications don't go to personal email accounts. If someone without an @UTB.EDU account or someone who doesn't check the university webpage is expecting to get a personal invitation, they better sit!
Juliet and her budz will never admit that they failed to focus local education to meet the needs of the community,...merely establish a diploma mill to foster Juliet's grand ego. She took illiterate BISD grads and gave them a diploma. So, now our kids are taught by functionally illiterate teachers. Juliet used TSC certificant recipients to pad her graduation rates, but failed to give priority to job skills and putting people to work...where we need them.
It's great that we now have a real community college. Instead of focusing on a professional academic track for our students we can now steer them to become carpenters, mechanics and blue collar workers. Who needs more engineers, lawyers or mathematicians. Thank you Trey and Adela. Habla ingles?
It's great that we now have a real community college. Instead of focusing on a professional academic track for our students we can now steer them to become carpenters, mechanics and blue collar workers. Who needs more engineers, lawyers or mathematicians. Thank you Trey and Adela. Habla ingles?
YA....PLEASE...LET IT GO! Many people contributed to the partnership 20 yrs ago and much HAS been accomplished. Let bygones be bygones.......We need to focus on the future of each institution and move forward for the sake of our students and our community.
You don't need an invitation to go to this event. It is on public, taxpayer-purchased property. . . Please expect a large Brownsville Cheezmeh presence Ms. Julieta!
Anonymous said...
It's great that we now have a real community college. Instead of focusing on a professional academic track for our students we can now steer them to become carpenters, mechanics and blue collar workers. Who needs more engineers, lawyers or mathematicians. Thank you Trey and Adela. Habla ingles?
TALK ABOUT IGNORANCE.. The real community college will train highly skilled workers that will make better salaries than some lawyers etc. etc.
do your research before you spill your venom
Get over and move on the two institutions are needed here. TSC students have been seriously under served but, you cannot see that because you are to close minded. Adela and Trey are in touch with the community.
Wow, tell me Einstein, where will these “highly skilled workers that will make better salaries” work? It’s not like this is Silicon Valley or an area filled with a vast amount of opportunities for individuals. Instead of being a sycophant for Trey and Adela get you head out of your ass and do some real research regarding the labor market in Texas and its dwindling numbers Pendejo(a).
Many people contributed to the Partnership, but many people profited from it as well. They stole the opportunity of an affordable quality education from the
Future of Brownsville and you expect us to let it go? Stealing in any form is wrong, but stealing from children is a sin.
And who is the anonymous BC poster?
Great now students have to go out of town to get a real education... who wants to have TSC on their diploma??? Pinche Tamali Tech!!!! Bola de pendejos! Students numbers will decrease and money will be tight... Aver que hacen los cuatro brutos on the Board...cortate el chongo Kiko pareses vieja!
puro chupon brother
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