Wednesday, September 14, 2011


By Juan Montoya
It appeared for only scant minutes on City of Brownsville Commissioner Jessica Tetreau-Kalifa's Facebook account.
Then, probably heeding the counsel of more sensible heads (Mark Sossi's?), the fair clue lass comish removed it forthwith.
So far she has blamed the police officer who arrested her and her husband for for getting himself foolishly in harm's way and allowing himself to get scratched and pummeled, his face gashed, and his body smacked when she just happened to have punched and slapped in his direction.
Now she is picking on the "media" for "medeling" in people's personal lives.
Oh, that nasty Emma and the pesky media. How dare they have access to the public police reports and performing their constitutionally-protected duties by reporting on the actions of people like Jessica who chose to seek the public's attention to get themselves elected to a public position that involved being caretakers of a public trust?
It's not personal Ms. Tetreau-Kalifa. It's really not about you. It's about the people you say you represent. At least Brittany understands. Right?


Anonymous said...

that video looked like a cry for help, just saying.

Anonymous said...

Not many of the original group who got her elected are still supporting her, much less remain her friend. Tetreau is an embarrassment and dist 2 rotten apple. she should resign to save her kids and family from never ending news coverage of her total incompetence. Do the right thing for everyone. Resign.

CC Watcher said...

Jessica Tetreau Kalifa is quoted, "I wish the media really knew how dangerous thier medeling in personal lives is??? First of all, you dumb bitch of an elected official??? YOu misspelled two words??? Second, how can you type a statement like that, when you brought the attention onto yourself??? As an elected official, you are open to criticism and you have no personal life other than your home??? YOu short fused psycho bitch??? You have been involved with other incidences in the past and they are documented??? Its bad enough that you won as a "write in vote" but you failed to let your supporters know that you have a "short fuse" and "anger issues" along with being combative??? Is that what it takes to be an elected official in Brownsville??? You have to have a history of being a criminal or create one while in office??? You is so "fugly" that you marry a 58 year old??? I usually don't judge couples by age but in your case??? There is an exception???
