Tuesday, October 4, 2011


By Juan Montoya
What started out as a blatant (and failed) campaign strategy by Rick Zayas, Ruben Cortez, Joe Colunga and Rolando Aguilar to try to swing the vote in the waning days before the November 2010 Brownsville Independent School District election by suing HealthSmart may end up costing the district yet more money if a proposal by Colunga gets a majority vote today.
At the time the two incumbents – Cortez and Zayas – were quoted extensively in a September 4 article in the Brownsville Herald charging that HealthSmart Benefit Solutions Inc. had cost the BISD $14.5 million in higher medical claims and thousands more in allegedly improper charges.
The majority on the board claimed the alleged "abuses" occurred during the two years it administered the district’s self-funded employee health plan in a lawsuit filed late that August.
HealthSmart protested when it lost the TPA (Third Party Administrator) contract to Mutual Assurance Administrators Inc. (MAA) of Oklahoma City, and this in turn prompted a call for an audit by Cortez of HealthSmart operations.
The resulting audit indicated that "they were taking advantage of us," Cortez said at the time.
Zayas, likewise, said "we’re going to go after them and get our money back," according to news reports.
The pair at the time claimed that awarding the contract to Mutual Assurance Administrators Inc. (MAA) of Oklahoma City would save the district some $7 million a year.
Now, as the costs for the same coverage is projected to approach $51, or about $9 million more than what HealthSmart was charging, Colunga obviously doesn't like the advice the board members are getting from their lawyers and wants to put of Requests For Quotes (RFQ) for new legal counsel to fight HealthSmart.
"It's obvious that the lawyers aren't telling the board what Colunga wants to hear and now he wants to spend more district money to follow through on this wild-goose chase," said a source close to the board. "After all, he was one of the former board's majority who was charged in (former BISD Chief Financial Officer's) Tony Juarez's lawsuit that he conspired to give MMA the contract and then voted to sue HealthSmart for alleged overcharges less two months before the 2010 election."
MMA's agent of record was none other than local insurance mogul Johnny Cavazos, a well-known political supporter of Colunga, Aguilar, and before, of Cortez and Zayas.
The Fifth Court of Appeals on Friday asserted Juarez's ability to hold the former majority members individually liable by upholding the district court's summary judgement denying them qualified immunity as individuals in his claims that they violated his First Amendment rights against retaliation.
Evidence present in his case indicates that the former board majority – including Colunga – engaged in a "conspiracy" to steer the insurance contract to Cavazos by using the district's grievance process and "turning one BISD employee against another " to facilitate their termination.
Despite the recommendations by Juarez, the board's majority awarded the contract to MMA.
"Colunga knows that the lawsuit (against HealthSmart) was nothing more than a political smokescreen that didn't work," said the source. "Now after he has been told there is nothing there, he wants to spend more of the district's money to continue a futile fight."
Colunga can probably count as his allies on the vote for 0the RFQs Rolando Aguilar, his codefendant in the Juarez lawsuit, and Minerva Peña, a fence sitter. Those who will probably oppose the motion will be chairwoman Catalina Presas-Garcia, Luci Longoria and Christina Saavedra.
Enrique Escobedo, who voted against filing the lawsuit against HealthSmart, is up in the air. Observers say he has recently proposed to name the local Colonial Insurance provider as the agent of record instead of designating the self-insured district as its own agent and saving tens of thousands of dollars in fees.
"We're wondering where Enrique will go on this one," he said.


Anonymous said...

Viejo seco ratero!
He has gotten away with so much that it is really obscene. Remember all the perks for his son and heaven knows what else has been wasted on this ratero.
It is the fault of the people who keep voting him in for a free plate of rice and beans.
Mapache Aguilar and India Maria Pena are just as bad with their lack of knowledge about anything that is good for this district.

It is also time to put people back to work instead of paying them to have a free vacation at our expense. Let them earn their money like the rest of us working blokes.
Toss your political agendas out the window and do what is good for our children.
Juanito, I am sooooo tired of all this drama.
Thank you and have a good day.

Fred Rendon jr said...

These guys remind me of Jane Fonda and what she did to the Vietnam Veterans. They are no better than her for being suck back stabbers to their very own community as Hanoi Jane Fonda was a traitor to our country. There are no words to describe the anger we have towards these traitors. All four of these guys should go to jail.
Fred Rendon Jr

Anonymous said...

I agree that they should ALL do jail time. I am glad MR. Rendon won and I hope Juarez and Gonzales win their cases so the community can see what a bunch of idiots we have running BISD.

Anonymous said...

If Escobedo votes to allow taxpayer monies to be used ti hire lawyers to defend a worthless political lawsuit he will thus be joining colunga Aguilar in being personally liable for bringing on a frivolous lawsuit. So far the doc has voted with the newly elected majority don't think he would associate himself with that scum Minerva pen a emphasized.

Anonymous said...

I do not understand why people keep electing this self serving bozo. Colunga needs to be voted out of office. He makes as much sense as Fred Rendon's rambling about Jane Fonda. WTF is that nonsense all about?

Anonymous said...

So Juanito is Anonymous October 4,2011 1:22 PM speaking about Cata Presas Garcia. Anonymous speaks about people being put on suspension with pay. How is the current majority 4 different from the past majority 4 at BISD. They both suspended people the exact same way. What is the difference Juanito? Apparently the previous majority 4 taught the current majority 4 very well. Don't you agree???????????????

Anonymous said...

No one can be as crooked as those four. They have left a legacy and a nick name for themselves corrupted.

Anonymous said...

(rambling about Jane Fonda. WTF is that nonsense all about?)

There was an hour long program titled "Jane Fonda-The Vietnam War Years" on the History Channel a few nights back. Probably Rendon's most recent history lesson since the 3rd grade. The year he was dragged out of school to go pick grapes in Idaho.


Anonymous said...

Rudolfo, I understood exactly what Mr. Rendon was talking about in regards to Hanoi Jane. Any patriotic American knows that story without having to rely on The History Channel.
You insult us humble people who had to work in the fields.
Thank God my parents raised honest working people without ever having our hands dirty by stealing from the public.
God Bless You.

Fred Rendon Jr said...

Fred Rendon Jr
I picked grapes in Arvin Claifornia and apples and peaches potatoes were very hard work and I did it to help my family. Latter I joined the Marine Corps to help my counrty. If you find fault in that well so be it. Look up Vietnam and Jand Fonda learn something.

Anonymous said...

Was this really about the children? NO...It was never about the children.
Presas and Longoria are in to settle the score for Rendon (done) Juarez, and Gonzalez (to be done next before elctions) They were/are willing to $$$$sacrifice many things, including the children. Also, let's not forget that they are receiving instructions on WHAT, WHERE, and WHEN TO DO THINGS. Now in time, it all come up!!!

Anonymous said...

(If you find fault in that well so be it. Look up Vietnam and Jand Fonda learn something.)

I just find fault with a moronic sounding veteran who always seems to want to impress everybody with the likes of somebody as imbecillic as Hanoi Jane. You Rendon, are an embarrassment to all veterans. I would serously try keeping my fingers off your webtv's keypad in the future. And you really should consider going back to picking grapes in Idaho. Probably all you have ever been good at.


Anonymous said...

imbecillic is a word?


Anonymous said...

(imbecillic is a word?)

I'm sure that an imbecile, such as yourself, wouldn't have the slightest idea, huh?


Anonymous said...

Don't worry Mr. Rendon-it's sour grapes talking!!! LOL! You won and they're mad! Boo Hoo Hoo! Cata, Luci, Christi and Enrique have the cojones to fix this crap! The due process crap holds them back when they really want to fire some personnel such as Karin Trevino!

Anonymous said...

(Don't worry Mr. Rendon-it's sour grapes talking!!!)

And this nitwit grape picker is a teacher for BISD? GAWD!!! Pero nomas preguntale de la Hanoi Jane! Buahahahahahahahahaha!


Anonymous said...


The BPD chief is looking for you. I understand that you were once or twice placed in jail for being a peeping tom.....get your head of your ------------and man up...

Anonymous said...

IMBECILE!!!! I love your answer Rudolpho, they are a bunch of imbeciles running BISD right now.

Anonymous said...

They didn't have anything on K Trevino thats why they couldn't fire her. She's probably going to sue them too! Then thank you all!
