Even after his failed exorcism of Texas Southmost College trustee Trey Mendez to derail the separation of the college district from the UT System, the Rev. Armand Matthew just can't seem to swallow the fact that the "partnership" is gone for good.
And good riddancne, we say.
That wasn't a "partnership" at all. It was more of a rape than anything else with the resources of the one of the poorest communities in the entire country being handed to the voracious regents of the UT System.
In is letter to the editor appearing in the Brownsville Herald today, Matthew still laments the passing away of his beloved "partnership," this time blaming the Brownsville community for not doing enough to keep it and berating the voters for not voting in the right people as trustees.
Should we repeat what we have gained in return from our largess?
Ad nauseaum, a pathetic 17 percent graduation rate over six years, less than a 50 percent retention rate for freshmen, the highest tuition rates in the entire staet ($220 per semester hour compared to $60 elsewhere) an an academic performance so poor it wasn't even rankable with similar institutions.
Juliet, of course, can still draw a respectable $350,000 salary and occasionally raided the English department for a $35,000 raise, thank you.
But, if the good padre still bemoans the separation (we call it self defense) perhaps its his $50,000 cushy job at the Center for Civic Engagement where kids go out and make believe they vote. Not bad for aspritual leader, eh?
We are indeed fortunate that they weren't voting during TSC elections.
Next time around when David Oliveira and Robert Robles aren't running, we will be very interested to see who Matthew's candidates will be. Then the padre will witness what civic engagement really means when we give them a sound thrashing.
Take a hint Armand: Zapatero a tus zapatos.
I'm curious to know how this piece of shit-Rev. A Mathew have PROFITED. REMEMBER THE DIMO-RATAS ARE ALL ABOUT STEELING FROM THE TAX PAYERS!!!!!!!!!!
(this piece of shit-Rev. A Mathew have PROFITED. RE)
He didn't, DIPSHIT. Too bad you didn't know him when he was younger. He would have at least taught you how to spell.
El Angel.
armand matthew is too naive to realize that he is a puppet for julieta. His attack on trey mendez was bad enough, but now he continues with his nonsense almost a year after the dissolution. I used to have respect for this man. but he doesnt deserve it.
In his letter, did he mention anything about praying for the soul of the deceased Father Ricardo?
There's absolutely nothing "spiritual" about Armand Matthew.
"Hello Clarice."
Silence Of the Lambs
I have the privilege of being a friend of Armando Matthews, and for that reason it grieves me that he has as much trouble letting go of this as he seems to. He is a genuinely good man, if misguided in this instance. I pray that he will come to terms with the reality of what has happened and continue to serve in whatever way God requires of him. In his defense, he came late to UTB/TSC and has been handled with kid gloves by the campus administration. Considering how long they made fools of this community, with the willing complicity of the Brownsville Herald, it is little wonder that a man like Armando, essentially an outsider never really allowed to see that true nature of those he served, has been taken in as he has.
This is another reason why we should take action to remove the tax exempt status to those religious persons who actively engage themselves in politics. That would likely help the economy and offer us a level playing field in politics. During his masses he encourages people to work together peacefully, but in this issue he acts like Juliet's pitbull...using his collar to influence the community politically.
This lowly father should be more concerned over the raping of children at the hands of Catholic priests.
why is JIm Farton such a catholic hater? first he tries to smear Mother Theresa and now he comes on Rrunrrun talking smack about Father Armand. Pinche gringo mama huevos
You people here have no respect for God or his people. You are corrupt through and through. How Sad FOR you.
So you DO believe that "Father" Armand is GOD"S representative here on earth and can do no wrong? PLEEEAAAAAASEE!
(raping of children at the hands of Catholic priests.)
Cause obviously nobody was there to keep them away from your sorry fat ass.
Armand Matthew should be praying for the student who was raped in the parking lot about a month ago. He needs to focus on his religion and stop being active in local politics at the direction of Juliet Garcia
The catholic church lost it's MORAL STANDING WHEN SO MANY PREIST WERE RAPING LITTLE BOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And you were a witness, huh? Probably there taking pics with your cellphone. Then selling them at the flea market.
I find this blog quite amusing. Especially when it seems that all thise is based on chisme and no substantial evidence. I'm sure Father Armand Mathew (with one h, not two) does NOT get paid that much. Show me proof.
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