For the second time in as many meetings, Colunga has asked for an update on the audit being performed to determine if potential criminal activity has been committed in the district.
The first time Defenbaugh disabused Colunga of the thought that nothing would come out of it by telling the board that he has already presented evidence to share and federal investigators, including his former colleagues at the FBI.Now, Colunga has sought to acquire copies of those reports claiming it is his right to get access to district documents. Rebuffed in his attempts to glean information from the ongoing investigation, he then attempted to have chairperson Catalina Presas-Garcia removed due to his perceived notion that allegations made during a highly questionable deposition by former defeatzayascortezpowers Political Action Committee president Mary Rey indicated wrongdoing by Presas-Garcia.
"So that was the inane strategy," said a BISD politics observer. "The ruse to use the deposition and splash it all over the Internet on YouTube and the blogs was all geared to have Presas-Garcia removed and to get at the contents of the report. That is the strategy of a simpleton. If they want to remove a board member, they should win an election. That's how things are done in a democracy."
The strategy apparently misfired because now everyone, including the local blogger allied with Zayas who had immediate access and even teased his readers for days ahead of the Rey deposition, are distancing themselves from the stench of the ruse. We hear that even the Judge Arturo McDonald, who signed the deposition order, is now saying he was unaware that it would be used for that purpose.
The allegations against Presas-Garcia are all the more questionable because the deposition was carried out by defeated trustee and attorney Rick Zayas. Under his prodding, Rey recited anecdotal "proof" that something "wrong" had occurred. However, without corroboration, these allegations remained that, simply allegations by someone with an ax to grind.
"And they thought that littel stunt was enough to remove the board president?," asked an incredulous BISD staffer. "That was really pathetic."
"I go to sleep at night in peace," Garcia-Presas told Colunga. "When I wake up I get up fresh as a daisy."
While the BISD saga will never end, what do you think of the City begging for help for Christmas decorations...by Parks and Recreation. How sad. City elected officials ignored the Veterans Day ceremony at Veteran's Park last week and now the city begs for help to decorate the city for the holidays. Why don't they consolidate activities.....make the Christmas Village the center of activities and put a tree up in Dean Porter Park....to add to what the community is donating there. We have no coordinated efforts for anything in this town. It's a shame and reflects the disorganization and lack of cooperation at all levels in the city.
We want Jerry back. What happened to Jerry, putos?
This BISD Board has become a joke. Brownsville's stupid people haven't learned about voting idiots into office. I hope that the F.B.I. pays a visit to B.I.S.D. real soon. Im surprized that even with a retired DPS officer on the board, the corruption and the illegal activity continues. Wake up Brownsville. Recall all these stupir board members we have in Brownsville or contact T.E.A. in Austin and file a complaint. Im sure that with the governor running for president, they will send some investigators and maybe appoint a monitor to B.I.S.D. school district. Im already so sick of hearing all thise crap about B.I.S.D. board members bickering and can't even act like adults. Brownsville do something for the sake of our children before it's too late.
"I go to sleep at night in peace. When I wake up I get up fresh as a daisy."
Sounds like a psychopath!
(Sounds like a psychopath!)
What I would dearly like, is the list of "meds" that dude is on.
This woman thinks that every one in brownsville is here to serve her, let's see ....hummmm let'see what part of her involvement with Quintanilla does she not understand?
What part of her involvement in her making deals with ex BISD employees who sue the district does she not understand??/
you may wake up fresh as a daisy, but you still smell like shit.
Ok Cata, (Casey Anthony), no one in Brownsville supports you. You've accomplished what you set out to do ....become the most hated person in Brownsville . Stop kidding yourself, we all know you don't sleep at night.
Estan caros LOSELOTES?
You still need to shower after you wake up "fresh like a daisy", cause you smell really bad!! Ha ha ha ha !
"Estan caros LOSELOTES?"
What? As in "Sacense el Elote"?
I think that Kiko Rendon should run for BISD trustee and fix the misdirection of that incompetent board. He has done a great job cleaning up the mess that Rene Torres, David Olievera and Roberto Robles created. Adelita Garza should also be congratulated.
The deposition from Mary Rey will at some time have importance, although at this time unless someone steps up and really has the goods to put a stop to the dirty dealing at BISD the garbage will continue to flow unabated.
CPG's law firm that is representing her in her lawsuit with JoeRod is the same law firm that is representing the insurance company that that BISD is suing for $14,000,000. Now that could be considered a conflict of interest, although Colunga mumbled his way through the motion and really did not make his case. Let’s just say that he knew that the motion would not pass and just wanted it known that he felt that CPG should be removed as Board President, and though that he had the goods to that end. That being the case he really did a poor job articulating his point, in fact it was really pathetic. Colunga reminded me of when old men get together for coffee and they all know what the other people know because they have repeated all the stories that they know so many times to each other they just kind of grunt at each other and mumble a couple of words about some long past story and all of the old men just nod at each other and smile or say “huh, whad ya say there”. I would really like to see what the Board Secretary wrote down as what the stated Motion was, because I was there and I could not understand what he said.
With that said, for those that for some reason do not see eye to eye with the Board Majority and have hope that EE will vote with the minority on anything that might be important, well just forget it. Don't even consider the idea that the board minority has any power at all, they are inept. If the Board Minority is the supposed to be the savior for those that think that CPG and company can be stopped you might as well throw in the towel.
So Cata said she is proud of the leader that she is? Is she living in a bubble? Does she not realize that her type of leadership is hated by thousands.............
This Drag Queen looking Presas-Garcia needs to be voted out. I dont know here nor do I know anything about her, but she already makes me sick like the rest of the board. Brownsville, lets organize a RECALL ELECTION and recall all the Brownsville board members and vote real citizens that care about our students. Drag Queen, get lost already.
All of you that are writing these hateful and stupid comments are stupid and dumb. We know it's Rick and Cortez postings. These are the guys are the ones hated by thousands of people, let's see by how many thousands did both of these idiots lose by?????
Want to know why? because of the abusive tax dollars spending, $400,000.00 for hiring Navarro off the streets another $295,000.00 to fire Hector Gonzalez and the list goes on.
Can't wait to see the forensic audit report.
Want to know why Minerva Pena supports Zayas,Cortez, Alguilar and colunga corruption? Like they say, it runs in the family...like her cousin,....Conrado Cantu. Before he got caught, she used to brag he was her cousin but now that he has been sentenced to 20 yrs, she has forgotten about him.
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