It is said that an elephant never forgets, and neither, apparently, dos Dan Sanchez, Pct.2 Cameron County Commissioner.
He had made it known all around that he would move toward the elimination of the Pct. 4 and Pct. 7 constable positions ever since he took office. It just so happens that he blames Robert Lopez, the constable for Pct. 4 for running a candidate against then-Justice of the Peace Rolando "Mangueras" Muñiz, currently his administrative assistant and "secretary."
"Mangueras doesn't even know how to turn on a computer," said a courthosue source.Nearly two years ago, on December 2009, Cameron County Commissioners Court voted to eliminate the Justice of the Peace, Precinct 7, Place 2 position, held at the time by Sanchez, a practicing attorney.
At the time, Cameron County Judge Carlos H. Cascos placed the item on the agenda because he – along with commissioners Edna Tamayo and David Garza – believed the county had too many justices of the peace as compared to other counties.
They cited neighboring Hidalgo County which has 45 percent more people residing there, but only nine justices of the peace compared to Cameron County’s 11.
Cascos said then that the number of cases filed at the Justices of the Peace offices in La Feria didn't warrant a need for two sitting judges and said a review of all justices of the peace office revealed that Sanchez’s office was producing the least number of cases.
"Those are numbers that are black and white," Cascos said at the time.
Accordingly, the majority on the court eliminated the position.
Sanchez, of course, disagreed, saying that he felt Cascso had had it out for him.
"It seems like Judge Cascos has an agenda..." Sanchez said.
Nonetheless, after the court did away with the position, Sanchez rebounded and won the election for Tamayo's position as Pct. 4 commissioner.
Now, some Pct. 4 residents say, he is using his position on the court to try to settle the score with those he feels are his political opponents in his precinct including some J.P.s and even some constables.
They point specifically to his move – backed by Cascos and Pct. 2 commissioner Ernie Hernandez, to do away with Pct. 4 J.P. Manuel Flores and Pct. 7 Constable Cesar Diaz. Sanchez has made no secret that he wouldn't mind these two political foes disappearing by waving the magic three-vote wand on the commissioners court.
"He wanted them bad," said a Pct. 4 resident. "They wrecked his plans to consolidate his power. Esta es pura politica."
Flores, in particular, drew the commissioner's ire after he defeated Pct. 4 J.P. Rolando Muñiz. Muñiz, Sanchez's candidate, lost and Sanchez made him his Pct. 4 County Supervisor after his defeat, in effect his administrative assistant. Sanchez blamed Perez for supporting Flores in his victory over his in-law Muñiz.
Likewise, when Pct. 7 Constable Cesar Diaz took office, he terminated deputy constables Clemente Cantu and Jacob Borjas. Sanchez had created warrant server positions for the men but could not justify the positions for long because of the small amount of processes that the precinct generated.
Stymied in his efforts to pick the winners in those positions, observers say that Sanchez used his vote on the county court to convince his fellow commissioners to do away with both positions.
However, Sanchez is now backpedalling on the vote that also inadvertently did away with the JP Pct. 4 and JP Pct. 7 positions. In redrawing the boundaries to do away with the offending constables, county planners also did away with theirs.
"I clearly did not want to eliminate any of the JPs," Sanchez told the local daily.
While the constable positions Sanchez wanted out will not be reconsidered, Sanchez said he wants to bring back the items on the JPs to reinstate them. JP Pct # 3-1 Julian Sanchez, of San Benito, found out that his position would be merged with that of JP Pct # 7-1 Adam Gonzales, of La Feria. Gonzales is said to be a Sanchez supporter and backed him in his race for commissioner.
We now understand that both of these positions are back on the agenda for reconsideration and possible rehire in some way.
"It doesn't matter what Sanchez does in the case of Gonzales," said a La Feria resident. "We've got a candidate lined up against him already. If Sanchez thinks that we're going to take this lying down, he's got another thing coming."
An idiot, no less.What can be expected of Diaz, he was classified retarted thoughout school
"All Rise" for the the mighty JP in the great State of Texas! Where the G.E.D. can substitute for a J.D. Though any of the Eighty Thousand Lawyers in Texas could fill these slots competently, constituents are content with electing their JPs from a pool of secretaries and deputy constables. Meanwhile, a first-year lawyer schools them in the rules of evidence.
It's curious that a post that pays only $45k/yr would have so many candidates (each backed by $100K war chests) vying for the slot. It just doesn't make economic sense for someone to earn that little.
They'd fare better by applying for a shift-leader position at Sears.
Unless, of course, they can use their posts to attract as many calabazas as possible.
Justice of the Peace. What a bullshit office.
This fat fuck is a one man (maybe two) wrecking ball. Everything he touches turns to shit! He is nothing more than one of those politicians from the Gilberto Hinojosa school of corruption that our communities are trying to rid themselves of. If he thinks of running for another term he will be soundly defeated; the machinations are already in motion to make this porcine turd a one term commissioner.
Pinche NACOTE - Snake Mazacuate Prieto Apestoso !!!
What is the difference between Zayas and Sanchez...
Answer: Around two hundred lbs.
Dan Sanchez said...
First I'm an elephant, then I am called a porcupine turd, what did I ever do to deserve this? I'm doing a SERVICE to the community. And this is the thanks I get? I'll have to seriously consider re-election. Ingrates!
dan sanchez should have thanked god for the great opportunities he was given and now he has brought shame to himself and his family,david sanchez must be totally ashamed of his brother and worried about the enimies he is making for the both of them. POBRES!!!
dan sanchez should have felt blessed with the great opportunities he has had but instead he has decided to bring shame to himself, his family and his supporters. i regret helping him during his election, people warned me but i believed dan then but i was wrong. dan sanchez was never there for the people as a justice of the peace judge and he's not there as our county commissioner, shame on you dan! god has places for people like you. poor david sanchez, now having to deal with all those new enimies dan is bringing for them.
i know judge cascos is a smart man, he has seen right through dan by now and what he is all about. stomp him judge!
in todays world, we need more and more law enforcement on the ground not less, dan sanchez needs alittle taste of whats out there, he'll be crying for a cop to save his ass.
to the cameron county commissioners and judge carlos cascos, lets bring back harmony, lets put everything back the way it was before dan sanchez started this county war, lets have a merry christmas and a happy new year. i'm all for saving the county money but lets do it for the right reason and where we can afford to cut. god bless us!
(This fat fuck is a one man (maybe two) wrecking ball.)
Gosh, if I was that huge, I'd stay hidden from the public as much as humanly possible. A closet (a big one). Anywhere that stayed absolutely dark. And by any means, no cameras allowed.
Sasquatch is alive and well in Cameron County.
I was a Sanchez supporter and firmly believed he ran for office to help the community. I saw sincerity and a will to do good in this man's eyes and even went as far as driving fellow citizens to the polls so they could vote for him. BOY WAS I WRONG!!! Mr. Sanchez has become just another one of those politicians ala Gilberto Hinojosa style that got into politics to serve himself, his family and the cronies that surround him. At the risk of sounding cliched; fool me once shame, shame on you, fool me twice shame, shame on me! I will do everything I can and use all the resources available to see Mr. Sanchez not get re-elected.
A very frustrated and dissolutioned voter.
from can be seen on everyones comments is what is the worse that can happen. Sanchez could be running for Judge in three years from now. Think about it and limit his participation and manipulation in county business. A man of no friends. Use caution.
You don't think his twin, Judge David Sanchez, is any different, do you? He is the same exact way, using his position to step on political adversaries and ruling in favor of lawyers who are supporters. It's easy to say we need to rid the county of corruption. Only problem is, one never knows where the serpents lie until one walks through the grass.
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