BROWNSVILLE — This weekend, along the border’s southern tip, homecoming at the University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College will be bittersweet for many. It will be one of the last, at least for the unique partnership between a community college and upper division university that operated as one institution for 20 years.
“Everything this year is going to be that way,” said Juliet V. García, who has been the only president in the history of the joint institution.
One year ago, the regents of the University of Texas System voted unanimously to terminate the longstanding arrangement by 2015 or sooner, citing a lack of responsiveness from the community college board, which did not fight the decision.
Since that time, faculty, students and administrators said they have gone through the various stages of the mourning process for the institution. Now, as the schools prepare to divide into a separate community college and four-year university, there is much that still needs to be resolved.
“It’s a divorce. I don’t know how else to put it,” said David Oliveira, a trustee on the TSC board who opposed the split. “We’re dividing up the assets. And the children of this divorce are the students.”
Even the institution’s shared mascot is a casualty of the separation: Students that end up at the community college, which predated the partnership by about 65 years but now must be reaccredited, will continue to be Scorpions. A competition is underway to select a new mascot for the university. Starting this week, students are being asked for the first time to identify with one side when they register for classes so that future enrollment number can be gauged.The institutions are interwoven at every level, even subterranean. University facilities currently provide power to college-owned buildings.. Detailed inventory is currently being taken of each side’s holdings, down to who purchased each piece of furniture, with dissection set to begin early next year.
The faculty members, all of whom are currently considered employees of the university, also will have to be separated. For some, based on the courses they teach, their ultimate affiliation is a foregone conclusion, but many occupy a gray area.
“I think that at the end of the day, if we can project to 2020, it will all turn out good. But will there be hurt feelings along the way? Absolutely,” said Elizabeth Heise, president of the UTB/TSC’s Academic Senate, adding that many of her colleagues have put their houses up for sale.
Lily Tercero, the newly selected TSC president, said issues such as tenure and contractual obligations are being studied. By February, she expects to announce what programs the community college intends to offer. “We’re dealing with people’s lives, and we care about people’s lives,” she said. “We want to be sure that we do what we can to be fair and equitable.”
Some have questioned the advisability of trying to stretch resources at a time when state support of higher education is dwindling. As Fred Rusteberg, a local bank president, said, “Our region has very few resources, so we cannot afford to make a mistake.”
Francisco “Kiko” Rendon, the current TSC board chairman who ran on a platform of lowering costs for community college students, said, “A year and a half from now when we start publishing the new tuition rates, the community will start realizing why those painful changes took place.”
Rendon said higher education in the area would benefit from the split. “They needed it to raise their level of excellence,” he said of UTB, “and we needed it to be able to refocus on the basic community college mission, because it was being forgotten.”
García also sees opportunity. She hopes to see a modern four-year university built that produces, among other things, top-quality teachers and bi-literate graduates. Francisco Cigarroa, the UT System chancellor, has also made the development of UTB one of his top priorities, and the system’s regents have recently invested more than $30 million in the area.
The university will also tighten its admission policies. Mary Rose Cardenas, a former TSC board chairwoman who helped craft the original partnership, predicted open admissions would be the greatest loss to the community as the relationship between the institutions changes.
The exact nature of that relationship remains one of the biggest questions. While many on both sides anticipate a positive interaction, it will depend on the same personalities that led to the split in the first place. “If we can keep it objective and rational, then it will be one level of negotiations,” García said. “If it gets emotional and subjective and vindictive, then the rules are all out the window.”
You Trustees seem to forget the Oath you took.
The taxpayers of Cameron County, the selected areas being taxed have not forgot the Oath and are still waiting for you to collect the $ 10 million from the deadbeat tenant UT Garcia.
We dont want funny money, nor credits, nor savings, no legal mombo jumbo from any slick lawyers.
We want the fuking $ 10 million collected or you will have failed your Oath.
Election time is coming.
Juliet Garcia has become an arrogant self serving bitch, a far cry from the community leader she once was. Que triste...
We can attribute this "educational turmoil" to Queen Juliet Garcia and her ego. She failed to see the reality of our community as she crawled up the ego latter using her gender, ethnicity and contacts at Harvard to support her personal greed. She failed TSC as she tried to bring new academic programs for which she had to import students....while neglecting the real need of the community...job skills and community college skills. Juliet learned about greed and deceit from the Kardenas Klan and she learned in well....using her dictatorial powers to direct and intimidate....administrators, faculty, students and the local community. Juliet's "Committee" made up of Michael Putegnant, Fred Rusteburg, Mary Rose Kardenas, Pee Wee Rodriquez, and the like....have always followed the Queen, without question and each of these forgot the community. Juliet Garcia failed Brownsville while promoting herself. With all this agony, she asks others to tighten their belts....but she isn't willing to tighten her own bulging belt.
". . . for many, based upon the courses they teach, their ultimate affiliation is a foregone conclusion." WE WISH. No one on campus is at all certain about anything. The problem is that there are no foregone conclusions. Some things make sense, but both institutions have gone out of their way to give no assurances. While many faculty are nervous (with good reason), the Heise quote about many of her colleagues putting their homes up for sale is simply empty hyperbole from a disgruntled and largely irrelevant UTB loyalist.
Kissie Kissie hug hug. Do we all just forget the lies, the deceit, the misrepresentations since 1991.
The taxpayers paid year after year after year millions of millions after millions of dollars for fancy words meaningless plans from UT TSC and today Juliet says she now looks forward to seeing UT becoming a 4 year full university soon.
What the hell was UT TSC ? Nothing but a training school, a baby sitting academy costing millions and millions of wasted taxpayers money.
Now you know why Rene, some of the Trustees and Juliet didnt want the whole story to come out.
We have been cheated out for the past 20 years .
Somebody call 60 miniutes.
None of those folks are mourning the split of UTB and TSC. They are mourning the loss of control in the community by Juliet and her "Committee". Juliet and her "Committee" chose to seek the academic high road in a community where the "high road" they chose was unattainable to most local students and failed to promote job and skills training. Juliet controlled UTB and TSC because she and Mary Rose Kardenas hand picked Trustees for TSC and took up arms against candidates that they could not control. Their failures caused the community to react and regain control of TSC and the community college responsibility. Juliet's proposal to turn over all TSC assets (about $198 million dollars worth) to the UT System...which owed TSC about $12 million in unpaid rents and fees) was a very poor business proposal and, in essence a sell out of TSC and the Community College. Juliet and her "Committee" have lost the confidence of most citizens.
Why don't all of the people that bitch about Juliet take the "high road" and aim for a higher institution? Is it because your BISD educations impede your abilities to learn anything other than "skills training"? If you have such a problem about the "educational turmoil", why not aim for a higher institution? Go to a real university, not a community college.
At least that "arrogant, self-serving bitch" has a doctorate, an education that most of you ignorant people will never attain. The only neglect has been BISD in educating its students so that the majority can at least enter college with the ability to read and write.
So we tax payers have paid all these years and now what are we getting in return? A pinche Community College! Pinche pendejo el joto con a pony tail…córtate la greña pareces vieja. El pinche viejillo Torres no vale madre, estas pendejo con puro hablar del pasado. No eres nadie way! Y la movida de Ferenhold! Y el payaso de Méndez otro lick-ass! All we have to show for our tax dollars is are new “Beanie Tech”
ya se acabaron la cash cow? u know some did mention the chupacabra as the mascot for ut, dont know if they have enough chupe left over? you kow everything has already been milke din the last 20 years, its hard, what do you say queen juliet?
....and a fat and happy Juiletta.
and how much is the Naca getting??? The new President will milk you dry too... I rather keep Juliet than esta india- pata rajada...
la vaca is dried up baby time to go elsewhere to look for more milk no more chiche here
Sapito eres tu. You would give anything to be as successful as these young men are. El viejillo you talk about is a family man that cares for students. Don't you remember how he got elected? By a LOT of votes
Sapito have you ever done anything on your own? Mami has done it all for you. Muy fregon eres tu. Ha! Ha! Ha!
Does having a PhD give one license to deceive and steal from the community? Does a title make it okay and place the "arrogant self serving bitch " as stated in some previous comment, above reproach? We entrusted Julietta Villarreal Garcia with our most precious commodity, our children's education, and what did she do? She spit in our faces and laughed all the way to the bank.
I wonder how she and her posse sleep at night. I am a person of meager income, but my solace is that my conscience is clear. Had some other individual been placed at the helm of UT/TSC 20 years ago, I am sure it would be the success that we all wanted it to be.
I leave you with this:
Exodus 20:15. Thou shalt not steal.
Leviticus 19:18. Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear
any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou
shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. I am the LORD.
Have a blessed day!
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