It was the day before Thanksgiving and the residents of Cameron Park colonia were startled to see their Cameron County commissioner Ernie Hernandez at their community center handing out chicken plates.
The residents were somewhat surprised because the county has prohibited local colonia organizations from using the center for their political organizing activities.
Erin and Ernie – wearing name tags – served the visitors to the center personally, the first any colonia residents have seen them around.
There are at least another five candidates for the position including Yolanda Begum, Javier Henandez, Raul Gonzalez, and Refugio Covarrubias. But many political observers say that if the election were to be held today, Begum could easily get the majority vote.
And, for the uninitiated, Cameron Park is right in the middle of the fray. And colonia organizer Gloria Moreno has publicly stated her preference for her friend Begum.
Hernandez did not let the opportunity to score points with the colonia residents go by. In his Facebook account he posted numerous pictures, many featuring his candidate daughter.
Hernandez did not let the opportunity to score points with the colonia residents go by. In his Facebook account he posted numerous pictures, many featuring his candidate daughter.
Due to her previous work and volunteering with the children and residents of the colonia, Begum enjoys wide support there. Therefore, Ernie's push for his daughter is centered here as he tries to whittle that support or at least negate it.
"They were out there giving away chicken plates," said a local colonia critic of the Hernandezs. "Why aren't they out there trying to fix the streets and the stagnant resaca that smells like hell because it is stagnant and full of trash and used appliances. If you need a water heater, a shopping cart, or any other appliance, it's in there."
When John Wood – a Hernandez ally – was running for count judge, the same person asked him what he was going to do about the badly-polluted resaca and got a nonresponse from Wood.
"He said he didn't know anythng about it," said the man. "Now instead of giving awy chicken trying to attract the vote for his daughter he ought to do something about the resaca."
However, many residents aren't holding their breath for Ernie to come to the rescue unless there is something in it for him, or for Erin.
"Once the eelctions are over, that's the last we'll see of them here," said a woman passing by the center. "John Wood used to be our commissioner and what did he do?"
Cameron County Park and Recreation Policy "B. There shall be no political affiliated functions or signs on park premises at any time." from what i understand not even them wearing Pins would make it a political event
Yo Vivo en Cameron Park y desde que entro la seƱora kramer al Centro Cultural no nos permiten ir como antes a hacer nuestras reuniones, ni tienen Los programas para nuestros hijos que habia antes, y siempre nos han dicho que no se pueden hacer cosas politicas, y ahora vinieron todos Los politicos a traernos de comer y a presentarse con nosotros, a nosotros lo unico que nos interesa es que podamos hacer uso de nuestro centro de reunion otra ves, todos ellos tienen sus clubs y este era el nuestro
It's not political at all. Ernie and Erin just want to give back! Geez!
ps: I think Erin is a hottie!
"Yet, here was the commisisoner, with daughter Erin in tow ",
Why is Ernie Hernandez always introduced into an article regarding his daughter with the wording " Erin in tow"? Is Ernie a tugboat or what?
And speaking of tugboats, how about the harbormaster? Good deal Lucille!!
Was Linda Dragustinovis there? She and the cheezers now support Erin Hernandez since Erin started contributing to cheezmeh.
Did Ernie put a sign at the Cameron Park Community Center that says "Ernie was Here". He is a louse and reflects the old Cameron County Dumbokratic antics of Ray Ramon, Gilbert Hinojosa, Conrado Cantu and Able Limas. Ernie serves himself first, his family second and serves the public only if that service supports him or his family.
"Erin in tow" is appropriate. Barges do not have their own engines and must be towed.
I have lived in Cameron Park for over thirty-five years. I've personally have seen the changes that the resaca has gone through. My biggest concern at this point, is that our resaca is not connected to the drainage. What happens to our yards when we are hit with a strong storm or a hurricane? The water floods our yards. It is a health hazard. This resaca is polluted with all kinds of waist. Once the resaca reaches it's flooding point, they will have to let it flow into other resaca. That will contaminate all the other resacas, besides contaminating all the yards, of those who live along the resaca. I would like to see something done be fore it's to late.
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