True to form for Democrat congressional hopefuls and incumbents, Cameron County Armando Villalobos is perilously walking the "I will run" "I will not run" for District 27 fence as he simultaneously announces through his candidacy consultants' office and denies he authorized the invitation's release.
Reminiscent of U.S. Rep. Solomon Ortiz's double-talk on his travels on the lobbyists' nickel before he was ousted by a tired public, Villalobos now insists he has not declared himself a candidate for office a year and one month before his term as DA ends, which would force him to resign under Texas law.
The matter was brought to light by the indefatigable Emma Perez-TreviƱo, who has single-handedly given the local daily any semblance of credibility in a banner article printed today.
Although the invitations to the Herald were sent twice – Nov. 23 and Nov. 27 – Villalobos said the fact that the vent was on Dec. 8 placed him outside the resignation kill zone.

Now, if Villalobos – as the county's top law enforcement officer – is capable of such self-serving contortions to salvage his political aspirations – then what can we expect of him when complaints about politiqueras harvesting the votes of the elderly, campaign abuses, voter fraud, and the like arrive at his office?
This is about par for the course in Cameron County.
You will remember that John Wood, while holding the office of Pct. 2 commissioner, also didn't declare his candidacy for county judge even though he had vaguely -worded signs all over the county announcing his candidacy for "something."
When complaints arose about this tactic of getting around the law, Villalobos did nothing.
And now that the current Pct. 2 commissioner Ernie Hernandez is using the Centro Cultural of Cameron Park for blatant political gatherings while colonia residents aren't allowed to hold organizational meetings, where is Mando on enforcing the rules?
And what about the politicking being done by current DA employees running for Armando's position despite the stated policy of that office that anyone running for DA must take a leave of absence at least six months before the election so as not to taint the dispensation of justice through favors to local attorneys and litigants?
Really, ask yourself, how can Mando enforce his rules when he is too busy skirting the law?
A classic dumb Cameron County elected official. What a shame. and we elected this bas--ard!!!
Villalobos obviously isn't confident that he can win and is opting to wait until the last minute to, as Herman Cain is saying, to reassess his campaign. Villalobos needs his salary as DA. He doesn't have a campaign that can support him for a year. This also reflects that people are hesitant to give money to a candidate who is hesitant to run. Villalobos can't make a living as an attorney and seeks to stay on the public tit.
Once again,did Marty Cramer violate the Cameron County Parks & Recreation Policy of allowing a politically affliated function to take place? If indeed the policy exists and prohibits this type of functions to take place, shouldn't county officials be asking for her resignation or at the very least reprimanding her? Why aren't the Cameron Park residents requesting this matter be looked into?
I have lived in Cameron Park for 20+ years i have attempted to get in contact with Mr. Mendez or Mr. Vega no response via e-mail and they were unavailable to talk when i called their office. So who is running the parks department then?? Also so why vote for Villalobos when he doesn't even know whats happening with his own campaign shouldn't does by warning signs to all of us that he isn't fit for the office.
Whoops! His committee collected and spent money over the candidacy threshold. The question of "Did he announce, or not?" is now moot.
He unelected himself. Game,set,match.
What a fucking idiot! I am so sick of these "people" who try to see not how close to the line they can walk, but how far over the line they can roam.
It is now up to the County Commission to select an interim D.A.
Now, go stick that in your Quo Warranto pipe and smoke it.
The only questions I have are as follows: Does he move his own stuff out, or does County Public Works do it and how long does he have to physically vacate the premises?
It is simple. I like simple.
Buh-bye thieving, corrupt dickweed!
a villlobos is the cream of the crop or crap i should say with all these incidents does cameron county really want this joker or weasel to reprentsent us in Congress? oh yea he would fit right in as a weasel so did he resign immediately when he sent out the invites o not? mando pack ur bags baby its going to be a long year 2012 meryy christmaas and happy new year 2012
Armando Villalobos is so confident that he can win? He sent his power hungry control freak manager to Washington to scout for an office? The only blessing that if he does win that he will take that PHCF with him. Emma, you need to investigate how many people have quit or were fired because of that C@#&! This is the kind of people that Armando Villalobos likes in his camp. I am willing to bet that the C@#& was sent on company time. The C@#& has been known to take time off whenever she wants and he doesn't even question it? The only plus will be that Armando Villalobos wins, she is out of the office. Celebration time for the DA Office! Its like that other wanna be blond paralegal assigned to the 107th called, "ditzy M." On company time, she is always doing something for Manndo, and no one is allowed to say anything about it. Word is that she cost the office some money and her ADA's have to do all the work. Yet, she is still employed because she is Manndo's puppy. Armando Villalobos wasn't even at the closing arguments on that Mexican Mafia for he was out politicking. I just wonder if Letter G will be him or his close friend, Oscar De La Fuente? Remember, Longoria was a runner or flonque of De La Fuente? Did Longoria give him up? Everyone in the DA office knows that Armando Villalobos gave De La Fuente SWEET deals and that he had an open door to that office. I wonder if De La Fuente will give Armando Villalobos up? If indeed, he is Letter G?
looks like armando announced before o no until after the required days? after so now he can keeps his da salary for one more year que bueno mando, te salvastes learning the ropes for congress job already right?
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