While all the attention is focused on the continuing drama at the Brownsville Independent School District, the TSC separation from the voracious UT System, the ineptness at the City of Brownsville, and the internecine feeding frenzy at Cameron County, the spotlight is off another entity that has gone under the radar.
But what would people say if they found out that one of the portly Brownsville Navigation District commissioners has spent over $100,000 chasing the cruise ship mirage as have at least two others in past administrations, all to no avail?
How about if they found out that its supervisors and commissioners meet at local pubs to "discuss potential port business" and rack up hundreds of dollars in expenses one sitting?
Or that its chairman is content to partake of the port largess and cover the tracks of his brother-in-law's stevedore firm which is racking up a dismal death and injury record at his shop.
And that all this while it continues to dish out millions (a la Bridge to Nowhere) for a Dock 16 that has only the dirt at the site to show for years of spending.
Yes, folks, it's the (deja vu) Saga of the Port of Brownsville all over again. If you thought the lavish lifestyle of the commissioners and the indiscreet spending of taxpayer funds on pet projects was a thing of the past, guess what? Theyrrrre back!
If we're to assess the performance of Port Director Eddie Campirano based on his tenure at the Texas Southmost College Board trustee while Juliet Garcia ran amok milking the resources of the college district and handing them over to her bosses at the UT System, it is easy to see that his role is that of caretaker to maintainthe status quo.
With Garcia's son-in-law Herman Rico as Port Marketing Director, Campirano's daughter Marisa Campirano as Director for UTB-TSC's Alumni and Annual Fund, and Eddie Jr. placed as Conservation and Energy Efficiency Coordinator at PUB where his dad used to be the assistant manager, it is obvious that the fix is in.
One hand, as the saying goes, washes the other.And what can you expect from the commissioners there?
Where's Martin Arambula, whose claim to fame is that he was Solomon Ortiz's manager for a port security firm until the heat got so bad that the former congressman had to divest his interests in the enterprise? You see, while Ortiz and his admin assistant Lencho Rendon were fighting for Homeland Security dollars, the results were directly benefiting their security company which held lucrative contracts with firms at the Port of Brownsville and Corpus Christi.
And what about Masso, who was there when the deal was done and Dannenbaum Engineering was let off the $21 million hook for its role in the sleight-of-hand in the Bridge to Nowhere?
And what of chairman John Reed, who seems more interested in putting out brush fires for Gulf Stream Marine, his brother-in-law Mark Hoskin's firm that has racked up a macabre fatality accident rate over at the Golden Ditch? What has he done to straighten out the listing ship?
"And we thought that the port had bene chastised by the coverage of the missing $21 million," said a newspaper writer recently. "It looks like they're back to their bad old ways."
Adn now the question at the top: who's watching the port?
The assistant harbor master is watching over the port at $70,000 with absolutely no experience by the way she is 24 years old and was kick out of the coastguard and this job used to pay $24,000 and that person had 15 years experience. This is one example of Eddie and Jhon Reed spending our money.
We might ask that of all local governments; "Who is watching the store." Doesn't seem like there is any leadership and presence of officials. At least Pat Ahumada turned out to most events to promote himself....the current commission seems to be a no-show for all events. At least they could draw straws or establish a "duty roster" to make sure the commission is represented at public functions. We are a rudderless ship, sitting and waiting for the winds of fate (not leadership) to propel us. Sad state of affairs.
The port is out of control, why isn't the local media picking up on this if it is true we know that Eddie is out of control hiring people at high salaries 50% more than those salaries used to be. I see them eating at the pampa restaurant spending $200 $300 dollars and it is usually Eddie,Jhon Reed and Ralph Cowen. I heard that we the taxpayers are paying for this. If they are they should be arrested like Mike Gonzalez that used tax money for his personal use.
Is this Ralph Cowen the same guy that was a scholar last week?? Let's get him Jhon Reed out of office we already have a 21million dollars bridge to no where. What's wrong with this community? Maybe we need Peter Zavaleta back to straighten this assholes.
Where is Arambula we know he beats up his x wife
Sent Eddie back to P.U.B. Who brought him? Martin Arambula at$150000 wow!
the money spent to wine and dine Ralph & Co fat asses could have been spent building a dock for cruise ships. Short cruises to Tampico, Veracruz, Cancun is not a bad idea. Even the "railroad to nowhere" was not a bad idea, just implemented by corrupt, inept politicos like Lucio. . . . the port is about 40 years behind times with zero leadership. . . . .
When you have a cowen involved you can expect a used car salesman mentally. all cowens live off the public tit. like the lucios they can not make a living by hard work...wonder what evidence cowen and reed will leave behind. p.s. when ed compianro is in the mix, expect more public corruption
The answer is not many. For example, Ralf Cowen was promoting the Port as a base for a cruise vessel so he could profit from the support suppliers. He got the commissioners to approve $25000 for a feasibility study. This was accompanied by a piece in the Herald. We never heard anything about the study, but it turns out that a report was delivered with the conclusion that the idea of hosting a cruise ship was not economically feasible for many reasons. This report has never been published by the Port, presumably because of the embarrassment it would cause Mr. Cowen and the commissioners in general.
This is just one example of mismanagement and sell dealing by Port authorities. There are other, much bigger ones.
What about the cruise ship report they spent $25,000 on? Where is it?
The answer is not many. For example, Ralf Cowen was promoting the Port as a base for a cruise vessel so he could profit from the support suppliers. He got the commissioners to approve $25000 for a feasibility study. This was accompanied by a piece in the Herald. We never heard anything about the study, but it turns out that a report was delivered with the conclusion that the idea of hosting a cruise ship was not economically feasible for many reasons. This report has never been published by the Port, presumably because of the embarrassment it would cause Mr. Cowen and the commissioners in general.
This is just one example of mismanagement and sell dealing by Port authorities. There are other, much bigger ones.
The answer is not many. For example, Ralf Cowen was promoting the Port as a base for a cruise vessel so he could profit from the support suppliers. He got the commissioners to approve $25000 for a feasibility study. This was accompanied by a piece in the Herald. We never heard anything about the study, but it turns out that a report was delivered with the conclusion that the idea of hosting a cruise ship was not economically feasible for many reasons. This report has never been published by the Port, presumably because of the embarrassment it would cause Mr. Cowen and the commissioners in general.
This is just one example of mismanagement and sell dealing by Port authorities. There are other, much bigger ones.
The answer is not many. For example, Ralf Cowen was promoting the Port as a base for a cruise vessel so he could profit from the support suppliers. He got the commissioners to approve $25000 for a feasibility study. This was accompanied by a piece in the Herald. We never heard anything about the study, but it turns out that a report was delivered with the conclusion that the idea of hosting a cruise ship was not economically feasible for many reasons. This report has never been published by the Port, presumably because of the embarrassment it would cause Mr. Cowen and the commissioners in general.
This is just one example of mismanagement and sell dealing by Port authorities. There are other, much bigger ones.
anon of November 22, 2011 4:05 PM
"...The port is out of control, why isn't the local media picking up on this if it is true we know that Eddie is out of control hiring people at high salaries 50% more than those salaries used to be..."
JM, if you will do a property search for Cowen you will find out that he or his brother own property near the navigation district. He (they) stand to profit enormously if any of the Cowen proposals are adopted by the board. Check it out.
anon of November 22, 2011 4:40 PM said
"... we already have a 21million dollars bridge to no where. What's wrong with this community? Maybe we need Peter Zavaleta back to straighten this assholes..."
The people in control of this community are
Do tell, do tell. We are all ears!
The Port's fine...tax rate declining, ships in port, and lots of people working there.
Cowen owns 105 acres next to Port in P I and needs a new road passway and bridge ! !
Guess who will pay ? ?
Now we found where the bridge to nowhere will go...to Cowen 's property ! !
Happy Thanksgiving.
Is there an institution out there that you mother fuckers don't bitch about. I am sure that all you whiners think that you can do a better job then the elected officials who have the balls to run for public office. But instead you cowardly and anonymously disparage and teardown those who have the courage to serve. This is the reason why big business refuses to come to Brownsville. You know assholes there is more to life than going to Winks and getting shit faced.
Javier S you obviously are a democRAT for defending your crony corrupt friends!!!!!!!!!!!
Tax rates declining we shouldn't be taxed - remember we threw $21m away on a bridge to nowhere.
I am defending my community from pieces of shit like you pendejo who do not have the balls to put their name on your stupid opinions.
Javier, it does'nt talk balls to run for public office my friend, it takes self motivaion and greed. Do not be confused. Very few elected officials local and state wide did not run becuase they have balls, they ran because they saw an opportunity....at public expense. Who are you defending?
ok la vaca went dry at tsc-utb so eddie had to go to another cash cow and start milking it. cowen, red and all these other guys live off the public titties thats the way it is and that what they teach their kids and grandkids, just ask eddie, see how well this kids are in good paying positions now. right gramdpa eddie?
Campirano was put in by Juliet Garcia, who controls the Herald. That's why the Herald forget we have a port.
Javier Siera is Ralf COWEN and ur an ass hole ,like Eddie and John Reed
Javier COWEN we know you work for the Cowens
Letter (G) came out could it be someone from the port or an x employee? Wondering.when does carlos garcia start working at the port .
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