Wednesday, December 21, 2011


By Juan Montoya
for the last 20 years that we have known Denise Blanchard, we never knew (and she never let us know) that her maiden name was Saenz.
Now, as she makes a run for the Democratic nomination for the Congressional District 27 race in the party's primary, she is saying that it's her "passion" that is driving her to join the fray. Now, suddenly, she touts her Latin ethnicity and remembers that her dad was a long-time cop in the city and that her family (on the Saenz side) taught her the values he needs to achieve her goals.
We ran into Denise at the VFW Hall in Brownsville and listened to her spiel about being for job creation, turning the economy around, veterans’ affairs and homeland security. And we also asked her if her former boss – Solomon Ortiz – was supporting her bid.
"He is not supporting me," she said, apparently distancing herself from Ortiz who was defeated in South Texas (of all places) by Republican Blake Farenthold. She now says she considers him part of a "machine."
We find this very hard to believe, and even harder still that she is stressing her devotion to public service as the driving force behind her bid for congress.
We remember the Denise Blanchard of the previous two decades: uppity, unapproachable, and distant. When questions arose about her boss' jaunts to all parts of the globe on the lobbyists' nickel, she would be evasive, putting off the reporter's questions and sometimes not even getting back to you.
When the news reports of Ortiz and his administrative assistant Lencho Rendon's involvement in the disappearance of $21 million in the Port of Brownsville's infamous Bridge to Nowhere, it was all media people could do to get anything out of Denise. In fact, we got nothing.
She was, a good foil for Ortiz at the expense of the truth getting to the people.
She also wants to come across as an outsider and claims she has no money to run a congressional campaign but is counting on the grassroots support she will garner to prove the "cynics" wrong, she says to anyone who will hear her.
And if winning makes her the first Latina member of Congress in South Texas, it would be a “secondary effect” of winning, she told Steve Taylor of Rio Grande Guardian.
“Really, we are all created equal. It is about what you are willing to do with your life. Are you are willing to give of yourself. You have computer experts, medical people. Everyone has a calling in life. I have always had something in my heart that has pulled for me to be concerned, to be caring towards other people,” Saenz Blanchard told Taylor. "I believe now, it was just my calling,” she said.
Blanchard for Solomon for 20 years. When Ortiz was rejected by the voters, he said she planned to retire. Now she claims the desire to help others won out over retirement and she set up a consultancy business to help the small communities of South Texas.
“I could move anywhere in the world. I do not have a dog, a cat, a parakeet, not even goldfish. I can literally pick up and move anywhere I want. But, there is so much need here. I was ready to retire and go off and do my own thing but I saw the need,” Saenz Blanchard said.
Even though Ortiz paid lip service to veterans, each year dutifully introducing  a bill to build a Veterans Administration hospital to service veterans, the introduction got to be a cynical ritual because the effort never got past that, just the introduction.
Blanchard now says that veterans’ issues are a key issue for her and admitted that even though she didn't know much about veterans' needs when she first started working for Solomon, she now considers herself "something of an expert" on the plight of many South Texas veterans and the benefits they are entitled to but often do not receive. 
And although she has never in her professional life, or while working for Ortiz, used her father's name, she now says she wants to honor him during her campaign in Hispanic South Texas.
"I want to reflect that and honor my Dad for the person he helped me to become. It is honor. That is why I am including Saenz in my name, I am honoring my father.”
Yeah, Denise. Right.


Anonymous said...

She needs a job. If she is stating that Ortiz is not supporting her, shouldnt that tell you something? And how would she know, unless she asked him for support & he turned her down. What does he know that we don't. Blanchard is about as partisan as you can get, & it will be like it always has been...what's in it for me? As to living anywhere, uh huh...

Anonymous said...

same shit different person puro talk talk talk no action lets see 20 yrs in disservice to the region and now she wants more u got to be kidding mejor a villalobos

Anonymous said...

Solomon not supporting Denise?

Really? Kinda like:

"The check's in the mail.'

"There was only one shooter in Dallas."

"Anna Nicole married for love."

Anonymous said...

Wasn't Denise a teacher? It has never been a secret that her maiden name is Saenz or that her family has been in law enforcement. Is she still married to her high school sweetheart? I don't know if her intentions are genuine or self serving like so many others before her, but at least give her a chance to show us what she's about before you start dumping all over her.

Anonymous said...

otra rata. always supporting a do nothing, mamon

Anonymous said...

OMG mas leftover MIERDA de SOLOMAMON ORTIZ. This woman was right along he side while ORTIZ STOLE from the tax payers AND SAID NOTHING. I guess she misses the GRAVY TRAIN!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

What a poor canidate for congress. What does she bring to the table? She is cold and could careless about anyone but her self and the old Ortiz network....

Anonymous said...

What does she have to offer? She was arrogant and stuck up now she is being humble? Por Favor these people cannot leave the tit.

Anonymous said...

Yeah ....Right!

Anonymous said...

Here you go again Juan. Denise has the balls to run for office and the first thing you do is to try to bring her down. Give her a chance deadbeat. You didn't see her lingering in the County Jail for not paying her child support. No vales verga deadbeat.

Anonymous said...

Blanchard is a pretty pendeja..... pero mas pendeja que pretty

Anonymous said...

the last thing we need is more uppity malinches...

Anonymous said...

Translation: I haven't been able to find a job so I'll follow my former boss' path. After all, it worked for him for 20 years, was unaccountable and wined and dined without shame. Hey, a girl has to have high aspirations. Maybe I can do it too.

Anonymous said...

Vieja pedora.

Anonymous said...

better than Mando

Anonymous said...

Fuck Jokl! That Jew rat will back any democRATA that'll suck his circumcized dick. Jokl is sill hurting from Johnny boy's whipping.

Anonymous said...

Hey! Juan's right on on this call! No! We don't have to give her a chance. The new guy has been accessible from day one and his door is always open. This is something that we need down here. Now she's tooten her ethnicity! She will soon be like all the others, just another hyphenated bitch! No thank you, keep up the good work Juan, no te dejes!

Anonymous said...

im hispanic vote for me? ya no so blanchard. denise remeber how you mistreated all the voters when you worked for salamamon? i dont think these same voters will like that either and im sure they will rememebr you. now you are a Saenz are you related to luis saenz? watch out otra democRAT. i need a job and cant get one in the Real world.

Anonymous said...

Pinche bola de mamones and mamonas!

Anonymous said...

vieja mamona, now she is Saenz....please!!
