Tuesday, December 27, 2011


By Juan Montoya
What if they had a fire and nobody went?
That totally intolerable situation developed over the weekend when Brownsville Fire Station Number Two at at 536 West Saint Charles Street was left unmanned Saturday afternoon.
Brownsville Fire Chief Lenny Perez said too many Brownsville firefighters (a source said there were 10 firefighters) called in sick.
As a result, Perez said that he had to move firefighters from that location to make up for the lack of firefighters at other stations.
Unmindful of exposing the residents of that populous neighborhood to danger, Perez and his assistant chiefs decided to abandon that station to provide fire protection elsewhere in the city.A firefighter who asked not to be identified for fear of reprisals said that the so-called Blue Flu came about as a result of the recent decision by the city administration to eliminate overtime for firefighters. Not only did some call in sick, but others also refused to man the stations because they would not be paid for the extra time they were required to stay during the holiday.
In response to the anonymous firefighter who complained that citizens in the area were exposed to danger,
Perez responded by saying firefighters should not be complaining.
"This is their own doing," he said, apparently forgetting that he and the firefighters union have been at loggerheads over the overtime issue and the "me too" clause that says the city should compensate firefighters and police when a contract with either compensates them more than the other for their services.
The station was reported open and fully manned after the Christmas holiday.


Anonymous said...

We sure hear a lot about firemen as first responders and protecters of the public. The Brownsville firemen who "called in sick" make it clear that self-interest comes before service to the public. For some reason, firemen and police in recent years seem more like our members of Congress and the State Legislature.....who ask the citizens to tighten their belts, while they continue to act greedy and fill their pockets with tax dollars. We should commend the Fire Chief for consolidating forces in a situation purely caused by the greedy firemen. And, they don't have the huevos to do anything but call in sick. So, now the Brownsville Fire Department motto should be "When the going gets tough, call in sick." Just a bunch of whiney little girls.

Anonymous said...

Put those ten fireman on permanent blue flu leave without pay I am sure there are thousnands of healthy Brownsville yout willing to take those jobs for far less. Fuck them.

Anonymous said...

Firefighters are compensated time and a half when the call in sick on a holiday. What incentive do they have to go to work? Then you see photos of them partying all over FB when they call in sick. Marco Longoria suddenly gets his job back when at the same the the commissioners approve a new contract. hmmmmm. I'm sure it was part of the contract.

Anonymous said...

I don't give a fuck who gets what, or if they party or not, or get paid overtime. LEAVING A STATION UNATTENDED WAS WRONG!!! The fact of the matter is that Lenny Perez does not have the HUEVOS needed to run this Dept. Period!
It is very likely that during Holidays people "would want to call in sick"....So why not make it a rule just like any other job: If you do not come in to work on the Holiday you are already scheduled, you will NOT GET PAID THE DAY BEFORE, THE DAY IN QUESTION, AND THE DAY AFTER...See how many miss three days, with one of those being double time???

Anonymous said...

The guys are a bunch of cry babies and if they don't have it like they want ...just cry and cry.

They work 3 / 4 days sleep exercise or play basketball all day and demand overtime since they have to be away from family...

Fire the 10 crybabies hire 20 new people pay no overtime for a year and see if the City saves money or has more crybabies !

Then start with the Police Department and see if crime drops .

Wake up Brownsville residents we pay too much too excess overtime to the so called public servants.

Anonymous said...

(a source said there were 10 firefighters) called in sick.)

That evening Dallas lost to the Phillie Eagles. I'm sure if the "boys" woulda won, ...........

Anonymous said...

Anon of 1:29 PM nailed it. Self-interest has always comes first ahead of service. Much like our politicians, very few are in it because they really care and have a desire to help the people. It's the "me first and fuck the rest of you" mentality. Just another brick in the wall.

Anonymous said...

Fortunately, nobody missed them while they were on strike.

There is no excuse for a fireman to be paid overtime, unless their is one hellova big assed fire. Hire more firefighters, and reduce them all to 25 hour work weeks, if they call in sick too much.

Just good management, that's all. I applaud city managements efforts to stop overtime abuse by our firefighters, and their "me too" jealousy's.

Anonymous said...

Wow, something is wrong in Brownsville, get rid of Len Peres, and the fucking union.

Anonymous said...

The city has been screwing over the Union (bargaining in bad faith) for years! No one even dimly aware of Lenny's dubious record doubts his total incompetence. Firefighters make about what teachers do. For that pittance, they risk their lives willingly in the service of others. Sure there are lots of people who would take those jobs, just lower the training standards and keep morons like Lenny in office; then watch the city burn!

Anonymous said...

Do not blame the union for the incompetence of Mr Lenny Perez...
