A local urban myth surrounding the late President Lyndon B. Johnson and his visit to the Harlingen Air Force Base after he took office in 1963, has him visiting that airfield that later would become the Valley International Regional Airport and spotting a white hearse with a coffin with his likeness parked at the end of the runway.
Within 12 months, the myth continues, the air base was closed, cutting the local economy in half.
Whether there's any truth to the myth is for people to believe or not, but something similar is going on with the sudden announcement coming from the ivory tower owned by UT-Brownsville President Juliet Garcia and her Probost Alan Artibise.
In one fell swoop, a baseball program that was begun under TSC was cut off from funds.
Their justification? That once the UTB and Texas Southmost College separation in 2015 takes place, the student population at UTB will dwindle to the point that thebaseball program is no longer fiscally justifiable.
Not only did Garica and her underlings undertake that move unilaterally. They didn't even notify TSC president Lily Tercero, the players, or any of the TSC trustees before they issued their fiat.
In fact, even the baseball coach was left out of the loop. The UTB bunch blamed it on the fact that TSC had opted to go its way as a community college alone instead of playing second fiddle to Juliet's UT System.
"Expect more such moves from that bunch," said one of the people attending the 85th TSC Anniversary celebration on Wednesday. "They are going to visit pain and sorrow on anyone they can and then blame the trustees on the TSC board for voting for the separation. They don't care who they hurt as long as they can blame TSC."
Others see the move as a way to prepare for the upcoming trustee elections where the two UTB stooges David Oliveira and Robert Robles will not be candidates. It would suit Garcia to no end if the voters could be swayed to elect another two of her puppets to muddy the water for the fledgling community college as it seeks to reinvent itself after years of being in the shadow of and subsidizing the giant university who sucked its lifeblood dry.
"The baseball program is just the first of more bombshells that that bunch have in mind to stymie the progress of the junior college and regain control of that taxing entity," said our source. "Remember, they have a good three years before the separation becomes final. There will be at least two elections before then. They have not quit this war."
Any comparison of Garcia and her minions , and Presas-Garcia and her minions is purely coincidental....Is it not??
Li'l Bobby Robles and David Oliviera are hippocrites....they fail to attend TSC meetings, but they show up with bells on for graduation ceremonies. They are Queen Scorpiana's dwarfs....they are not loyal to the community that elected them, they are members of Juliet's "Committee" and would cut the community throat to protect her. They have proven their lack of credibility and the sooner they are off the TSC board, the better off the community will be.
Wow she looks like the wicked witch of the west from the movie the wizard of OZ in this picture yikes
is that the picture of the joker from the movie batman or is it julieta la queena de UTB?
pretty big nose there brown noser julieta
Montoya said "...They don't care who they hurt as long as they can blame TSC." These are typical cynical actions of democRATAS. How much longer can this community continue to vote for democRATAS. DemocRATAS have destroyed our education system, killed our precious unborn citizens, our family units, our judicial system, medical system, our Constitution, for that matter the ENTIRE COUNTRY.
Wake up patriot AMERICANS let's save America.
OMG BOO la santa murete or what?
Dear Santa: I've been extra good this year. My mommy says I don't have to wear diapers anymore. All I ask this year is for the removal of Juliet Garcia from UTB. Is this too much Santa?
In return I promise to be good and make my bed and give you a big hug!
Please think about it Mr. Santa.
Perrito, I mean Pedrito
Down with the queen of utb
They were loosers god for them.
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