Thursday, December 22, 2011


By Juan Montoya

Once again Precinct 2 Cameron County Commissioner with his JP daughter candidate Erin in tow is playing Santa Claus in Cameron Park with Other People's Money.
Today, at the Cameron Park Centro Cultural that has been made off limits to colonia residents for community organizational meetings (and no politics, mind you), Ernie and other political wannabes (including Erin) will distribute gifts and eats using county employees and resources to portray themselves as the Benefactors of the People.
During the last month, Hernandez has been asking local businesses and individuals to pitch in to make this Christmas just a little better for our less unfortunate brothers of the colonia. We don't know how much he has garnered, but whatever the amount may be we're sure there will be enough toys for photo opportunities for himself and for Erin in her run against her opponents to the JP position left vacant when Tony Torres passed away and Kip Van Hodge was appointed by the commissioners on the condition he did not run this year.
The Hernandezes (even though Erin goes by the name Garcia to confuse the uninitiated) have let everyone know they are leaving nothing to chance in Erin's race when they demanded (and received) the petitions and signatures of 700 registered voters in her bid for the same position Erin is seeking.
Now, the 700 signatures were some 200 more than were required by the Democratic party, but leaving nothing to chance, Begum went ahead and paid the $1,300 fee rather than have the signatures challenged by the Hernandez camp.
Begum, a first-time candidate in politics, asked several of her friends whether other candidates were entitled to have access to the names (and addresses and voter ID numbers) of her supporters. It kind of reminds us of the quote by U.S. statesman Henry L. Stimson when the operatives of the CIA's precursor wanted to intercept the mail of other nations' ambassadors and he replied that "Gentlemen don't read each others mail."
Well, those days are gone forever. Nowadays one can't even speak on the phone or send an email or get around Jim Barton or Jerry McHale without it getting out on the blogosphere.
What the Hernandez camp will do with the signatures is anybody's guess, but we've heard that they have already approached several people in Cameron Park who have stated their support for Begum trying to convince them to switch to Erin. How successful they will be is yet to be seen.
Getting back to the Hernandez love fest at the Centro, many colonia residents resent the fact that Hernandez and the center's director can prohibit the use of the community building for political functions of the people, but see no contradiction in the obvious perversion of their policy when it comes to pushing the candidacy of the commissioner's progeny.
Beware of politicians bearing gifts.


Anonymous said...

Ernie is out playing politics with tax dollars and fails to spend those tax dollars for needed projects. I have lived in Precinct 2 for twenty years and my street has never been re-paved and pot holes seldom filled. Instead of picking up brush, the County puts in a "Do Not Dump" sign and that brush pile has been there for at least five years. We don't live in a "colonia" but we are still treated as "second class" citizens. While John Wood and now, Ernie Hernandez pander to Cameron Park, our neighborhood has gone without County services and infrastructure up-grades.

Diogenes said...

Here we go again.....What is wrong with this picture? Cameron Park residents are not allowed to use the center for organizational meetings but Ernie is allowed to have political events disguised as "being charitable to the poor". Everyone can see through this fiasco. Where is Marty Cramer when it come to curtailing this type of sheningans. No matter how well they are disguised, don't events of this nature sponsored by politicians and political candidates violate the Cameron County Parks & Recreation Policy of allowing a politically affliated function to take place?

Anonymous said...

This bastard (HERNANDEZ) needs to be investigated for all of this. Wasnt there a big stink made about of the center being used for political purposes or allowing candidates to campaign for office at this location. Omar Lucio and Armando (Inefficient D.A.) Villalobos where are you both? Why arent you out there investigating this crime? Its called abuse of office. And to use county employees for all this? If his daughter Erin is there campaining then this becomes a political rally and not a county sponsored event. Maybe the other candidates should also show up and campaign for this office since its a public event. And just to give you a heads up it becomes a crime when you do this as a political event and you do not report this on your financial report even if its a campaign contribution. Trust me, I will be looking at this and have contacted The Secretary of State in Austin about this issue. I am so sick of the elected officials in Cameron County who think that just because they are elected officials they are above the law. Buddies, this aint Mexico and it is not Duval County. I am also so sick of the Hernandez Family thinking that they can do whatever they want and get away with it. Erin, this is part of politics and if you cant handle it then dont run. Lets just wait and see if your parents arent indicted for perjury or abuse of office with all of this politicking on county time or for lying on the affidavit reports for the vending company with and the contract with the county.

Anonymous said...

Bolaaaa de democRatas! These Hernandezes are not sincere! It's all about Erin trying to acquire votes! Enough is enough!!!

Anonymous said...

Bola de ratas!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes beware of these desgraciados!!!! Sin verguenzas!!!

Anonymous said...

El Ernie y la Erin son puro PEDO.

Castillo said...


Anonymous said...

Say what you will, Erin is still the most qualified candidate for the office. Do you want your case in the hands of a judge who is not English proficient? I Don't. Erin, maybe you should distance yourself from your father. I am just tired of when reading about you, somehow a reference is. Always made to your father. I don't want to read about your father, I want to read about you.

Anonymous said...

caca mas bien not pedo

Anonymous said...

The majority of these posts were written by Carlos Cascos.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with anonymous at 12:30 a.m., the one running for office is ERIN not ERNIE...She is very much qualified for this position and has the education to back it up. This election is about Erin not Ernie. Of all of the candidates running Yolanda Teran Begum is the LEAST qualified of them all. Simply stated the woman has no education, no Law enforcement experience, certainly no legal experience and frankly does have a huge language barrier. Which all is fine, none of that makes Yolanda a bad person, it simply means that she would not make the best JP. The reality is that JP courts should have attorneys or persons with a certain degree of legal training to be the JP.

Anonymous said...

Why should Erin distance herself from you her father. Her father is her father. I live in precinct 2 and voted for Ernie and glad that i did. And i will vote for Erin, not because she is or isn't Ernie's daughter. I'm voting for her because she is very qualified for the position. John Wood never did shit for this precinct, hes just like Sophie Benavides, just there for the paycheck. Ernie has actually gotten things done in this precinct this year. I wish someone credible would run against Sophie Benavides, she does need to go.

Anonymous said...

Say what you will, Erin is still the most qualified candidate for the office.

I wish Erin would stop writing about herself!! It's too funny she admits her dad is an embarassment

Anonymous said...

Erin may be the best qualified candidate for the position but "the acorn doesn't fall far from the tree." With Ernie in the background heavens knows what type of underhanded deals will transpire. Let's face it, looking at this race objectively Ernie has mananged to manipulate the local electoral system with the help of politiqueras. He has not shown us much in the way of changing since he has been a politician. He will continue to be crooked and sleazy in his political posturing. Until recently caught red-handed he has been able to get away with his shenanigans.
With another Hernandez-Garcia in office things will not get any better. Sorry, just telling it like it is.

Anonymous said...

to Roman aka December 26, 2011 2:58 PM

give it up Roman Perez, man, the Eel Ernie and his daughter dumped you a long time ago. as they bailed on John Wood, you think they would support you against SOPHIA!!?? Sophia Benavides is a DEMOcRAT. You are NOTHING. You couldn't even beat Rick Longoria with Ernie's endorsement!! If you want to associate with Erin and Ernie, join the fucking democRATAS de DOS PATAS dude!!! Your making the Republicans in this town look like dumb fucks, loving on Hernandez those are the worst of the worst DemocRATAS little dude

Anonymous said...

This people are so ugly...they shouldn't even be on your blog's picture.
