By Juan Montoya
More than a year ago today (in fact a year last October), the scheme by UTB-TSC President Juliet Garcia, her minions and the UT System to dissolve the community college, hand over more than $200 million of its assets (real estate, buildings, and bank deposits) and anoint her lordship as queen over the unwashed masses of the district was thwarted by the board's majority.

And in return fro giving away the store, the long-suffering residents f the college district would have been saddled with the remaining $100 million in bond debt, swallow the $10 million of rent arrears owed TSC by the UT system, and have absolutely nothing to show in return aside from the burnt orange cowhead affixed to the buildings paid by the residents who have been supporting the community college for the past 85 years with their blood, sweat and tears.
The residents of this district owe these four a mountain of gratitude for facing up to the intense pressure of the powers that be supporting Garcia and her underlings, an unsavory task while others (like David Oliveira, Robert Robles and Robert Lozano) were content to sit back and facilitate the rape.

To his credit, Trey did not knuckle under and neither did the other three on the majority.
Instead, today from 5:30 to 7:30, the residents of the district are invited to attend the 85th Anniversary Celebration of Texas Southmost College at the Arts Center, 80 Ft. Brown, behind the Jacob Brown Auditorium.
Had everything goes the way the Juliet Garcia administration wanted it, TSC today may have been owned lock stock and barrel by the UT System, its president picked by the UT Regents, and all its resident would retain would be a cash-cow taxing entity known as TSC for the UT honchos to continue milking.

Then, a week later, same place, same station, an action item after executive session would have called for the adoption of the new and improved partnership.
And what a partnership it was to be. No longer would there be the pretense of local control of our community college. In fact, only three trustees (a minority) would have any say so in the selection of its president, with the final decision to be made by the bosses at Austin.
The administration fervently wanted to keep the details of the agreement under wraps until its was a done deal. TSC legal counsel Daniel Rentfro had been overheard warning anyone about releasing any detail of the partnership. Why?
"The new entity, UTB/TSC, is established by the Texas legislature as a new component of the University of Texas System," the partnership read.
"The partners contribute resources, including land, buildings, equipment, bank deposits, investments, and other assets to set up UTB/TSC, for the use and benefit of the new entity. UTB/TSC assumes the outstanding liabilities associated with these assets and the previous operations of UTB and TSC, except that UT System and TSC remain liable for its bond debt."
Between the lines, the $10 million in rent arrears that the UT System has incurred and has refused to pay the local taxpayer would be "a wash."
Then, there follow bombshell after bombshell.
* "Authority: The UT Board of Regents, as the managing partner will manage the business and affairs of UTB/TSC on behalf of the Partnership, except for (1) major organizational divisions which require consent of both partners, and (2) day to day operational decisions, which are vested in the administration of UTB/TSC.
"President: Selection and appointment of the President of UTB/TSC will be subject to and governed by state law, the UT Board of Regents and the Rules and Regulations, with a formal process that solicits the advice of members of the Board of Trustees, including discussions of the final candidates in a joint executive session. The formal process requires that the Presidential Selection Committee will include three members of the Board of Trustees. The president will be an employee of UTB/TSC and may be removed by the Board of Regents...
"Other Officers of UTB/TSC: The President may designate and remove other officers and assign them duties and powers as needed for the management of UTB/TSC.
Then, a few more goodies for Juliet.
Funding and Resources: "UTB/TSC will receive maintenance and operations tax revenue collected by the TSC District and not required for debt service. A portion of the tax revenue will be used for the TSC Board of Trustees Scholarships for students living in the TSC District."
We don't know how close we came to losing our beloved community college. Go to the Arts Center today and celebrate the fact that our trustees protected this invaluable community asset that has provided our poor people a step up in their personal and educational development and – thanks to them – will continue to do so for generations to come.
Thanks to them they made it HARDER for local students to get into a university. They DO NOT I repeat DO NOT care about our students. They ONLY care about THEMSELVES and which ELECTED OFFICE they can get they claws into. DO NOT I repeat DO NOT trust them; we've already seen how they can destroy a good partnership. They will cry it was about money owed, but that is just a smoke screen!!!!!!!!!!!
Yopu write "Almost a year ago (in fact last October"
It's December Juan. How about More than a yeara go? Do you read the shit you type?
These four fine folks did the right thing, even in the face of being vilified by the likes of you.
Thank God most people are not as willfully blind to the facts as the moron that wrote that first comment. He or she clearly hasn't been involved in all of this or he/she would not make such preposterous assertions!
Attacking the messenger AGAIN? What's wrong with you? If you do not agree with him, refute his arguments, pendejo!
@December 14, 2011 1:21 PM
"Yopu write "Almost a year ago (in fact last October""
YOPU, really? Do YOU read the shit you type? What a dumbass.
is Adela still sending you a check to write all this bullshit?
Thanks to the infamous 4 there will be no more "Scorpian Scholars". Que Triste..........
Thank you Adela, Rene, Trey and Kuko for killing the baseball program. Now my player son will have to transfer to a more viable institution. Whats next? Let's get rid of the nursing program. No valen verga estos cabrones. Let's get rid of these bozos.
scorpion scholars are for 4 year degrees pendejo. where do you work and where did you go to school since you're so bad ass.
To the first comment: ESAD.
Thank you.
........ and the end of the UTB-TSC Baseball. This is a direct result of the wonderful separation that has taken place. Who knows what else will be affected. Many people blame Dr. Garcia for this, but AGAIN this is a direct result of the "wonderful" separation that has taken place.
I don't believe thanks should be given for actions that we're done that were supposed to be done . They were elected to protect the college and and to do the right thing for our children .
I will thank them for bringing a real university with real standards to our great city.
I will do my best to vote these 4 individuals out when their term comes up. Especially Rene Torres who, to those of us who really know him, has always been a flunkie and now comes across with an air of intellectual superiority.
Like much of the "athletic program" on campus, the baseball program had more than its share of imported "ringers" brought in at enormous cost without concern for local needs. Good Riddance. Incidentally, these young people, while many of them try their best, received virtually no institutional support (check their GPA's---I have and their often dismal academic performs reflect their campus roles as "show ponies"). Put another way, like many UTB athletic programs, they exist for the institution's "image" and exploit ruthlessly the young people caught up in this nonsense. Their education is beside the point, or so it seems.
why are you blaming these 4 for the baseball program , if thats whats you want to called it. where is the ut system ,they cant lend us a buck or better yet pay what is owed.
i can see where the four have profited from their elected seat , yes elected seat,prease.. the only one who has profited from the whole higher education farse is the utb president
as for the rene hater, you are right, i know him and yes he is a flunkie. hard work persistence and balls pays off.not bad for a boy from filmore street, FY
Rene Torres no vale dick y se cabron.
Kiko Rendon me plea el pelon.
Trey Mendez "La Reyna" le gusta por el cajon.
Y que tienen en comun estos vatos ?
Son una bola de mamones!
Yea blame the four for stopping the rape apparently all the pendejos liked it. UT and La Reina took from the district, overcharged our kids of a mediocre education, Payed herself millions in the last 20 years, did not pay rent for years and you blame these guys for sticking up for you.. and they do it for free.. You people are messed up. Yes sir have your kid go find a viable university where he can actually get an education.
The truth is Baseball was cut because she is vindictive and she knows how much Rene cares for the sport. Unbelievable to see how she plays with peoples lives Juliet some day it will all catch up with you. You have destroyed lives and used people and students to do your dirty job. May god have compassion on you
To the 12/15/11 5:23 PM blogger:
Yes I concur Rene is a flunkie, continues to be a flunkie and in all probabilities will always be a flunkie. A monkey in a suit who is trained to push a few buttons IS STILL A MONKEY! No seas mamon(a)nobody runs for office "to help the people"; they do this to enrich themselves or to gain recognition as having achieved something to compensate for having been a worthless flunkie all his/her life.
Obviously you are still a flunkie. A mOnkey in a suit is still a monkey ,but it is a suit . You must be the crab of all crabs. The only difference between you and Robles is that Robles has the small balls to take a stand. You on the other hand hide like a little bitch not even in a suit
Karma is a bitch. It isn't over . Keep your eyes and ears open. Hell has no fury like a woman scorned. And this tasmanian she-devil will not stop until her last breath.
Being you know Robles has small balls, how did they taste in your mouth?
Fab 4? more like los cuatro PENDEJOS el Kiko parese vieja...Ahy joto cortate el chongo! No more Baseball!!!!!
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