Saturday, December 31, 2011


By Juan Montoya
It was a moment that would have made every true Texan with at least an elementary education wince.
In a campaign stop in Iowa, Texas governor and GOP presidential aspirant Rick Perry told a crowd that:
“Every barrel of oil that comes out of those sands in Canada   is a barrel of oil that we don’t have to buy from a foreign source,” Mr. Perry said in Clarinda, Iowa, earning a loud round of enthusiastic applause.
Later, the audience reacted again to Mr. Perry’s assertion that buying so   much energy from foreign countries is “not good policy, it’s not good politics   and frankly it’s un-American.”
And that's been about par for the course with the Guv who has produced a gaffe a minute almost from the moment he announced for the Republican nomination in August.
Remember these fine examples? Perry claimed there are eight justices on the U.S. Supreme Court, then flubbed the date of the New Hampshire primary and the legal voting age (21), and referred to North Korea’s late dictator Kim Jong il as “Kim Jong the Second.”
And how can we forget the famous “Oops!” debate moment, when Perry could not remember the third cabinet agency that he would abolish. (It was the U.S. Dept. of Energy.)
The insult to our Canuk friends came about this past Wednesday while talking about the need to build the Keystone Xl pipeline that would link Canada’s oil sands development in Alberta with the U.S. Gulf Coast.
“Every barrel of oil that comes out of...Canada is a barrel of oil we don’t have to buy from a foreign source,” Perry told the crowd.
Does he not know that Canada is a sovereign country?


Anonymous said...

At least he hasn't been in jail for failing to pay child support. At least he isn't a convicted drunk. You are the epidemy of a cyber politiquera.

Anonymous said...

Rick Perry continues to embarrass himself and the people of Texas during this campaign. "Texas Monthly" sort of puts the skewer in him in the recent edition. Makes us look like a state of idiots for electing this moron over and over. If he is an example of Aggie grads, lets hope we never have another Aggie Governor. Its almost like "rope a dope" waiting for his next babbling. He doesn't remember the 3 government agencies he will eliminate, he thinks the voting age is still one commentator said, "Perry makes George Bush look like a Rhodes Scholar". Perry is surely "all hat and no cattle".

Tony Garza said...

Easy to bitch assholes. Can you do better? Then shut up or have the balls to run for public office even if it is in a local election.

Anonymous said...

Jail for not paying child support is a debtors prison. Eliminating that is one of the reasons we fought the American Revolution.
