Wednesday, December 28, 2011


This sunset scene was taken from Central Boulevard looking toward the resaca on the Valley International County Club.
For many of us who grew up near that area, these scenes were a daily occurrence, especially in the late fall and early winter. Click on the picture for a full-screen view.


lo vi said...

This is the area where I saw a giant white eagle in 1971/72. It was about three feet tall and had big black eyes as well as its beak. I was not aware of it until I had passed directly in front of it. Our eyes locked for about a second or two and I was scared but I did not run. A million things ran through my head. I turned my head away, kept moving forward and did not look back. I did not mention this to anyone for a while because I knew no one would believe me. Some one mentioned that maybe it was the younger version of the big bird of the sightings that made South Texas famous in the midportion of the 1970's. It would make sense, it is an area that provided shelter , food and water. And no it was not a heron nor did it resemble anything that looked like a primate or reptile, it was an eagle. I will never know what it was as I have given up trying to figure it out, but I will always remember and wonder.

Anonymous said...

(This is the area where I saw a giant white eagle in 1971/72.)

You sure it wasn't Mothman? Hey, right time and setting. Google it, dude.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you ran into a short Mexican with large lips.

Anonymous said...

Rudolfo, yes the time And setting are right And I am aware of the "Mothman" urban legend, but what I saw had the definite features of a Raptor and its eyes were black, not red. I was less than ten feet away. It was following my forward movement by turning its entire head just like birds do. It was not a crane like bird like some have propsed the
Mothman was. I believe it was autumn when I saw it and the sun was definitely setting. The.portion of road where I saw it was Honeydale that has since been deveoped into condos. So many others around here have claimed to have seen a similar creature, so I know I am not alone. It was a white eagle.

Anonymous said...

Hey Rudolpho, the following is a link to a Mothman image, its face was someting like this, maybe it was.
