Everybody in State Rep. Rene Oliveira's reelection camp was hoping that the DWI case involving girlfriend Lupita Molina who was driving his uninsured car when she struck a van with a couple inside from behind would just disappear.
Instead, the questions that it spawned continue to be the topic of the day in coffeehouse circles as the Texas Representative District 37 race heats up. We understand that after we published the details of the Nov. 9 incident and these hit the blogosphere, there was hell to pay in the representative's office with damage control turned on to high.
Yet, unanswered are the questions regarding the representative's whereabouts at the time of the incident as well as the role of City of Brownsville Melissa Zamora and her intervention in the arrest of her "bestie" Molina, going as far as getting warned (and disregarding) police officers at the site not to talk to the woman already in custody.

The reports indicate that a 1999 Ford Windstar van with two passengers was struck from behind at a high rate of speed by a 2009 Chrysler PT cruiser operated by one Guadalupe Molina, identified as an employee at the college media department.
When officers arrived at the accident scene, they found the van with heavy damage to the rear parked in the grassy area between the expressway far right lane and the frontage road in front of the Nissan dealership. A woman passenger complained that she was hurting as a result of the impact, but did not require ambulance transport. After ascertaining that the passengers in the van were not seriously hurt, officers walked over to the Chrysler and found an the driver was uncooperative and refusing to emerge from the car merely stating that she "knew her rights."
After getting her license information, officers bodily removed her from the wrecked car which had traveled over the curb, knocked down a fenced at the dealership and almost struck a demonstration car on a ramp inside the car dealer's.
A check of the vehicle's VIN indicated that the car belonged to State rep. Rene Oliveira, who was not in the vehicle. Additionally, on the box corresponding to "proof of financial responsibility" (auto insurance) the "no" box is crossed out. Apparently, it was not insured at the time of the accident.
We understand that Molina is now tooling around town in a new car – a Caddy at that – that she uses for her personal transportation. Quien pompo and in return for what, her silence?
As the officers investigated the crime scene and attempted to elicit information from the obviously intoxicated driver, a woman identifying herself as a "city commissioner" showed up on the scene.

Despite the verbal warning that she was not to speak with Molina and being informed that the woman was being very uncooperative and highly intoxicated, Zamora merely answered that "I know," and went back to her car to speak with someone on her cell phone. However, that was not the end of her involvement in the Molina arrest.
Longoria writes that: "I informed her (Zamora) that the minimum confinement was four hours because it was an intoxication charge and she told me she was already arranging (to take care of) that. She then walked away and got back on her phone...I walked down the road to the van and heard yelling coming from the area of my patrol unit. I then observed the same female standing by the back door of my patrol car unit yelling at Ms. Molina through the closed door. Officer Garcia then stepped towards her once again but I was not able to hear what was said."
Now, the interesting thing about this incident is that having disregarded the orders of a police officer and identifying herself as a city commissioner, the woman is never identified by name in the Longoria report. In fact, Zamora herself confirmed her presence there in a Facebook posting defending her actions saying that she would do the same thing again for her "bestie."
Further, in the case of a DWI accident, police have the authority to draw a blood sample by force if necessary is the suspect refuses to subject himself/herself to a breath test. Longoria did not press the issue, did not cite Zamora, and did not issue a citation for her (or Oliveira) for failure to operate a vehicle without insurance.
Cameron County District Attorney Armando Villalobos recently stated that his office was investigating the domestic voilence incidents involving City Commissioner Jessica Kalifa-Tetreau. With Mando having announced his candidacy for Congressional District 27, we doubt that he will take any personal interest in prosecuting the darling of the Cheezmoso clan.
It will doubtless be handed off to a "special prosecutor" who will – as experience in these cases has shown us – allow it to die a quiet death and let bygone be bygones.
Traditional democratic tenets state that "the political leader is an elected official answerable in a popular assembly and the popular courts for the conduct of his office. The citizens he leads are not inferior in legal status or rank but equal and alike."
This leads us to the core of the issue here: Does democracy exist in Cameron County? Would you and I have been treated the same as them? Or is there a double standard for politicians (and their cohorts) and the rest of us lesser mortals?
I can't believe the city commissioner was jogging in her sweat pants and happened to intervene. She is an intelligent gal but not above the law. I've seen people get arrested just for budding into an officer's way when making an arrest. And for the state rep to be involved with something like this is wrong. but he'll probably be re-elected anyway.
(Quien pompo???)
LOL!!! Montoya, you RULE!!!
Melissa Zamora has constantly failed to live up to her campaign promises of "transparency in government" and fairness. She has become another narcissist who seems totally focused on what will benefit Melissa Zamore and pays little attention to what's best for the community. She has now become the same corrupt politician as the one she replaced on the City Commission. Rene Oliviera again proves to be a scumbag who spends too much time sniffing panties and drinking wine.
The Herald has failed to report on this issue and the letter of "no confidence" issued to the UTB Administration by the UTB History Department. We know the latter to be true, but unreported. The protection of greedy politicians and public figures continues a the Herald and Freedom News officies. Journalism is gone. Its all about profit....not public service. News seems to be for sale.
The Brownsville Hearld is a joke!
The Brownsville Police Dept. is a farce.
Rene Oliviera is a has been.People use your vote to oust the has beens out!
And justice for all.
I wouldn't be surprise if the occupants of the van struck by the Oliveira vehicle already have an attorney representing them for their injuries. Although the Oliveira vehicle purportedly did not have insurance and "IF" indeed it is found the driver was intoxicated, Rene could be sued for negligent entrustment "IF" he was aware of her intoxicated state and he still let her drive the vehicle. All these questions will not be answered unless suit is filed and a depo is taken. But, as stated in the blog, this incident will in all probabilities die a slow and quiet death. Que asco!
Is not Oliveiras law firm the local rep for Allstate? Why rep Allstate and not have insurance with them?
Digo yo, digo!
(Why rep Allstate and not have insurance with them? )
It's probably because he left it up to the HO to make the vehicle street legal. I mean, that's what she gets paid for, ain't it? Oh, sorry, I'll just go and take that back. Huh, Rene? Buahahahahaha!!!
This accident happened in front of Charlie Clark's business. Has anyone checked their security cameras to see if you see Rene leaving the scene of the accident. You'd be surprised if you I'd.
Oh yeah I saw Lupita La Borracha in the Caddy. It is a black one and the license plates on it are State Officials ones. The car must belong to Mr. Bug eyes.
Keep on digging Juan, he must be exposed and held accountable.
Juan you need to check into this - one of his campaign reports shows that in Dec. 2010 Oliveira purchased the caddy that she is driving from Luke Fruia motors with his campaign account money.
My politico friend told me that doing that is an Ethics violation.
Oliveira and Zamora need to be voted out of office.
(Oliveira and Zamora need to be voted out of office.)
Hell, maybe charges/arrests can be brought to fruition before that.
So, girlfriend of Rene O. in an uninsured vehicle under the influence and causing a major crash. Sounds like M. A. D. may have an interest in this one? A state representative who supposedly creates the laws that are enforced by the police is allowing his girlfriend to operate a motor vehicle under the influence and uninsured. And, he wants to be reelected? Being a political year and knowing that Rene O. only visits the DA's office when he asking for charges to be dropped or dismissed via and with authorization from Armando Villalobos. Rene O. does not deal with anyone but Mando. This incident will go away with Mando's authorization as will la loca Tetreau incident. Mando needs Rene O. and Tetreau supporters and their backing for his bid as Congressman. Justice is for sale in Cameron County. As for Melissa Zamora, she is nothing more than a party animal with a nice ass and really is not too bad in bed? Give her a break, since she is a blond! Limas incident has opened the doors and eyes of the Federal government to keep tabs on what is going on with the justice system in CC. Us little guys who don't have that kind of clout to run interference for us want that same type of justice. Hey, what is good for the goose is good for the gander, or something like that.
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