Monday, January 2, 2012


By Juan Montoya

In typical Brownsville fashion, the Brownsville Herald's Jacqueline Armerndariz has in so many words announced that the daily will continue to be the mouthpiece of the sore losers in the UTB-TSC separation issue that we thought was already behind us.
In today's issue of the scurrilous publication, Armendariz breathlessly informs us in a front-page story that (gasp!) incoming TSC president Lily Tercero recommended and the trustees approved, the hiring of two eminently qualified administrators to help her put the community college back in shape after its sacking by the UT System.
Their sin, apparently, was that both had been among five people who had written recommendations for Tercero's hiring as TSC president. This is, indeed, a small hook upon which to hang an "expose."
The TSC administration didn't help matters much by asking the Texas Attorney General for an opinion to determine whether Tercero's personnel file was confidential and whether releasing it was a matter of public interest. The AG approved their release.
Armerndariz reported that Tercero had recommended that the board hire Roberto Aguero as TSC vice president of instruction and student services and appoint Leonardo de la Garza to the TSC transition team in November.
Then, as if to reveal a dastardly plot behind the new TSC president's motives, Armerdariz states that "both men authored recommendations for Tercero, according to the background check document dated June 29."
As a reader of this blog pointed out, it is interesting to note that the daily did not make a peep when UTB-TSC president Juliet Garcia was hiring her friends and their relatives left and right and rewarding them with lavish salaries. Now, suddenly, the recommendations by Tercero to the board to hire unquestionably competent administrators who vouched for Tercero as an outstanding candidate for TSC president are seen somehow as suspect and insinuate a quid pro quo for their glowing recommendations.
"Where was the Herald when Juliet would reward her loyalists with well-paid positions?," asked a reader. "Could it be that Garcia's supporters are still wounded after the TSC trustees decided to establish an autonomous community college and ending the unjustified subsidy of the UT System?"
Some of the names that come to mind almost immediately are those of Michael Putegnat, one of the original architects of the infamous "partnership" who has reaped the benefits of his association with Garcia to no end. Aside from his position as a liaison with the UT System, Garcia also named him to – among other things – oversee the UTB-TSC consultation with the federal government over the Border Wall.
Not only did that fetch a nice bit of change for Putegnat, but he also managed to profit by creating a company to actually build the thing. The wall, despite his heroic efforts to plug the dike, was actually constructed, albeit with some aesthetic considerations recommended by the cosmopolitan Putegant. for a slight fee, of course.
Then there's the matter of the hiring by UTB-TSC of TSC trustee Eddie Campirano's daughter as an alumni manager over more qualified candidates. Campirano moved on to become director of the port of Brownsville. One of his highest paid employees is none other than Herman Rico, the port's marketing director, who just happens to be (guess who?) Juliet Garcia's son-in-law.
Where was the daily then?
And how about the pressure applied upon the former TSC financial office employee who refused to move money from one fund to another to cover construction costs overruns by a Garcia-favored administrator and was harassed to no end by UTB-TSC henchman Wayne Moore? It wasn't until her husband, 444th District Judge David Sanchez, stepped in that the matter was quietly resolved.
Need we go further?
Let's see just who these to Tercero "sycophants" were.
Aguero served as the vice chancellor for academic success for Alamo Colleges and de la Garza is chancellor emeritus of the Tarrant County College District.
TSC Board of Trustees Chairman Francisco "Kiko" Rendon and Trustee Juan "Trey" Mendez said the two were "overqualified" to take the positions they got at TSC. Both said that de la Garza was recommended by the University of Texas System and Aguero is leaving the Alamo Community College District.
"These individuals are highly qualified and were the individuals recommended by our President," Mendez told the daily. "I trust our administration and see no reason to believe that anyone has been hired because of the perception that they were owed a favor."
TSC chairman Rendon said that Aguero was "taking a step down from his position as VP of Academic Success. ... Because he believes in our mission and would like to be part of this important moment in TSC’s history."
Now, isn't that a bit different than the way in which, say – Campirano's daughter – got her foot in the door with the help of the Garcia connection?


Anonymous said...

Juliet Garcia hired and fired people based on their perceived loyalty to her. She hired her cronies, and the friends of her cronies, to maintain their support of the Queen Scorpiana regime. Juliet is a fraud.....managing to improve her own image, not to promote education here in the RGV.
Juliet has deceived and defrauded this community of a fair education system....just to promote herself.

Anonymous said...

Good work Juan. The thinly veiled hatchet job in today's Herald (a paper which never even noted when Garcia's hand-picked candidates surfaced as the only alternatives for Board membership) reflects precisely what you say. The implied causal relationship is clearly non-existent. In short, it is much ado about nothing.

Anonymous said...

When you are hired for a position, you bring in poeple whom you know that can help you bring about the changes that are needed. Why hire dogs that have not produced?

Anonymous said...

julieta PATA RAJADA garcia democRATA
michael PUTOgnat democRATA
eddie campVAMPIRO hijita MANONA democRATA
herman rico MANON democRATA
Remember with democRATAS is not WHAT you know but WHO you know which is why EVERYTHING they touch turns to MIERDA!!!!!!!!!
TERCERO, AGUERO, DE LA GARZA, RENDON, MENDEZ, YOU ALL GO FULL STEAM AHEAD and show these ASSHOLES what REAL qualify individuals can accomplish!!!!!

Anonymous said...

So because they didn't bitch about Julieta they should continue to look away because you and Adela say so Juanito?

Anonymous said...

Y la historia se repite...
Todos(as) son una bola de ratas colgados de la tit del pueblo!

Anonymous said...

Any way you spin it, it was wrong of her to hire them. Compadre system reigns.

Anonymous said...

It is standard procedure for a new President to fill the top administrative positions with people of known and proven track records of success who they have worked with before. In ongoing institutions the old administrators submit resignations so the new President can bring their own people with them.

This is the process all over the country. The Herald writers are either ignorant or are shilling for the people who want Tercero to fail. It is well known that despite words of support, Garcia, Artibase and others do not wish TSC well.

Anonymous said...

You all are the same....
What is the difference here? NONE

What a disappointment you all are!!!

Anonymous said...

The herald reporter cannot hide her biases toward Julieta and the committee to destroy TSC. She is a vile individual who is obviously ignorant to new administration practices where an incoming president and or manager brings their own trusted allies or others who they believe will be best for the job. Best of luck Dr Tercero. Keep moving forward while those that want you to fail sit idly by.

Anonymous said...

No vales dick Kiko.

Anonymous said...

Same shit, different day! SAD!!!!
La misma bola de putos y putas que se venden al mejor pagador!!!
