Tuesday, January 3, 2012


By Juan Montoya
Although supporters of his other Democratic opponents hint darkly (and hopefully) of federal indictments to come, no impartial observers of local politics can deny that as of today the man to beat for the Democratic nomination for U.S. Rep for District 27 is two-time Cameron County District Attorney Armando Villalobos.
Even a cursory visual tour of Brownsville barrios and its environs indicate that Villalobos is already working hard since his Dec. 8 announcement on getting his message out to the Democratic faithful.
The newly-drawn 27th Congressional District encompasses Cameron, Willacy, Kenedy, Kleberg and the western portions of Nueces County. If its boundaries can withstand the challenges from various Hispanic groups and the Department of Justice's Office of Civil Rights, that should be the arena where the contest will occur.
It is unknown who will face Villobos should he prevail in November on the Republic slate, but incumbent Blake Farenthold has not ruled out (or ruled in, for that matter) whether he will vie for his party's candidacy here or in the district further north that encompasses his base in Nueces County.
Other Democratic candidates so far include Elmo Aycock and Anthony Troiani, Ramiro Garza and Denise Blanchard.
Aycock, a relative unknown, has posted small window signs in Brownsville trumpeting his military service. His website states that he is a former Marine from San Antonio who "grew up in a middle class Christian Family that taught him to be selfless, fair, and useful."
He is a graduate of Our Lady of the Lake University with a Bachelor of Arts in Social Studies with an emphasis in Political Science.
A combat veteran of Iraq in 2005, he was honorably discharged from active duty in 2011 after 12 years of service in the Corps.
Troiani, who served one term as a City of Brownsville City Commissioner is originally from Modesto, Calif., but moved to South Texas after he got his law degree. He is also a Marine Corps veteran.
Edinburg City Manager Ramiro Garza, Jr., is also running for Congress as a Democrat.
Garza, who was born in Brownsville and raised in Port Isabel, has strong family ties in Cameron and Nueces counties. His platform is headed by job creation in the district. Although he was born in Brownsville and raised in South Texas, many wonder whether his absence from the area will work against him.
And Denise Blanchard, ousted Solomon Ortiz's administrative assistant for the last 20 years of his tenure, has gone around claiming penury but telling anyone within earshot that she wants to serve because she has a "passion." Her sudden re-adoption of her Hispanic maiden Hispanic name – Saenz – has raised the suspicions that there is a fair amount of political convenience behind her sudden love of things Mexican.
 Villalobos, on the other hand, was born in San Benito and was raised in a military family. In his webpage, he said learned family values and hard work at a young age. He earned a degree in economics from the University of Texas at Austin and his law degree from Southern Methodist University. he and his wife have two children who attend public elementary schools.
"Mando has had a strong presence here for many years," said a local political activist. "If he can weather the storm generated by the conviction of Abel Limas and Jim Solis and personnel in his department, he has the name recognition none of the other enjoy. Looking at the situation realistically, he looks like the strongest candidate right now." In the announcement, Villalobos said he knows how to get things done, claiming to have secured more than a 99 percent success rate on all cases that have come before his office.
Also, he stressed his commitment to the Hispanic mantra of honor to family, hard work, country and community and promised to "not yield the rights and security that our seniors have earned.”
He also said he would focus to "turn this area into a leader in renewable energies and clean water, and to expand institutions of higher learning in the areas of research and development of new technologies."


Anonymous said...

Allowing a murderer to walk free for 60 days to get his affairs in order and the DA not contesting it. He is a person who looks the other way and allows money to rule his decisions. Does that make for a good congress person. I think NOT!

Anonymous said...

How about the murderers he let go? And the corruption he did not do anything about? There are other more credible candidates

Anonymous said...

Did Montoya just receive a check signed by Villalobos? Weren't you informing us just recently of what a scumbag this guy was who had let murders walk? Going back to reading Jim Barten, at least he only charges food and drinks to those he writes nice things about.

Anonymous said...

So Denise's "passion" sounds alot like???
Catalina Presas-Garcia's "passion"

Ha ha ha ha!

Anonymous said...

you left out Salomon Torres from La Feria he is running too. he worked for US Congressman Euben Hinojosa

Anonymous said...

denise saenz? is she related to Luis Saenz? Yikes, another one of those mamones?

Anonymous said...

Its evident Villalobos is a villain. He's made so many deals and did so many favors and now he's asking them to return those favors with votes. V, you are scum. not to mention you let a murderer walk free.

Disappointed to read your bio on Denise... she was chief of staff. you sir, are sexist.

Anonymous said...

Sounds to me that the frontrunner is Garza. Garza seems to be the only candidate talking about creating jobs which is what people want to hear. I know I do. Villalobos may have the name ID but it is not a positive one.

Anonymous said...

Ramiro Garza is talking about creating jobs what a joke.
yes that is what people want to hear but he has no idea how to do that, Talk is cheap. No trae nada ese guy.
why didn't he run in McAllen where he has been living. He is a carpet bagger looking for a position to run for.
Mr. V has been doing research for a long time and he knows what he is going to do in DC.

Anonymous said...

(Sounds to me that the frontrunner is Garza. Garza seems to be the only candidate talking about creating jobs which is what people want to hear. I know I do. Villalobos may have the name ID but it is not a positive one.)

Melissa, your former colleague on the city commission, Anthony Troiani is also talking about jobs.

Anonymous said...

Anybody but Villalobos, his is DIRTY. if he did nothing to defend our city from criminals and corruption, what can we expect when he is in congress? DEALS and DEALS for his pocket

Anonymous said...

(Mr. V has been doing research for a long time and he knows what he is going to do in DC.) NOW THAT IS A JOKE.

There is no amount of research that V can do to make up for all the jobs Garza has helped create in the Rio Grande Valley. V doesn't know the first thing about how the economy functions. V should stick being a lawyer.

Jesus H A said...

I beleive Mr. Villalobos will make a great representative.

Anonymous said...

Mr . Troiani has our vote.
