Wednesday, January 18, 2012


By Juan Montoya
They say it's bound to happen sooner or later if you work on the Internet or use the Email.
Well, it's happened to me.
If you get an Email from the address, please disregard it. It has been hacked by God knows who and messages are being sent by someone purporting to be me who is stranded in London (England, never been there) and is desperately asking for a helping had from his friends on his contact list. (Now, that I have done, I must confess.)
This is the message you will get.
How are you doing today?.I am really sorry to bother you with this email but i just want you to know what i am facing right now.I am sorry that i didn't inform you about my traveling to London UK for a Seminar,i am presently in London now but unfortunately for me i lost my wallet which contains my money and other valuable things in a taxi.I can easily access the internet for now but i do not have access to phone.I want you to assist me urgently with a loan of $850 to sort-out my hotel bills and to get myself back home. I have spoken to the embassy here but they are not responding to the matter effectively,i promise i will pay you back as soon as i return.Kindly let me know if you can be of help so that i can send you the details you will use to send the money to me here in London.
I'm guessing none of you have sent the 200 or 300 pounds of British Sterling to get me out of the predicament so this is just an exercise of caution lest you hurry to the bank and wire me off the cash in London.
There is no telling what other mischief may be caused by the hackers wherever they may be. May a thousand bed bugs torment them in their lairs and lightning bolts strike them as they cross a street near Big Ben.


Anonymous said...

Oh Juan I just came back from the bank, I wired you the whole $850.00, now you owe me. lol lol

Diogenes said...

I wish you would have posted this blog earlier. how do I get my money back?

Anonymous said...

Oh my! Guess I am out of the money I sent you. But not to worry it was only 850.00 pesos mexicanos. I just forgot you needed british pounds.

Don Anizeto Verduzco, Brujo Titulado

Anonymous said...

puro wire transfer brother where do i apply for a refund? with the mega million mail scam in harlingen? i got hacked lol
