Why are enrollments "unfortunately" going down at Juliet Garcia's UTB?
Why are professors' and instructors' heads on the chopping block and trepidation hangs like a miasma over the Ft. Brown Resaca?
Why is the hand-wringing audible all the way up to Austin so that Chancellor Francisco Figeroa has to come down and soothe the alarmed feelings of the natives?
Psst. It's that fault of that dammed majority on the Texas Southmost College board that is going to stop the UT System from continuing to milk the college district like a prize-winning Jersey cow. If only they had listened to Juliet and her henchman Michael Putegant, both of who now carry so many handles that it's getting to be like asking the name of a member of the Spanish Royal Court for his or her name.
Su Serena Majestad y Defensora de Todo Lo Bueno y Puro, y la Grandesa Del Reino Universitario que Camina Sobre las Aguas de la Resaca de Ft. Brown. That's Juliet.
The campaign is obvious. When the $42 million in cost overruns were made public by the Spire Group after the tally for the $68 million construction bond issue went over $109 million, a barrage of letters from former board members who had been hoodwinked by this duo were issued and made properly available to the local daily who only too uncritically made them public for mass consumption.
The likes of Mary Rose Cardenas, Dolly Zimmerman, Chester Gonzalez, David Oiveira and Robert Robles all stepped forward like good soldiers in hobnail boots marching in lockstep and defended the chicanery and sleight-of-hand manufactured at the Gorgas Building where Garcia has her lair.They attacked the messenger, the Spire Group.
They denied they had hoodwinked the public even though the report clearly stated that the boards were never presented with a full scope on the entire construction projects.
Then they said that the money they used to enhance the $68 million did not come from TSC, students or the local population. Well, let's see. They say they used millions from the interest on the TSC bonds. They say they used mone after they refinanced the TSC debt. They say they used some more millions from the TSC maintence fund.
Why is it that that name (TSC) keeps reappearing on the debit sheet?
Out of the entire $109 million, less than $5 million came from UT System sources. So guess who will end up paying for those "leveraged" funds?
This entire campaign seems like a warm-up toward the TSC trustee elections coming up in May. They are hoping that the voters of the district will forget that Garcia and her cadre of overpaid underachievers (a 17 percent student graduation rate over six years) will be forgotten by the taxpayers and that the vote for separation from the parasitic UT System (that was the recipient of more than $1 billion over 20 years in TSC [again] transfers) will be rescinded by a new, more pliable board.
Dream on.
What is a word for being beyond extremely disgusted? Asco? Is that how you spell it?
Montoya, what is Juliet's PH-D in, it couldn't be on management, because from what I read, she shoots of the hip, frequently.
And why is her salary so hi, if she doesn't manage TSC anymore.
If you can believe this, the president of Sout Texas College, has a librarian degree in McAllen, the president of TSTC in Harlingen was an civil engineer, and I wondering what Juliet was before, she became the Moongoddess of UTB-TSC. I hear she was teaching, true or false.
The recent Herald articles expose the deep division at UTB. Artibise shoots off his mouth about the massive layoffs that are coming and the UT Chancellor issues a stinging public rebuke. Nothing new in what Artibase said, it was just not said to the public before. UTB Transition Team wants to control what is said to the public and keep trying to muzzle the local people.
When the public becomes aware of just how small UTB will be after the split, the carefully polished image of Julieta as a leader will go south very quickly.
Often institutional leaders go on massive building binges shortly before they retire, so they will leave a "legacy". Julieta over reached on her 100 million dollar plus legacy and history will regard that as the beginning of the end for her and UTB.
When the "partnership" was formed and Julieta was allowed to remain as TSC President as well as President of UTB, that was a massive conflict of interest. In the end she sold TSC out in favor of her UT dreams. TSC and the property owners of Cameron County were the cash cows to fund her vanity.
If you want a real story, take a look at how the UT Faculty and Staff will be chosen to be fired. They will be "voted off the island" by their peers. One entire Department issued a No Confidence vote in the administration over the method. Where have you seen that in print?
Julieta has a carefully crafted and polished image as a superior leader. But the truth is she is in way over her head and her lack of competence has created this mess. She managed to kick the can down the road for almost 20 years, but when the new TSC Board refused to bend over and grab their ankles, her house of cards came tumbling down.
Many folks will go their graves still swearing she was a gift from God to Brownsville, but that just isn't so. She is a Brownsville girl who maneuvered her way into a position of power. She has the "ganas" but she didn't have the "como".
El Pinche Gringo
The comment by UT Chancellor Cigarroa was surely a "shot across Juliet's enlarged bow". The reduction in students was caused by UTB raising prices for tuition and student fees. Students realized that they could enroll at TSTC or even travel to McAllen to STC or UTPA to save money. Juliet has lost touch with this community and has initiated a track to become "The International University"...hiring foreign faculty and recruiting foreign students....both academically and athletically. Juliet has now been rebuked by UT System and maybe she and her "Kardenas Klan" Committee should resign.
I can hear Robles screaming"THAT'S THE BEAUTY OF THE PARTNERSHIP" stupid he did not know what the ? he is saying. What beauty pendejo? the taxpayers fork 109 million and UT brings 5 million where is the beauty. Robles is such an ASS and a stupid one at that.
Could we just indict them instead under RICO?
I heard that there is a deep divide affecting TSC board members Kiko Rendon and Trey Mendez regarding the layofffs that are forthcoming to TSC. I was told that this rift between board members came to blows at the parking lot of Cobbleheads with the little guy kiicking some ass and taking names.
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