Tuesday, February 14, 2012


By Juan Montoya
A candidate for Cameron County Sheriff is filing an unemployment claim against Cameron County alleging he was terminated without cause after Pct. 2 Constable Pete Avila said he was campaigning during working hours at the judicial wing of the county courthouse, among other things.
Jose A. Cisneros, who is running against incumbent Omar Lucio, is scheduled to have an unemployment compensation hearing in his claim against Cameron County Wednesday. He claims that he was terminated without cause by Avila and has submitted affidavits from two other former bailiffs to support his claim before Texas Workforce Hearing Officer C. Geppert. 
One of the affiants is none other than Alfred Petraca who, rather than patrol the courthouse parking lot as he was directed by Avila after the county commissioners placed the 11 courthouse bailiffs under his jurisdiction, chose to resign instead.
The other is former Chief Bailiff-Security Raymond Shears. Shears also resigned from office after he was placed under Avila and assigned to a rotation shift patrolling the parking lot with other bailiffs. He is currently one of several candidates who have announced to run against Avila in the 2012 election for constable of Pct. 2.
Cisneros, on Nov. 1, 2011, confirmed that he had been dismissed but said that he had no hard feelings against Avila.
The 11 bailiffs were placed under Avila after Sheriff Lucio told commissioners in open court that he would replace them with his own people if they were placed under him as he had requested. When commissioners balked at having Lucio terminate the bailiffs, they appointed Avila in charge of the group from his Pct. 2 constable's office.
Under the arrangement, all of them would keep their jobs but would have to serve a one-year probationary  period before they acquired civil service protection. Although the reports at the time of Cisneros' termination indicated that his campaigning for sheriff had played a part in his dismissal from county service, neither Avila nor Cisneros were willing to specify what other complaints may have led to his firing.
At the time of his firing, Cisneros said he did not plan to pursue any issues regarding his dismissal.
“Right now I am going to concentrate on my campaign,” he told the local daily then, adding that his termination did not undermine his election plans and that although he believed he was fired because of politics, he was a “forgiving” man.
Avila countered that Cisneros was not fired for political reasons and declined to elaborate, noting that it was a personnel issue.
Cisneros defended his candidacy when he was fired using the "everybody does it" justification for handing out pushcards and acknowledging his candidacy to people asking him about it.
“It’s sad that some elected officials get to campaign, get to sell tickets, get to set up political signs, do all their campaigning and have their staff also campaign for them on county taxpayers’ time, but here I am a candidate for sheriff and if somebody comes up and asks if I’m running for sheriff, I can’t even acknowledge that I am running because that is considered campaigning on the job,” Cisneros said.
He declined at the time to identify the elected officials and staff that may have been campaign on the county’s time. 
“I don’t want to name anybody as of yet, but there are,” Cisneros said. “They use county government equipment to purchase material, to set up fundraisers, all that, you know.”
In the affidavits filed on behalf of Cisneros, Petraca cited several incidents that he said reflected badly on the bailiffs, including an allegation that a female bailiff had an "intimate" relationship with her supervisor and that they often argued in public.
Shears said his demotion after he had been placed under Avila "caused a lot of ridicule and humiliation from the other bailiffs. They would laugh at me. They would tell other employees at the courthouse what had happened. It became a hostile environment and unbearable for me to stay there."
As part of his claim for unemployment, Cisneros included s photograph of himself as a state trooper, a newspaper clipping of his service, a certificate of service from the City of Harlingen, a photograph of his young daughter in his uniform, and photographs of the political signs of Cameron County Commissioner Sofia Benavides and Constable Avila in front of the courthouse parking lot.
"Joe said at the time of his dismissal that he wasn't going to pursue any issues regarding his dismissal," said a courthouse employee. "He was still on probation when he was terminated. If he, Petraca and Shears were going to go after anybody, it should have been the commissioners who assigned them there."
Brownsville attorney Dolores G. Zarate is representing Cisneros in his claim before the Workforce Commission.


Anonymous said...

And the songs of political vendetta and personal power go on in our Cameron County "Injustice" or "Misjustice" system. Judges, court officers, et al, have rolled over to accept the "old" patron system and they fight hard to resist change. We seriously need pest control to go into the County Courthouse and the Sheriff's Office and kill the cockroaches who feed on this system. Lots of big rats....Aurora de la Garza, Sheriff Omar Lucio, DA Armando Villalobos....and it goes on and on.

Anonymous said...

Man what a fucked up civil service the county has, once you pass the initial probation, they can't extend it or place you on probation again.
Mr. Cisneros get yourself a good attorney, suit the Mother f$#@*(ng county for every cent they have. I think you have a good case, by the way get an out of town attorney, the locals suck, all of the bastards.

Anonymous said...

Pete Avila has become political, I wonder who has he become the puppet of: Commissh, Hernandez, Benavides, I always thought he was an honest man.

Anonymous said...

Most of our County Officials are drawing a salary to do nothing...isn't that unemployment insurance to the max. We have so many people drawing a paycheck, but doing nothing, that something needs to be done. We can't count on elected officials....they have accepted the "patron" system and surely accept "nepotism" as a way to keep their families on the dole.

Anonymous said...

If you know Pete Avila you know he is a big drinker and it is surprising he can stay sober long enough to go to work. Off duty he always seems to have a beer in his tummy. So he being a honest man, since when?

Anonymous said...

Pete Avila has always being controversial, even when he was in the fire dept. He couldn't get along with the fire chief.
How in hell, did he get elected??

Anonymous said...

Mr. Editor: I agree, voters of Cameron county, let's vote against every incumbenant, all of them, lets boot the SOB's out, all of them out of office.

Former county employee said...

Oh come on Joe! You know damn well you campaigned while on duty and asked for political contributions. Yea, you probably got a raw deal in all this but you are a contributing part of it. You weren't discret about it like the others you accuse. That's another thing, don't cry like a little bitch and point the finger without giving the facts. Be a man and spill the beans on the others that you know do the same thing? Yes, we all know that Armando Villalobos is campaigning and using his employees. Yes, we know that Aurora De La Garza, Joe Rivera, Tony Yzaguirre and others are doing it. But, they are discret about it, you dumbass! About the unemployment thing? What's the matter, there isn't enough political campaign money to pocket? Hell, you're all over the place campaigning. Do odd jobs! Quit campaigning at all funerals and get a job. Joe, you know why you HAD to leave DPS! You know you hid vehicles when you got divorce! You know that you would mooch off others when it came to food or other events! You should be called "slick joe" since all you do is silver tongue people to make them believe that you are the person for Sheriff? DON'T THINK SO!

Anonymous said...

Call attorney Frank Perez and Starr Jones they will represent you with honor and integrity. They are not afraid of the system. The honest attorneys in our bar need to stand up for what is right.

Anonymous said...

Well I would like to say I am an employee at the Cameron County Court House. I would like to say the Constables taking over was a great thing for this Court House. I will not say who my employer is but, what I can say everything has changed in a 180 degree turnaround. Not 360 because we would be back to how it started. I would like to inform the readers that Joe Cisneros could be remembered as the little kid for Kinder Garden cop eating people’s lunches. He would barge into the Jurors room and eat their sweet bread, and then the jury would complain. Mr. Cisneros stole a CD Case people I would say he if we were to elect him, we see him follow Conrado’s Foot Steps. As for Mr. Petraca I have heard he was a great officer. At his age he should be a Wal-Mart greeter, he was always grumpy. I also saw him many times asleep in the juror’s room on the 3rd Floor. Shears running for Constable would leave the Court House UN attended and go Fishing. I was told by an ex-employee that he sent one of his deputies home so he can go change so they could go fishing. That is where our tax money goes so that these deputies can go fishing.

Anonymous said...

what's the big deal, Juan? you and your pals also hit unemployment!

Anonymous said...

Mr Cisneros, sue the county. You DO have a case...Do it Sir, but DO NOT hire any one from here, they all sell themselves to the higher bid!!!!

Anonymous said...

Pete is an asshole!!

Anonymous said...

Joe Cisneros was personally reassigned and terminated by Sheriff Lucio because the old man was upset that Joe was running against him once more.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sue the fuck out of them Sir.
They do not have compassion for no one if they are not their compadres. So, why should you????

Get a lawyer from corpus or SA, or Houston, because the ones we have here are totally within the corrution web!!!

Anonymous said...

ALL of the attorneys from here are worthless, please get some one from out of town

Anonymous said...

The Reyna brothers and the wondering sheriff are just a bunch of assholes

Former county employee said...

Yea Joe, listen to your so-called supporters? Sue the county! I want you too! Because when it goes to court, you will be smeared by all the skeletons that you have in your closet! Go ahead Joe, SUE! Que pendejo!

Anonymous said...

"Former county employee"

Que chingue su madre el que escribió éste comentario!!!

How is that for a response....Ha ha ha ha!

Former law enforcement said...

I semi agree about the Reyna brothers! The only real Ass-hole of the bunch is Gus Reyna! That dude thinks that his shit don't stink? He walks around like he is a celebrity? He is nothing more thank a leech and thinks he is high maintenance. Gus, you're hated by the majority of law enforcement officers in the Cameron County! You just want a title to go along with your stuck up, ass hole and high maintenance attitude! You might be a Sheriff if Lucio wins and then retires in office but YOU will never win an election! Your brother Javier has a better chance and is at least nicer to brother officers than you are! Don't bother to change because you're busted! When Lucio retires, YOU just ought to retire and save yourself the heartache of not being elected! I rather vote for someone like Joe Cisneros, WHICH isn't saying much than you! Honestly, that's not true! I couldn't vote for Cisneros EVEN if he was the only one left on the ballot. But, I sure as hell wouldn't vote for you, PERIOD!

Anonymous said...

Yea!!! These perros (Reynas)have made the entire department look bad
