Tuesday, February 7, 2012


"So what we get drunk?
So what we smoke weed?

We’re just having fun
We don’t care who sees

So what we go out?
That’s how its supposed to be

Living young and wild and free.."

Young Wild and Free,
By Wiz Khalifa

By Juan Montoya
The stanzas of the song above obviously mirror the carefree don't give a rat's behind attitude that is prevalent not only in rap circles, but also in the coming generations.
I've heard it once or twice because the son of a friend of mine likes to listen to it on a local rap station. For some reason or other the song took me back to a poem I had read in college that addressed almost the same issues but came away with a very different conclusion than Snoopy Dog and his p's.
See if you catch the drift of this serious poet as she listens to her contemporaries way back then exhibiting the same kind of attitudes entertained by the rap stars of today.

We Real Cool
(The Pool Players.
Seven at the Golden Shovel.)

We real cool. We
Left school. We

Lurk late. We
Strike straight. We

Sing sin. We
Thin gin. We

Jazz June. We
Die soon.

By Gwendolyn Brooks


Anonymous said...

Astute you you are, Mr. JM, very astute ....

...and you're best when you let your readers know that you read and think, and have a solid sense of history ....

Anonymous said...

Was the UT Chancellor, Cigarroa's comment today a rebuke (slap in the face) for Juliet Garcia. Her picture in the Herald today, along with her minions, seemed to indicate that cuts were coming to staff and faculty at UTB this spring. The Herald "heralded" the news....only to have the Cigarroa say that report was "premature and unfortunate". Is that a slap in Juliets fat cheeks or what????
Ovbiously the Herald's article was a "premature ejaculation" from Juliet and her "Committee".

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you're writing about yourself, Juan. Drinking and not paying child support.
