Friday, February 17, 2012


By Juan Montoya
The U.S. Fifth Court of Appeals has yet again rejected a motion by defendants Rolando Aguilar, Ruben Cortez, Joe Colunga and Rick Zayas be denied qualified immunity in the lawsuit filed against by former Brownsville Independent School District Chief Financial Officer Antonio Juarez.
Aguilar and Colunga are still trustees of the BISD. Zayas and Cortez were defeated in the elections of the district the last go-round of elections.
The rejection for the rehearing was filed Friday.
The judges, without comment, simply checked off the square by the notation that read: The petition for rehearing is DENIED and no member of this panel nor judge in regular active service on the court having requested that the court be polled on rehearing en banc.
The four, individually and in their official capacity, must now go to trial in federal court on the allegations raised by Juarez that he was fired after he went to the FBI and other federal authorities to complain about bid rigging on a Stop-Loss insurance contract for the self-insured district. Federal Judge Andrew Hanen denied the four defendants their request that they receive qualified immunity on Juarez's charges.
Previously, the same appeals court had denied the four their appeal on Hanen's order denying the four immunity for their acts surrounding the Juarez firing. Nonetheless, attorneys for the district's insurance company went ahead with their appeal.
This second denial, according to some observers, means that the case will now go forward toward an eventual trial and verdict unless a settlement is reached with the four defendants and/or the carries of their insurance policy. The BISD is also named as a defendant because the four were acting in their official capacity.
Juarez started working for the BISD as its CFO in the fall of 2008. One of his duties was to make insurance recommendations to the BISD board of trustees. On Sept. 16, Juarez recommended that the district select AAG as its Stop-Loss carrier.
At the heart of the dispute is Juarez's claim that he was demoted and ultimately terminated from employment by the BISD and the defendants personally because he recommend that the board award Health Smart (AGG) the district's $40 million Stop Loss Insurance policy instead of to Oklahoma-based Mutual Assurance Administrators, Inc.
On Aug. 12, trustees awarded that contract for the 2009-2010 to MAA for $181,275 per month and can be worth as much as $40 million.
The local broker of the insurance company was none other than majority supporter and insurance mogul Johnny Cavazos.
According to testimony in deposition by former BISD superintendent Hector Gonzales, three of the defendants (Colunga, Aguilar and Cortez) accused Juarez of misinforming the board regarding the recommendation. Two of the trustees (Cortez andf Colunga) were adamantly opposed to the AAG recommendation, and after the meeting, both Colunga and Cortez met with Gonzales and said that they were lied to by Juarez. Gonzales said he would "look into it."
Then, in the following meeting, Cortez requested a consent item be placed on the agenda. The item was described as "discussion and possible action related to the apparent misinformation directed to the BSD board members at the last regularly scheduled meeting."
After the November meeting, Gonzales spoke with Juarez. Gonzales told him that the board "was upset with him, and that (Gonzales) was to terminate him" or else Gonzales would "suffer consequences."
To make the long sordid story short, both Gonzales and Juarez were ultimately terminated with the district and both sued.
The core defense of the four former trustees is that they hadn't cast a vote that could be traced to have had resulted in an "adverse employment decision" for Juarez and therefore they could no be held liable.
This reasoning was roundly rejected by the court which stated that "Even if an adverse governmental decision does not reach a formal vote, the 'final decision maker' responsible for that adverse employment decision is subject to individual liability if their decision was motivated by impermissible considerations."


Anonymous said...

Juan, why are you still working so hard to make Cata Escobedo, Lucy and Christina appear like white doves, when in reality you and I, know exactly how they are stealing from BISD? I do know they pay you for what you write, but.....

Anonymous said...

zayas is an educated drunk and cortez is an un-educated wanna beeeee. colunga lives off of drippings from johnny cavazos and augilar is a grummpy old fart who is not very smart........who suffers? kids and taxpayers

Anonymous said...

And what is Cata, Escobedo, Lucy, and Christina? Let's see:
1. Cata, absolutelly un-educated and uglier than a halloween mask.
2. Lucy, totally un-educated, and with zero personality.
3. Christina, tales from the cript spooky, and if in fact she holds a PH degree, does not know how to use it.
4. Escobedo...Hummm...Hummm, what more do we need to know if it's already been proved he is not a Dr. here, there, or anywhere.


Anonymous said...

"zayas is an educated drunk"

Please, go back to school and learn at least how to S P E L L.
I do not mind reading your posts, however, I do mind the horrible spelling you have.

Anonymous said...

Juan if you do not post what I sent yesterday, it does not matter because BV and Mean Mr Brownsville will, however, you should too, or what? THE BOARD did not allowed you to print it??

Anonymous said...

Let's see

Cata=totally un-educated and uglier than a halloween mask, not to mention she cannot put togethr a grammatically correct sentence.
Lucy=totally uneducated and a pupet of both Hector Gonzales and Quintanilla, can't even ask a full question
Christina=tales from the cript spooky, and if she has a PH degree, she certainly is not using it.
Escobedo=we all know he is not a doctor here, or anywhere else, and we also know he's very slicky, and possible making more money than the the rest on the under the table deals...just look at the million dolllar contract he awarded to his brother...Hummmm.

Anonymous said...

Juan, why do you delete the posts which respond to the derrogatory comments of Zayas and or Cortez???

Anonymous said...

How do you know they are stealing; prove it. I sure would like to see your prove. Come on bring it on so we can press charges on them along with zayas and Cortez.

Anonymous said...

@Feb 19, 2012 11:17 pm......Thanks Cata for another nauseating display of your ignorant arrogance. As to your request for 'prove' (sic),not to worry my pretty. You, Lehman, Quintanilla, Escobedo, et. al.... will get that proverbial 'knock on the door' very soon.

Anonymous said...

Is it me or does Rick ZAYAS look like Peewee Herman? TEQUILA.

Anonymous said...

My, my, my!! Cata, Lucy, and/or Quintanilla, for the love of yourselves, stop being so ignorant. Your stupidity makes me, want to puke.

Anonymous said...

No, but flim flam sure looks like Hitler, lol, and we all know how the others look, and is not a mask!!! Ha ha ha agggg ha ha ha ha.

Anonymous said...

HA ha ha ha !!!
