(T-Mobile opened its Brownsville facility in 2007, investing $17.5 million in a 78,000-square-foot facility on Paredes Line Road.The Greater Brownsville Incentive Corp. gave T-Mobile $3.5 million in job creation incentives, an investment of 4A sales tax dollars to support job creation that was to be paid out over five years. A reader wants to know: What's going to happen now, exactly five years after the incentives were given? Has industry wised up to us and are playing us for fools?)
T-Mobile announces closure of call center in Brownsville
March 22, 2012 9:49 PM
The Brownsville Herald
T-Mobile USA has announced the closing of several of its call centers, including the one in Brownsville.The company plans to consolidate its centers to 17, down from 24, by the end of June, officials said in a press release.
The Brownsville Customer Care Center employs 473 people. It will maintain its normal hours until being closed in June.
Employees learned of the closing about the same time as the press release reached local media. There were reports of employees in tears after learning they would soon be out of a job.
Officials said employees in Brownsville have the option of transferring to T-Mobile’s Customer Care Center in Mission, which is the company’s only other call center in Texas. They may also transfer to a T-Mobile center in another part of the country.
According to the press release, no other T-Mobile operations in Brownsville are affected by the changes.
"Concentrating call centers is an important step to achieve competitive cost structures to successfully compete as a challenger and value player in the wireless market," Philipp Humm, CEO and president of T-Mobile, said. "These are not easy steps to take, but they are necessary to realize efficiency in order to invest for growth.
"T-Mobile says employees who choose not to transfer to a another call center, and who are employed on the date the Brownsville center closes, will be offered transition packages that include severance pay and outplacement support.
The company will pay for two months of continued health care coverage for eligible employees who elect COBRA benefits.T-Mobile opened its Brownsville facility in 2007, investing $17.5 million in a 78,000-square-foot facility on Paredes Line Road.The Greater Brownsville Incentive Corp. gave T-Mobile $3.5 million in job creation incentives, an investment of 4A sales tax dollars to support job creation that was to be paid out over five years.
In January, the unemployment rate in Brownsville was listed at 11.9 percent, one of the highest jobless rates in the state.
Not sure this loss can be blamed on BCIC....but on the quality (or lack of quality) of workers in this area. Customer service is something that is sorely lacking from young workers here...whether from UTB or BISD. We have seen other evidence that there is no real "work ethic" among our young people....they have survived on social promotion and never having to be responsible. This isn't BCIC...it is Brownsville's lack of professional workers....poor work ethic. That doesn't come from BCIC.
anyways... like the movie TAKEN said... "GOOD LUCK"
really? A company is going to invest over 17 million in a city to get 3.5 over 5 years? Come on!
Don't like the way I take your money and leave town?
Call 1-800-EAT-SHIT
Did you read Melissa Zamora's love letter to T-Mobile?
Who's going to stand up for Brownsville if not our elected officials?
This should come as a surprise we have democRATS in charge and in control of this city, our schools, our county and everything a democrat touches becomes MIERDA!!!!!!! Just look at the MOJON IN CHIEF THE FIRST FOOD STAMP PRESIDENT OVOMIT PUTING OUT PURA MIERDA!!!!!!!!!!
If you haven't figured it out yet, these companies are using our BCIC and GBIC incentives the way some people use the "0 percent interest" credit card promo to jump from one card to another. As soon as the promotion ends they cancel the account. Hello, as soon as our taxpayer-funded giveaways end, these companies pack up and leave. The offshore factories and call centers stay open of course, while US taxpayers continue giving writeoffs to American companies for hiring Chinese and Pakistanis instead of Americans for the jobs. Thank our Congressmen like ol' Solomon Ortiz for that. Or better yet, be smart about who you elect to Congress next. Not another Solomon Ortiz please.
I was thinking the exact same thing and you are absolutely correct. Laziness and incompetence is the standard in Brownsville, not to mention third-world politics. Offering them to move to Mission? No way! Most of the people speak English up there and, well, they just wouldn't feel comfortable. Boooo hoooo hoooo :,(
While GBIC has done nothing, look at Harlingen's track record.
EDC was formed in 1990, primarily to help bring new investment and jobs to Harlingen. Over the years the organization has assisted major local employers such as Dish Network, Valley Baptist Medical Center, Advanced Call Center Technologies, United Launch Alliance, Penske Logistics, Valley International Cold Storage, Aloe Laboratories, Penn Aluminum, ITD Precision, West Corporation and others in locating or expanding operations here.
how is this GBIC's fault? they got T Mobile here and employed several hundred people for almost 5 years. Its not GBIC's fault that T Mobile chose to close shop
Hey these guys no excuse me, these BOARD MEMBERS ARE EXPERTS IN THEIR FIELDS ! ! !
Each of them should be interviewed by ZMontoya and asked the tuff questions.
What were you thinking when you voted to spend the millions millions and millions on the sport park and parking lot ? ?
What were you thinking when you voted to spend the millions millions and millions on this project ? ?
Montoya. What is the name of each Board member and what is the name of the city commissioner who appointed each.
Commiss Melisa show some balls and replace your guy on the Board! !
Linda Castro was a fat bitch
got her stomach stapled and silicone tits
now she tongues all men old and young
But when her body sags, she's done
people clam down its not your money its taxpayers money so who cares? better yet who is accountable? NO ONE and thats the facts dragnet
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