Wednesday, March 28, 2012


By Juan Montoya
Not only did the lawsuit filed by the former Chief Financial Officer against four Brownsville Independent School District trustees go on as planned, but the district was also ordered to produce the entire findings of the recently completed forensic audit performed on the district.
Judge Andrew Hanen set Aug. 30 as the date for the parties to begin jury selection in the lawsuit filed by Antonio Juarez. Two trustees currently on the board – Rolando Aguilar and Joe Colunga – as well as as two former ones, Rick Zayas and Ruben Cortez, will have to answer the charges as individuals that they violated the rights of the former financial chief after they disagreed with his recommendations on the district's Stop-Loss insurance contract.
Hanen had previously denied the defendants' motion for a summary judgement giving them qualified immunity for their actions on the case. They appealed to the Fifth Court of Appeals and lost. A further motion for a rehearing was not granted by the appeals court without comment.
The district is also charged in the lawsuit.
More tellingly, perhaps, Hanen said he would allow the plaintiff to amend his original complaint to include potential charges of conspiracy against the four and other district employees. He also said he would allow the plaintiff''s lawyers to depose other parties that may have been injured by the actions of the defendants.
"If this case goes forward, it'll lay bare the way the former majority operated," said an attorney acquainted with the Juarez case. "The fact that he ordered the district to produce the entire port, and not just the executive summary leaves all possibilities open."
Juarez, as you will remember is the former CFO who went to the feds after several of the defendants had previous superintendent Hector Gonzales remove him from his position after he recommended the wrong insurance company.
The defendants were expecting him to recommend the company whose local agent of record was Johnny Cavazos, their benefactor.
Instead, Juarez refused to play along with the defendants and went to the FBI with tape recordings where he was being persuaded on behalf of the four to blame Gonzales for the recommendation. In short, he argued, he was being counseled to use the district's grievance process and give the former board majority the justification to terminate the former superintendent.


Anonymous said...

What a joke? Stop-loss insurance pull out their entire bid back on Sept. 08. Juarez is a liar. Tony Juarez recommends them but they cancel out, come on!

Linda said...

Everyone knows how corrupt these individuals are. It's all about self-interest instead of the children. What an embarrassment to the community.

Anonymous said...

Agree with Linda!!!

Anonymous said...

To: Linda, Maria, Rosa who wrote about the embarrassment to the community.

Question: Isn't an embarrassment to have someone like the Cortez and Rick to run for anything since they have such low moral standards??

Anonymous said...

To post of March 31, @ 6:18 AM FYI, there is if you understand it, ANY and ALL public officials who are as corrupt as Rick, Ruben, Cata, Luci, Enrique, Christina, etc etc ARE AN EMBARRASSMENT!

Anonymous said...

Zayas and Cortez are in a special group of ratas...........they are the king and queen of corruption.... and Cortez you are fooling no one with a cheap coat and tie.........

Anonymous said...

Wow, I know who wrote the 5:41PM post.....tsk tsk tsk!!!

Anonymous said...

To April 2, @10:42PM Go get your scams going...

Anonymous said...

"Zayas and Cortez are in a special group of ratas"
Is that the same one you belong to??? Ithink so. You know what they say "it sure takes one, to know one"

Anonymous said...

Come on people! Moral standards and integrity don't have any place in BISD! I just heard that Rodrigo Lopez got an Assitant Principal's position at Besteiro after having misappropriated tutorial monies while working at Cummings Middle School! He actually wrote hours and his friend and boss Karin Trvino signed off on it all the while knowing he didn't work tutorials nor was in charge of anything! Heck she got a position at Porter after a slap on the wrist and a paid vacation-suspended w/pay last year! Heck we're the stupid ones! If you screw up, you get a promotion! What are we thinking! Karin taught Rodrigo well and she learned from her cousin Zayas! What a bunch of crap we have!

Anonymous said...

Que moral standards?! That's why Zayas n Cortez keep running-they know sooner or later somebody's gonna buy into their bs! Zayas mentored his cousin Karin Trevino-she got away w/all d crap at Sharp and then got promoted to Cummings where she continued w/d crap and mentored Rodrigo Lopez who stole tutorial funds w/her blessing n signature!! What happened to both Karin and Rodrigo? Hell they got promoted! She got suspended w/pay and sits at Porter now and Rodrigo jumped up and down and cried discrimination n got a job as an Assistant Principal at Besteiro! Those people better watch their monies and anything else of value!

Anonymous said...

You all know this is by far the worst we have ever been at BISD..

The deals they are making were pre-arranged WAY BEFORE ELECTION. Even Juan Montoya knows this....hello!!!

Anonymous said...

I thought so....

Anonymous said...

Way to go Rodrigo! Finally BISD admitting they wronged you and Mrs. Trevino. Congratulations! You did it!

Anonymous said...

Yup, thats why she is where she is and why a two bit mouth-piece had to score him a consolation prize; you incredible dumbass.

Anonymous said...

Corrupt?? you all forgot Minerva, Aguilar and Colunga.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmm!Funny that the internal audit didn't turn up any of the corruption at Cummings mentioned by the 10:14 and 10:56 postings. Perhaps, this is still the "Ormigas Rojas" and the "Czar of Discipline" crying. The promotion for Rodrigo came as a result of a settlement after advancing through the grievance process and winning! It just proves that hiding behind Cata the Rata skirts days are OVER!!! See Ya!
