Even before this year's election cycle began, Filemon Vela Jr. has been courting the halls of power either through the promotion of his wife and friends, or through flip-flopping political parties as it becomes convenient to him to have a shot at grabbing the brass ring.
Many people Coastal Bend residents remember back in 2009 when a vacancy opened up on the Texas Supreme Court and his wife, Corpus Christi Judge Rose Vela, was seeking the appointment to the court through the good offices of Texas Gov. Rick Perry.
Unfortunately, the Velas had backed the wrong horse in the governor's race, his rival Texas Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson.
Undeterred, Fil Jr. sought out a known Perry intimate and supporter – Cameron County Judge Carlos Cascos – to help his wife get the appointment.
However, Fil Jr. told a Corpus Christi newspaper then that he was dismayed by what Cascos told him: He needed to publicly disavow his support of Hutchnison, get on the Perry re-election

“It’s clear that despite her qualifications, that when it came to the appointment, she was not on a level playing field because I had contributed to Hutchison and I wasn’t going to switch my support just to help her get the appointment,” Fil Jr. told The Associated Press then.
Perry ultimately appointed Eva Guzman of Houston. Guzman became the first Latina to win election to a statewide office in Texas in 2010, securing a full six-year term on the state’s highest civil court.
When the appointment for his wife did not materialize after Fil Jr. vacillated between renouncing Hutchinson and embracing Perry, he outed Cascos with the media, insinuating that Perry – through Cascos – had demanded a payoff in return for the appointment.
At the time, Cascos told the media that there were never any assurances of a quid pro quo as Vela Jr. has insinuated to a reporter.
Fil Jr. told the reporter from the Corpus Christi Caller-Times that Cascos said Perry’s office “will never consider Rose unless you switch your endorsement.”
“I said, ‘I’m not going to do that.”
In a second phone call, Cascos suggested matching his donation to Hutchinson with one to Perry to “even it up,” Filemon Vela said. That was $4,000, according to campaign finance records.
The county judge, however, remembered it different.
Cascos said the advice was meant “from one friend to another” and not as a message from Perry or anybody who works for him.
“I said if you want it bad enough . . . I would withdraw the endorsement (of Hutchinson), I would contribute to the campaign, I would support him,” Cascos recalled. He also said he told Fil Jr. that it was only a suggestion and “there’s no guarantees or assurances that anything is going to happen.”
Despite the $4,000 donation, Perry appointed Guzman to the position vacated when Supreme Court Justice Scott Brister announced he was stepping down from the high court, allowing Perry to seek a temporary replacement.
Rose Vela first was elected to the bench in 1998, to the 148th District Court as a Democrat. But in 2006 she declared herself a Republican candidate for the 13th Court of Appeals. Fil Jr. comes from a family of prominent Rio Grande Valley Democrats.
Today, Rose Vela is running against Democrat Roy Valdez for reelection as Chief Justice of the 13th Court of Appeals. The 13th Court of Appeals serves twenty counties from Cameron to Matagorda with five Justices. The Chief Justice is based out of Corpus Christi and Edinburg, Texas. Rose Vela first was elected to the bench in 1998, to the 148th District Court as a Democrat. She was elected to the 13th Court f Appeals in 2006 as a Republican.
Fil Vela, who is listed as treasurer for Connie Scott, a Republican state Rep. seeking re-election for 2012 in Nueces County, is running as a Democrat for the newly-created congressional seat District 34.
He is reported to have contributed thousands of dollars to the Republican cause and recruited GOP candidate Tom Greenwell to run for Place 2 on the 13th Court of Appeals against Democrat Nora Longoria.
Other Vela hand-picked GOP candidates include Jaime Tijerina to run against Democrat Nelda Rodriguez for Place 4 on the 13th Court of Appeals and Doug Norman to challenge Gina Benavides, the Democratic candidate for Place 5 on the Appeals Court.
That has raised some eyebrows among the Democratic faithful. During the drawing of the places on the ballot, several of them expressed anger that the statewide Democratic leadership would allow people like Fil Jr. to manipulate the system by pitting GOP candidates to run against Democrats and at the same time seeking to parlay his Democratically-recognized name in the Rio Grande Valley to try to propell himself to Congress."The leadership should state in no uncertain terms that this type of manipulation should not be allowed," said a longtime Democrat. "To participate in the Democratic primary, you should support the party. What people do in the general election is their choice. We need to know where you stand now before you become our nominee."
Sorry you got bitten by the green-eyed monster because this couple is so prosperous.
They live on millionaire's row in Corpus Christi and the most elite are called friends and supporters.
Money still can and will win an election these days.
Please keep us informed of the corruption at BISD and our city. You are focussing too much time on the Velas who are'nt even from here.
BTW are the other candidates squeaky clean? NO!!!!!!
Give everybody equal time then!!!!
How about some of those fanatic supporters with hidden agendas and already salivating at paybacks.
One family in particular salivating for handout jobs.
So is the state of local politics. Its a game for personal power and the good of the citizens is last on the agenda. Most local politicians believe that a handshake and a fajita plate is all the voter wants.....Guys like Rene Oliviera get most of their political support from entities outside the area...entities that want to influence Texas policy...buy paying off the politico.
This vela guy reminds me of the "HE/SHES" can't decide if they're males or females!!!!! ANY PERSON WITHOUT A CORE CONVICTION ARE WHORES. In vela's case he's A POLITICAL WHORE OF CONVENIENCE!!!!!!
I think they call it the purple party these days.
Didn't some guy who was the Illinois Governor just went to prison for selling a position. Sounds similiar here.
This guy looks evil. Is he CHUKY's older brother? I will NEVER vote for this idiot.
guess i know who i am not voting for. what a dirtbag to out carlos like that..for offering him advice
looks like hes turning into HULK... you wouldnt like me when i am angry!! grrrrrr
Way to go Montoya, supporting Erin Hernandez. You know Ernie is counting on Villalobos to continue not prosecuting for the brother-in-law county job so Erin can win. In truth Filemon Vela is the only candidate able to out spend Villalobos and put a stop to the DA political protection for votes scam. But here you are, helping Villalobos. Why are you helping Villalobos and Hernandez take out Begum, I thought you wanted Yolanda to win.
One family in particular salivating for handout jobs.
March 19, 2012 2:29 PM
what family
In other words, vote for Villalobos? Come on Juan, we may not be intellectual giants , pero no somos pendejos. Villalobos? Really?
Pendejos. Villalobos and Vela aren't the only ones running.
So, let me understand, he wanted a level playing field, yet he chose to call his "friends" to speak to Perry on his wife's behalf? Vela's money & perceived influence did nothing.
(This vela guy reminds me of the "HE/SHES" can't decide if they're males or females!!!!!)
Did anybody know that Sam Champion, weatherman for Good Morning America, is married? TO ANOTHER DUDE!!! LOL.
"Did anybody know that Sam Champion,"
Damn! What else would you expect from an old man who collects change off of Price rd. and the expressway? While wearing a tie with the words "I Served" painted in red.
It is clear that Mr. Vela is a user and a wannabee player. He and his wife have only gotten ahead because of his father's name. Too bad he has no cajones to be his own person and both he and his wife don't think twice about crossing lines to their personal benefit. These are TWO Faced people.. What a pathetic wannabee....
Juanito, why don't you go back and continue to protect the corrupt $4 BISD board majority? That's just about the only thing you do good!!
how can anyone trust filemon vela jr.he files for congress as a democrat but gives nearly $100,000.00 to republicans to run against democrats and gets his wife to run as a republican against roy valdez. his father judge filemon vela was a great democrat and person I knew judge vela, judge vela was a friend of mine, filemon jr.. your notlike your father, far from it. I ask everyone to vote for anyone else
anyone but Vela and Villalobos
I am voting for Troiani!
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