Friday, March 9, 2012


By Juan Montoya
Not much happened in the way of controversy at the Cheezmeh debate last night.
In the donated hall and after having the candidates forked over a few bucks fo the grassroots organization and Erasmo's labor, the candidates settled in for the perfunctory questions that dealt widely on issues, including whether they agreed with the death penalty.
Of singular interest was Alex Torres' answer that as a Republican and an elected official, he would have to abide by the laws governing the state.
This apparently didn't sit well with one of Eddie Lucio III's guaruras (thugs) and he confronted Torres as he walked off the stage and got in his face trying to prevent him from the picture session with his supporters. Some witnesses say that not only did the E-3 thug get in Torres' face, but that there was actually some physical contact.
People quickly intervened since there was an apparent breakdown in the organizing of the event where some 100 people attended and the budget did not include security guards. Torres stayed for a while before he started to walk out the door and the beefy E-3 guarura again tried to put his hands on him.
"Don't put your hands on me," Torres told the thug.
"You're running in politics," the erudite Harlingen E-3 supporter said. "You better get used to it."
As they left, none other than Rene Oliveira called out to Torres encouragingly and told him not to take it personally because in this business "you're going to run into these nuts" sometimes.
As Torres made his way out to the parking lot, he asked Ted Hasse, now a candidate for Texas Southmost College trustee (Place 6), to walk out with him to his car in case he needed a witness since the E-3 guarura was also heading out the door. As Hasse tells it, the E-3 guarura followed Torres and Hasse to the car and tried to assault the candidate. Hasse, now in the comany of local gadfly Robert Uresti ran interference for Torres and in no uncertain terms told the E-3 thug to buzz, with Uresti warning him he would call the police if he didn't.
At the mention of cops, the coward lost his courage and left Torres to go on his merry way.
What would have happened if the assault had actually been allowed to continue and no cops or security were present at the event?
If not for Hasse and Uresti, Torres might have been hurt by E-3's thug. And that's the way the Cheezmeh crumbles.


Anonymous said...

Wow. Tad and Uresti aren't exactly muscle-bound street toughs. If *those* guys had to come to the rescue...

Anonymous said...

bullshit. Just come out and say you want to make Hasse and Euresti look like heroes when they are really clowns.

Anonymous said...

Turd is getting desperate, reminds me of Happy Gilmore, when Shooter McGavin got the nut with the VW Bug to hit Happy Gilmore. Cheap move Turd.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like something out of a John Grisham novel. With boo koo material from files of Brownsville polĂ­tics, why not?

Anonymous said...

A bit far fetched to imply Rep. Eddie Lucio III had any notion about this person actions or intent toward Mr. Torres. Quite a reach of political fodder.

Anonymous said...

Eddie III has reached rock star status in town, but his dumbass goons should realize that they couldn't have handpicked an easier opponent than Alex Torres. Nice guy, but zero money.

Tad Hasse AND Robert Uresti??? That's overkill!

El Boludo said...

Tad Hasse is like shit; he draws the flies. But knowing him I'd say Hasse needs to stay out of any physical action. Se lo hagaran a chingasos al pinche viejito!

Anonymous said...

WOW, I did not know Eddie Lucio III was involved with these kind of people. Really? Thugs? What is Eddie Lucio III thinking?

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr. Montoya, recognized you here at the library. Hope you're doing well!

Anonymous said...

Rep, Lucio III is not involved with such people and most of you know it. Try again. You missed the mark entirely to think all people of Brownsville are so gullible as to believe such fiction. Times are changing for the better and you can't come along because whoever you are, you're stuck in a time filled with angst toward those who achieve in life and who can think on their feet. No longwer will the people be led like sheep with such nonesense as you claimed in the original post against Rep. Lucio III. How sad for you and what a great trend for Brownsvillian's...Moving forward, not three steps back. No political leader is perfect as they are human and thus fallible by nature. Next time you try to strike out at Rep. Lucio III, make sure you're not aiming for a fast moving target with a wet noodle.

Anonymous said...

Juan, are you sure you were writing about one of those "things you imagine" sometimes???

Anonymous said...

Rep. Lucio III, make sure you're not aiming for a fast moving target with a wet noodle.


Anonymous said...

The above comment is signed by Ruben O'Bell.

Anonymous said...

Juan, i love your prose but you sure are a classic political sucker.

Here are the facts; make sure you take down these notes.

After the debate ended, Ron Lozano (not a E3 thug) went up to Torres and they engaged in conversation. We overheard someone say that Ron was "drilling him". It didn't seem like if he was "drilling him" but some people heard him get loud.

We didn't think anything of it because we saw Mr. Torres shake hands with people as he was exiting the room. He didn't look scared or threatened.

When we walked outside, 15 min after the debate ended, Mr. Torres was talking to Ted Hasse in the parking lot. Eddie waved and said goodnight to both of them and we left.

There was no E3 thug. Some politiquero sold you a BS story and you took the bait.

To Anonymous,, I didn't write that post. But I wrote this one.


Anonymous said...

So lucio has resorted to hiring some sicarios, guaruras, thugs, a-holes, or whatever you want to call them. I f he has done that he must not feel to confident in the powers of persuation of his paid politiqueras.

Anonymous said...

we don't pay politiqueras. never have. never will.

sicarios? guaruras? thugs? a-holes? Freaking hilarious.
