For the past few days, local contractors have received calls from commissioner Melissa Zamora inquiring on whether they feel they have been bypassed in the bidding process for demolition of homes and other structures inside the city.
Under a city manager-mayor form of city government, the city charter usually reserves these tasks for the city manager and his staff or the staff of other departments.

But now, as some members of the city commission have decided to take matters into their own hands, it appears that they have entrusted to themselves the job by bypassing City Manager Charlie Cabler and decided to do it themselves.
The point man in the endeavor, aside from Melissa, seems to be one Ramiro Gonzalez, city of Brownsville comprehensive planning manager, who we have learned is appearing at local city offices with Mayor Tony Martinez in tow asking questions that indicate that they suspect that purchasing agent Robert Luna may be steering demolition contracts to favored contractors.
This isn't sitting well with some contractors, especially since they say they have done demolition contract business with the city for more than a decade and know that some other contractors are better prepared and equipped than others.
"I won;t bid on a contract that I will later have to subcontract, such as sidewalk demolition," said one. "I know that there are others, and we all know each other, who specialize in that sort of thing, so why even bid?"
Gonzalez, however, appears to have caught the mayor's ear and one day appeared at Asst. City Manager's office Jeff Johnston and purchasing agent Luna asking whether any contractors had family members working with the city. Johnson, who is married to a Landreth, of local locksmith fame, said that it wasn't that unusual for people with relatives working for the city to contract for bid items.
"Jeff said that the Landreth often performed jobs for the city and that the fact he worked for the city posed no conflict of interest since there was a bidding process involved, and the decision was not the department head's to make," said a source. "Our city isn't that big. Take the school district, for exa

We have learned that Gonzalez and Martinez (as well as Zamora) have been sniffing around the vicinity of Public Works director Santana Torres and inquiring whether any of his relatives had gained an unfair advantage from the demolition contracts bid out buy the city.
As longtime Brownsville residents, we can only advice the would-be gumshoes that the Torres family is a large one and has members who are employed in the BISD, the city, and are also self employed.
For years, their dad farmed out in the area off Bowie Road and actually died when a tractor overturned on him as he farmed his corn out in their family farm. Their personal acquaintance with this city and its residents predates most of the sitting city commissioners.
In fact, one of the brothers, an electrician, did work on the mayor's own house.
Zamora, Martinez, Gonzalez and the rest of the investigative corps might well consider the ramifications of their sleuthing before casting aspersions in their direction.
BISD , a budget of $500,000? What is wrong with asking questions? I hope the City Commission asks all the hard questions and receives all the right answers. Go Melissa Zamora!!!
Esa vieja muerta de ambre esta loca.
She gets on FB and argues with people over the most insignificant things like winter Texans attending Charro Days just to make everyone look stupid. She is the one looking ill prepared and stupid.
She is so over the top fucking crazy.
She wants transprency from everyone but is willing to cover up for el Chupacabra Rene O.
Vieja mamona!!!!!!
I don't see a problem here. Go,commissioners!
Great post by Anon of 1:52 PM. Zamora is willing to take a microscopic look into the purchasing dept. yet she has not fully explained the accounts of her influence with the Mexican airline and the marketing firm she worked/works for.
So what you are saying is that in Brownsville nepotism is okay? Got it!
Thank you, Juan.
PS: Thank you for educating us, the unwashed masses that should let our betters decide for us. Critical thinking is too hard for us.
Johnston..with a T, is a Landreth. I am pretty sure that he is above board though. He is very professional, and honest as far as I can tell. Landreth's has been cutting keys for most local entities in Cameron County long before Jeff Johnston was ever a City employee. In fact, they are probably the most qualified locksmiths in the County. They have the ability to cut institutional keys that many other places cannot cut.
Es verdad zamora es una vieja naca e ignorante que en vez de hacer algo de provecho para la ciudad de brownsville anda como vieja de vecindad fodonga y fea, se cree la gran cosa cuando anda de congalera en los night clubs acting like she is Mr. Amigo saying Hi to everyone and some guys say who the fuck is that ugly bitch! OMG es tan ridicula que yo no se como pudieron votar por ella si es tan analfabeta y mal educada probablemente muy apenas acabo highschool, jajaja But lets have fun watching this little person trying to get the attention she really wants.
I agree with the anon 1:52 pm zamora is so unprofessional that all she wants is the attention of the camera like if she's all that and she is not even pretty, She should be looking and questioning other departments too and she will be surprised how nepotism exists in all departments where supervisors and assistant director have family members working under the same department they are ruling and they get away with it This is really unfare! This is for you Zamora if you have some kind of authority look around everywhere, don't concentrate only in one of the city departments.
Weak attempt at running cover for the Escobedo brothers.
govt by the people and for the people go melissa zamora
If they can't trust the City Manager to do his job....then perhaps we need a new and qualified city manager in Brownsville. If there is corrpution among the planners, then the buck stops with Charlie Cabler. Melissa Zamora is no angel, she is supporting Rene Oliviera, one of the slimiest slugs in local politics....who ran away from an accident near Cheddars and left his "girl friend" holding the bag....supported by Melissa Zamora's interference. What a city.
Zamora should look in the mirror before she wants to expose conflicts of intrest or corruption. Wasn't she the one that as soon as she became comissioner, started working for a vendor that did bussiness withe the city? Isn't she the one that is sleeping with one of the principals of the Gomez, Mendez, Design firm that also does work for the city? Wasn't she the one that blocked one airline to recieve incentives from GIBIC only to push for the incentives to go to another firm that was going to give her som business? Isn't she the one that ran cover for her client Rene Oliveira and interupted an arrest of her friend on a crash by the expresway? I'm sure her Woman Of the Year award is in the mail. You get the picture.
The only one that can say anything positive about Zamora is Zamora.
"Es verdad zamora es una vieja naca e ignorante que en vez de hacer algo de provecho para la ciudad de brownsville anda como vieja de vecindad fodonga y fea, se cree la gran cosa cuando anda de congalera en los night clubs acting like she is Mr. Amigo saying Hi to everyone and some guys say who the fuck is that ugly bitch! OMG es tan ridicula que yo no se como pudieron votar por ella si es tan analfabeta y mal educada probablemente muy apenas acabo highschool, jajaja But lets have fun watching this little person trying to get the attention she really wants."
LOL. Who is really lacking the education? I can picture a "naca" saying this while she shakes her head and waves her finger.
Who does Zamora think she is? You'd think she had been charged with setting policies and rules by which the City of Brownsville is operated.
Oops, I forgot she was an elected city commissioner. I guess she DOES have the fiduciary responsibility of ensuring that our citiy's policies and procedures are not violated by a few(?) rotten apples in the city.
Can't believe we actually have some commenters defending corruption and nepostism. Guess Dr. Zavaletta was right, we should just accept it and STFU.
Isn't the key word here "unfair advantage" (okay, key two words). Everybody should have a fair shot, relative or not (depending on the degree of seperation. I think an elected city official aactually checking on something is a good thing. I guess El Rrun Rrun will be laying off the Hernandez's now as apparently it's cool for Erin to own vending machines on city property with her father's influence.
You don't even know the whole family and you're throwing us into the whole mix. What does the dad have to do with this? He was a hard working man who would mind his own business, something YOU should do. Let the man rest in peace. (PPT)
Anonymous said...
Zamora should look in the mirror before she wants to expose conflicts of interest or corruption. Wasn't she the one that as soon as she became comissioner, started working for a vendor that did business with the city? Isn't she the one that is sleeping with one of the principals of the Gomez, Mendez, Design firm that also does work for the city? Wasn't she the one that blocked one airline to receive incentives from GIBIC only to push for the incentives to go to another firm that was going to give her some business? Isn't she the one that ran cover for her client Rene Oliveira and interrupted the arrest of her friend on a crash by the expressway? I'm sure her Woman Of the Year award is in the mail. You get the picture.
Too funny anonymous! She will probably order the Woman of the Year award from the promotional company she works for with a big discount.
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