Friday, April 27, 2012


By Juan Montoya

Like a recurring bad novela, Cameron County Precinct 2 Commissioner Ernie Hernandez is making a move to advance his daughter Erin's political prospects at the expense of poor families in the county's forgotten extreme east side.

Just as he did last month when he pulled his longtime support at the last moment and folded to the vocal anti-toll road crowd against the Westside Parkway, Ernie is now sniffing at the potential political benefits that he could accrue if he appears to be in support for an animal shelter from the animal-rights crowd.

Now he's proposing to change the allocation of the some $1 million from the $23.6 million bond issuance approved by the county commissioners last year.

He is proposing to give up his $500,00 allocated for an Olmito Community Center and have Pct. 1 Commissioner Sofie Benavides give up the rest from her $1.4 million allocation for the Pete Benavides Park and Browne Road Social Center improvements.

That center – the cornerstone of years of service from the late commissioner and his widow Sofia to the Southmost community – has been an ongoing project pushed by the entire commissioners court. But now, as Ernie hears the drumbeat and smells the potential votes that could help his daughter Erin get elected to the coveted Justice of the Peace 2-2 position once held by the late Tony Torres, he is attempting to become the darling of the doggie crowd by forcing the court to send money their way.

"Just as he did on the Westside Parkway, he is now trying to do the same to curry the support of the animal rights groups in Cameron County to gather sympathy for his daughter's election," said a courthouse watcher."

Observers say that during the Parkway debate, Ernie's abstained from an initial vote and left he voting stand at 5-5. One of those voting for the Parkway project was Benavides, who said the opposition had plenty of time to object to the project but waited until the last minute, when the yes or no vote would decide its facte, to come out against it.

After leaving the decision at a stalemate, dozens of calls to Hernandez and Benavides from anti-Parkway activists flooded the precinct office phone lines. Then, at the next meeting, not only did Hernandez vote against it, he also got the support of Stealth Mayor Tony Martinez and made his brownie points by going against it.

"The city had supported the project all along until the vocal opposition made Ernie and Martinez back down," said a county official who attended the raucous meeting. "Hundreds of thousands of dollars were spent on studies, bike trials, walkways, landscaping, you name it, everything the opposition wanted was included in the project only to have Ernie back down when he saw potential political fallout from it. The residents complained about potential noise hazards, but, hell, they used to have a freight train pass by there every day and never raised an objection.

That was Hernandez at his political pandering best."

Now, all of a sudden, Hernandez wants Benavides to give up on delivering on her promises to the forgotten neighborhoods of the county's extreme east side neighborhoods and give up the money to construct a $1 million shelter for stray dogs.

That idea is not sitting well with even with some of his longtime political supporters. One woman who has helped the Hernandezs in their past forays into the governmental coffers said this was the limit for her.

"I don't care what you say about me after I say this," she said. "If you looked at the people that Hernandez brought to put pressure on the commissioners, they were pretty much white, middle age, middle class people who want a better animal shelter for the dogs. Ernie is willing to take the money for poor, Mexican kids in the east side barrios of Southmost and give it to them to make points for his daughter. That was the limit for me. I hope Sofia and the commisisoners don't give in to him."


Jim Barton said...


At the regional planning meeting in the Mary Yturria room, Martinez and Hernandez saw which way the political wind was blowing and were trying to beat each other to the punch in opposition to the tollway.

Ernie asked to make a motion, but Tony pre-empted as moderator, by making his comment first in opposition to the tollway taking some of the wind out of Ernie's sails.

Then, Tony yielded to Ernie to make his motion which was worded in an odd way. Ernie moved that the tollway proposal be denied. That confused Presas-Garcia. She had to ask: "So, if I vote for Commissioner Hernandez' motion, that's voting against the tollway, right?" She was told that was correct.

Ernie's motion passed after which Sofia Benefides asked to be recognized. She was talking almost inaudibly about how she wished more time had been given to consider the matter. Tony cut her off with: "Sofia, we've already voted on this."


Anonymous said...

For once, I agree with Sofia Benavides. The needs of the families that use the Browne Road Service Center and Benavides Park far outweigh the need for a new animal shelter. There are other ways the county can address the stray animal problem in this budget cycle. Why does Hernandez have to cheat at absolutely everything he does?

Anonymous said...

Ernie is a slug and will play politics based on the way the wind blows. He is a terrible person and a power monger. He and his family, like Aurora de la Garza and her family, are leeches on the local community. They continually seek ways to stay on the public tit. But, apparently the voters of this community want corrupt officials like Ernie and Aurora.

Anonymous said...

I'd be very surprised if Ernie gets elected again. He barely squeaked by last time even with the politiquera harvest. He would likely be an even weaker candidate in the future.

Ernie's hope to continue sucking the city and county dry rests on the ample backside of his daughter Erin. If Erin gets in, all of the Hernandez get in.

Anonymous said...

Ernie should shut his mouth .... He always has his mouth open super gross!

Anonymous said...

Erne is just like the current board why are you complaining about? Todos coludos o todos rabones...

Anonymous said...

To the voters of Cameron County! Dont't let the antics of this Father Pig in the likes of Ernie Hernandez fool you! It is evident that he is looking for the dumb voter to further his career and that of his daughter, Erin Miss Piggy Hernandez. I truly believe that the voters of Cameron County are smarter than that. Ernie Hernandez and his family like doing it doggie style to further their political standing and careers.

Anonymous said...

I happeneded to be at that animal shelter meeting and for the mexican that wants to make ot a racial thing we can do that. I am white and disagree with the building of anything for the kids, the mexican kids are just gonna grafitti, deal drugs, and commit crimes, why can't the mexican paents spend time with there kids? cause they are doing the same thing, or sitting at the welfare office to get there lonestar card. I don't care if you are purple, but I do have morals, something y'all don't have down here, y'all have your heads up your rectum. where I come from you don't see goats, donkeys, horses, or dogs tied on the side of the road. Ordinences need to be enforced, HELLO. A new shelter will be a great thing and unlike Judge so and so says about adoption, heck with that what a dumn thing to say. Get those inmates to clean the dog crap to earn their food or the folks with 15 kids down here to clean and feed at the shelter to earn there lonestar cards, maybe it will be a form of birth control. I din't know Hernandez from Adam and only went to hear about the animal shelter. The intelltual level in the valley is a few fries short of a Happy Meal. Thank God there is no "Mexicans" in Office. This goes to the Lady that wanted to bring color in the picture and she sure showed hers. Thank You for showing how really ignorant you are. Guera, and proud of it.

Anonymous said...

^^^Typical white trash who thinks dogs are more important than brown children. Que vaya a la verga pinche guera! Type that into Google translate bitch!

Anonymous said...

You don't have to translate for me,My familia is half Hispanic. But we don't use that kind of language, maybe that is why the first work we teach our children is not assistance. If that is the so called "white trash" in me, Thank You, Jesus. Y'all need to learn what keeping your legs together is all about. With you it sounds like you need to keep both sets of lavios together. We don't have litters in the Anglo population. Get a job.

Anonymous said...

Racist bitch just because you don't use bad words doesn't make you any less of a bigot.. think you're better than everyone cuz you're a half breed.please.go back to whatever backwards hick town you came from and fuck your dogs! literally.

Anonymous said...

My dogs would be alot better to do that to, because your breed, has so many kids all over how would you know who you were breeding, that is why the brain is a little short on intellegence. On that note I am done wasting my good time on a degenerate as yourself, you are way out and off the subject of anything and are not showing your race a very good example, how shameful, most of you are merciless and have no pride, you just have to look around. And I am sure my dogs are prettier and I know smarter than someone as nasty as you, you can tell by your mouth. I'm sure your kids have a wide vocabulary. What a nice mom and person.This is my last comment, go stand on the corner of Elizabeth street or go back under one of the dumpsters you crawled out of. God help you. And I bet you and your family are dog beaters, i can tell by the mouth and probably a little crack head.
