Thursday, April 19, 2012


By Juan Montoya

It's been a mean season for current Cameron County Pct. 2 Commissioner Ernie Hernandez – and by association – his daughter Erin's candidacy for Justice of the Peace 2-2.
No sooner Teflon Ernie weathered a controversy that would have forced most honorable politicians from office, than another storm of dishonor rain down on his parade.
The list is long.
Should we start with the ongoing investigation of the bogus hiring of his brother-in-law Roberto Cadriel as a security guard at Veterans Memorial International Bridge, a job that lasted two days before he jumped ship as the public learned that perhaps someone else had taken the civil Service exam after he failed to pass it twice?
We still haven't heard the end of that. Will the DA find enough evidence to issue indictments on the circumvention of the Civil Service, a federally-protected employment program?
Or how about the fact that the then-Human Resources officer Robert Lopez, rather than stand his ground in the swirling blame game for the snafu chose instead to step aside and resign from his job? County sources tell us that a county worker in the Human Resources office may have taken (and passed) the test that Cadriel could only muster a grade of 36 at the most. The final grade after the third try was in the 90s. Either he's a fast study or, draw your own conclusions.
How about the recent coverage of his wife Norma's cousin Aroldo Cadriel and his involvement in the murder of a teenage girl and the alleged molestation of young boys? Now, as more victims step forward to point an accusing finger at the accused, the Hernandezs can't find enough cover.
Before that it was the vending machine contract with the county whose ownership went from Ernie, to Erin, and then to Norma to try to avoid the obvious conflict of interest inherent in having an elected official doing business with the entity he represents?
And how about Erin being listed on the campaign push cards of John Villarreal as his treasurer when the rules for the Texas judiciary clearly forbid a magistrate's involvement in any political campaign? Erin at the time was listed as the magistrate at Primera, Texas.
There was, about two years ago, a huge controversy involving the use of the community park buildings (El Centro in Cameron Park, and Browne Park) to give free notary public services. At the time, the county's legal counsel said that county employees had no business dispensing the free services because it smacked of political campaigning on county time.
Well, now we learn that when Ernie benevolently sought funds to hand out free gifts to families at Cameron Park, none other than his daughter Erin (running for justice of the peace) was chosen to put on the Santa Claus hat and personally hand them out.
While we were visiting the Roaldo Cadriel tragedy, we got a few calls from former county workers who said Ernie lied when he said he had nothing to do with using thousands of dollars of caliche and the labor county employees and machinery (and federal colonia monies) to extend the caliche top on Nogal Road more than a mile all the way to the end of the road where Cadriel had his firing range business.
Ernie conveniently didn't "recall" that when Carlos Cisneros was let go as then-Pct. 2 Commissioner John Wood's administrative assistant, he hired Hernandez to replace him. Ernie had just beaten Ruben Peña as the Democratic candidate for Pct. 2 and Wood thought it would be good for Ernie to get his beak wet before he took over the position before the November election.
Well, apparently Wood didn't have to tell Ernie twice. He knows his way around a trough.
The former county workers said that Nogal Road has but a few house on the north end of the road, and that they never used caliche to cover the far end of the unused thoroughfare.
Not until Ernie came into the picture that is.
"They put the colonia project workers and used colonia money to buy trucks and trucks of caliche to spread it far south where there aren't even any houses," said one on condition of anonymity. "And it wasn't just a few trucks, the caliche crown was at least six inches thick and about a mile long. It went right by Roaldo Cadriel's firing range."
Knowing Ernie, these instances of questionable actions will probably not be the last we hear from his camp as we advance toward the May 29 Democratic primary wheere his daughter is running for office. Will we as voters remember?


Anonymous said...

Voting for Ernie or Erin (which is the same) is like the people of Mexico thinking about nominating Tomas Yarrington for president, even the thought is ridiculous but is more than ridiculous, it is tragic. If the ugliest girl in town wins the position of JP, they would have even more leverage to bully, manipulate, or bribe people. it is funny how Erin talks about ending bulling at the schools when the worst bullies in town are Ernie, Norma and Erin herself. I know the Hernandezes very well, I have been an almost friend for many years, and because I know them I would never vote for them.not want Erin as JP, I know what they are capable of, and when they saw me talking with another candidate they went ballistic and called me the next day, and the next and the next, first Erin, then Norma and las Ernie, calling me anything from ungreatful to son of a bitch

Anonymous said...

And why doesn't the Herald write about this kind of corruption? Why does the Herald ignore political corruption? Why hasn't the Herald written about PEMEX wanting a port in Matamoros? Why? Why? Why?

Anonymous said...

I can only speak for myself. I'm a voter and I don't forget shit like this.

Anonymous said...

Damn..begum is feeling the heat to have montoya working this hard......

Anonymous said...

These r the kinds of problems our county will always have, as long as we continue to vote for people like Ernie n his family.

Anonymous said...

COMMISSIOER Pct 1 and 2.

Anonymous said...

Damn Erin, you should be getting the heat not any of your opponents, nobody else feels any heat because everybody else is running on their own merits, and minding their own business. Learn some class from them.

Anonymous said...

Merits,,, too fucken funny anonymous....NONE of Erin's opponents have any merits....they are all a bola de pendejos!!!!

Anonymous said...

I attended this weeks forum which included the race for justice of peace. I was so embarrassed by Mrs. Begums responses. She was clueless and did not begin to comprehend the questions that were asked relating to the justice of peace office.This lady has no business running for public office. She can't even speak English.

Former County Employee said...

Well written Mr. Montoya! This is the truth about Ernie "Father Pig" Hernandez and his daughter, Erin "Piglet" Hernandez. This is a family of corruption and Ernie Hernandez reeks of it! I am willing to bet that Ernie Hernandez assisted his wife's cousin in getting those charges taken care of since Ernie Hernandez is close with Armando "Possible Letter" Villalobos? Mr. Montoya, don't bet on the DA's office to find any criminal charges on "Father Pig" since Armando Villalobos' administration is on their way out. They'll keep sweeping it under the rug and let the new administration investigate it. Voters of Brownsville, make your decision based on who will represent us honestly and not with skeletons in the closest before taking office. Erin is a NO NO!!! When "Father Pig" comes up for re-election, he is a NO NO!!! Maybe the Feds need to look into the Hernandez family since we can't count on Armando Villalobos, who may have his own problems in the future?

Anonymous said...

The realtors forum is a farce, the realtors can't even get together to go to a meeting much less to endorse anybody, specially if Larry Jockel suggest we vote for someone, it's rediculous. And i will tell this person that is saying that Yolanda does not speak english, that i was there and she speaks with a slight accent but her english is as good as Erin's or Tapia's only more human, we realtors need someone honest, efficient, and new.

Anonymous said...

In our corrupt city all the officials cover each other's tracks, and harass anybody who is not in it with them, like John Villarreal attacking CAVA we should start thinking about not reelecting him. Pendejo

Anonymous said...

Time to throw out the trash! I will be voting because of this corruption, and my vote will NOT be for Erin.
