For those of us who have been involved in political campaign before, it is not uncommon to see clearly creative and self-serving press releases from some candidates who seek to transform a seemingly innocent absence of one of their opponents to a debate and try to turn it into a conspiracy to keep them from the spotlight they so crave.

Issued for "immediate release," on the very same day even before the forum was held, the missive indicated that even though she was "uninvited" because her Republican opponents "refuse to attend," Bradshaw made out like she was being victimized by her opponents' absence.
(She spoke, mainly, about her female opponent for the Republican nomination Adela Garza.)
Nonetheless, poor Jess vowed to attend and crash the event and cited her interpretation of Federal Elections Commission's rules that state that two candidates from a party must attend to be permissible and her Republican opponents were not attending. Yet, again, lamented Bradshaw, she "would be the only Republican willing to represent conservative values."
Whitlock, according to her spinmeisters' take, was "misinformed" and she vowed to attend Whitlock's interpretation notwithstanding."Earlier this afternoon, Jessica Puente Bradshaw announced, I will attend tonight's televised Candidates Forum because I am a candidate for CD 34. I hope to participate," the announcement said.
"It is a shame that this opportunity for my candidacy to be promoted on television is being held hostage by my Republican opponents who refuse to attend. I have a consistent history of standing up for conservative principles and that is what some are afraid of."
She, then, invited the rest of the conservative flock to unite behind her as one and show those corrupt Democrats that she is the true savior of conservative values.

Nowhere in this public announcement does Bradshaw (or is it Robinson?), mention that that very night there was a meeting of the TSC board of trustees where important issues like the fate of the faculty and students after the separation of TSC and UTB would be decided. And nowhere does he mention that – never having been an elected officials or having served on a publicly-elected board – that politics must of necessity take a second seat to performing the public's work as their representative.
If anything, Bradshaw and her handlers are very good at spinning the truth and relaying that spin to the Republican precinct chairs that she hopes will put her over the top in the upcoming Republican primary.
We had seen ambitious people before, but the spright Ms. Bradshaw has to be one of the best spinners we have run across. Her vociferous supporters (and we know some of them personally) are vicious in their attacks of anyone they consider inimical to her interests. But where was she when Adela was fighting to save our community college?
Where was she when local business interests and renegade priests were threatening the professional and spiritual lives of the four trustees – Adela among them – for protecting the 75-year community iinstitution from destruction by the UT System?
For some reason, we can't remember her being anywhere near the battle. Now she criticizes Adela for attending to the people's business instead of giving her a forum to promote her candidacy to represent the very people who so badly needed her support to defend their community interests from the UT System.
Spin away, "Puente." The local people will never forget your absence at that forum.More on:
Republicans agree!
Adela is a nasty woman!!!
Repost please
Jessica Puente Bradshaw is smart. She attacks Democrats, not her own party.
Look at those fucking loser DUMBOkrats for fuck's sake, we are not like them. Denise "Saenz" Blanchard backstabbing all the other dumbokrat candidates HA-HA. Viva SoloMAMON Ortiz!!! Elmo Aycock slapps Villalobos and Troani silly at VICC. Sweet.
Everyone KNOWS the DUMBOkrats are stupid motherfuckers. Republicans are smart. Rusty would nott allow this coward backstabber shit. YOU DUMBASSES ARE DESTROYING OUR PARTY!!!! JUST LIKE THE FUCKING DEMOCRATS!!! STOP ATTACKING JESSICA OUR OWN FUCKING CANDIDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Adela is an accomplished woman. With Huevos
Adela is the best choice!
Is the issue of choosing a mascot for TSC that important? That is all they did. There was no decision on faculty or students handled. We know you support fArseda Garza, but if you are going to write something, be truthful and with complete information.
Adela misses TONS of TSC meetings... this is nothing new. This meeting to finalize a mascot happened to be a good excuse for Adela to not show up to yet ANOTHER forum. I mean honestly, its not hard to figure out... Jessica is hiding something? Hardly... try Adela's voting records!
Wow, attacking Adela for missing a forum to do the people's work - very mature move by Jessica. Just shows how inexperienced she is; she may be able to speak well but she's got no substance or experience to back anything up.
This was a baseless and immature attack by Jessica's campaign, but it is definitely warranted for Adela's campaign to question her experience. This site is fantastic, we need to know these sort of things. Why hasn't she filed her fec reports, what is she hiding? Funny thing that her most recent report shows her 2010 campaign with a DEBT - such a great fiscal conservative.
Its one thing to speak eloquently about conservative issues, its another to actually practice these values and stand up for your community as Adela has done.
Didn't we hear the same empty rhetoric from blake Faronthold. More damn, fucked up empty promises from a candidates that want to get elected, and make a carrer out of politics.
Just what is the deal with all these women married to Anglos. What's the matter, to good for Hispanics.
Jessica claims she was born in Matamoros, but her parents brought her here at 4 y/o, but there is no more explanation as to wheter they all were legal or illegal residentes...there is not much informstion there...helloooo!!!
Jessica likes to crtiicize Adela ... she is too young and inexperienced.
Adela is as corrupt as the day is long. She is ignorant and ambitious...such a frightening combination. Oh please...we already have a Nancy we really need another one?
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