Friday, April 20, 2012


By Juan Montoya
After posting items on the hapless new Cameron County Safety Officer Gilbert Galvan – a favorite of Public Works Supervisor Louis Ara and Administrator Pete Sepulveda – we have learned that he was last seen removing the Pct. 3 commissioner decal from David Garza's old truck.
Galvan, if you'll remember, was the self-styled Speed Demon who wrecked the county's SUV truck after he had been entrusted with the Safety Officer position following the resignation of Robert Lopez, who had himself become mired in the Ernie Hernandez-Roberto Cadriel hiring scandal.
Galvan couldn't quite maneuver the curve at the intersection of FM 803 and Henderson Road after hours Monday and was unable to drive the wrecked county vehicle home. He then called a tow truck and had the taxpayers pick up the bill for his misadventure.
The last time county workers saw him he was in the county barn yard in Pct. 3 (San Benito) peeling off the commissioner's logo from the truck he had been issued to replace the other vehicle while it was being repaired.
Here, for your edification, is a photograph of the truck after Speedy got done with it. We still haven't been able to get an accident report or find out whether Galvan was cited for traffic violations. Don't worry, though, we're still at it.
Naming Galvan as a safety officer might have been Ara and Sepulveda's idea of a joke, or at least an oxymoron. And we thought they had no sense of humor.

We have learned from numerous sources that the spoilsport test coordinator at Pace High School who reported that Principal Rose Longoria and her assistant Carla Gonzales were apparently changing notations in the 11th grade exit exams is, alas, no longer there.
The powers-that-be at the Brownsville High School District apparently didn't take it well that someone would object to the principal changing demographic information on the exams that would determine whether students would go on to be seniors or, perhaps more importantly to the sports-loving administration, allow athletes to play football in their senior year.
Whatever the justifications might have been for the testing coordinator's removal and reassignment to the Early College campus, we're sure it had nothing to do with retaliation against an employee who thought he/she detected wrongdoing and reported it. Right?
We used to complain in this blog about the apparent abuses of the BISD administration under the former majority and former superintendent, but now it appears that not much has changed out with the new crew in place.
The coordinator, according to some Pace faculty, refused to recant her original story that she had witnessed Longoria and Gonzalez changing something on the exam sheets and was removed as a result.
We will be filing our tedious request for information and hope the administration doesn't stonewall us with the "personnel matters" smokescreen. The comments from Pace H.S. parents to this blog indicate that they take this matter very seriously and that they think any tampering with the test questions the integrity of the testing process.


Anonymous said...

The facts are there and the truth will come out. There were approximately 10 teachers that actually saw the irregularities and wrote statements. If BISD says those statements "exonerate" those in question then not only are they covering it up but letting everyone know that they may do as they wish and the community can't do anything about it.

Anonymous said...

"We used to complain in this blog about the apparent abuses of the BISD administration under the former majority and former superintendent, but now it appears that not much has changed out with the new crew in place."

Uh, Juan, Brownsville has 200,000 residents and you are the last person in town to learn this.

Okay just kidding. It is refreshing you are giving us straight reporting on this.

A couple of things on standardized test cheating. It's an issue showing up nationwide. The Atlanta Journal Constitution newspaper hired professional statistical analysts to examine test scores across the country. They found districts where the odds that reported improved test scores could occur without cheating were a million to one against. From the analysis, Dallas and Houston are off the charts for cheating, statistically. It's a report worth looking at.

The other interesting thing, reported in a Houston Chronicle column, is that the TEA refuses to look into this. Or, more specifically, refuses to release the information that it has found when it has looked into this over the past few years.

Anonymous said...

that someone would object to the principal changing demographic information on the exams that "would determine whether students would go on to be seniors or, perhaps more importantly to the sports-loving administration, allow athletes to play football in their senior year."
The test has nothing to so with whether a student becomes a senior or not and also does not have a bearing on if a student plays a sport. Get some more informed sources.

Anonymous said...

You are correct, the taks test does not have anything to do with students becoming seniors or athletes playing a sport. More importantly it determines if a student graduates from high school and is also used to grade the school's performance. So if what these 10 teachers are saying is true then those in question were cheating. Not a good thing.

Anonymous said...

Hey they got rid of the principal at Veterans for something less important than this. So now what?

Anonymous said...

There is a lot more going on at Pace than just changing information on taks exams. Has anyone ask the records clerk about Mrs. Longoria's constant verbal harrasment? How about Mrs. Longoria's refusal meet with parents and talk about the increase drug related issues at Pace? Why is Pace suddenly known as the "best drugs" in town?

Anonymous said...

If this is true then both the principal and her assistant can be fired from BISD and have their certificates taken away. What people do not understand is how serious this is.

Anonymous said...

Blah, blah, blah!!!!!! Get a fucking life!!!! You guys really need to get out of Brownsville! Boring!!!!

Anonymous said...

"suddenly known"??...where the hell have you been all these years!! Pace has always had a bad reputation for drugs, violence, chongs, etc., etc. If Mrs. Longoria can't clean up that school, nobody ever will. I have to say she's one brave woman to have taken on that position!!! And one other thing, if you're a lazy ass worthless teacher, I suggest you put in for a transfer. She will not put up with your type!!
