There were bands, student cookoffs, antojito and folk craft stands, and other exhibits praising Mother Earth and all that's good an pure in this world.
And then there was Brownsville City Commissioner John Villarreal going ballistic when he visited the linear park located in the shadow of the federal courthouse where matters dealing with free speech and the glories of a democracy are decided. Ironically, that's where currently, the cases dealing with corruption, racketeering and influence peddling are currently the rage as the Abel Limas-related corruption prosecution is underway.

On piece of literature dealt with a $5,000 reward for anyone whose tip would lead to a conviction.
Villarreal immediately caught the attention of EarthFest organizers and demanded that they force Flores to remove the offending literature and that they shut down her stand. When that didn't immediately work, he enlisted the aid of City Manager Charlie Cabler, no stranger to a strand of rubber hose to get the job done.
The offending materials included her American flag that served as a backdrop on her literature table.
Then, while a crowd of participants looked on – including at least one municipal judge and Rio Bravo Wildlife Institute coordinator Joe Boswell – he claimed before the startled spectators that he had the support of fellow commissioner Melissa Zamora and Mayor Tony Martinez not to fund the EarthFest activities next year because of this indiscretion.
Now, Flores and most other participants certainly didn't expect anyone – least of all an elected city commissioner – to be for voter abuse, much less to make a spectacle of himself defending the right of anyone to commit voter fraud. Instead of adding to the spectacle of the livid commissioner, Flores instead opted to collect her literature and put it back in her car and close her stand. Mejor un loco que dos, no?

But, then again, this is the same John Villarreal who has reveled in his relationship with the Ernie Hernandez clan who have been tagged by more than one accuser of harvesting write-in votes from elderly voters. In fact, in his race in the last city commission elections, Villarreal openly courted the support of Ernie and wife Norma. In fact, his treasurer was listed as Erin Hernandez Garcia, Ernie's daughter who defended the use of politiqueras in his Pct. 2 comissioner's race and is a candidate for JP 2-2 on May 29.
Perhaps the commissioner thought that Flores and her group were giving voter abuse a bad name. Or perhaps there weren't enough cigarette butt costumes to go around and he was upset he had to do without one when he ran into the unfortunate CAVA activist.
"We'll see whether he goes through with his threat and whether commissioner Zamora and Mayor Martinez really take side with his defense of voter abuse," said a bystander who witnessed the fray. "I seriously doubt they would do it. But we'll see. It''s like Villarreal was saying that we like our voter abuse fine, thank you."
John Villareal is a stupid piece of shit. Anyone who considers the Hernandezes "friends" has a few screws loose. The "comisionado" can't handle a concerned citizen opposing voter fraud at an Earth Day fest? Let's see if Melissa Zamora and TONY MARTINEZ agree with THIS DUMB FUCK!!!!! After all Tony Martinez' son is the treasurer for ARMANDO "INDICTMENT" VILLALOBOS FOR CONGRESS... and ZAMORA is doing RAMIRO GARZA FOR CONGRESS cmapaign, ARE VILLALOBOS AND GARZA SUPPORTING POLITIQUERAS AND ABUSE OF OUR ELDERLY FOR MAIL IN BALLOTS????????? this could be INTERESTING....... time to FIND OUT!!!!!!!!
Some people can't handle the idea of a clean election. Namely, the ARoldo "murder, gay rapist, body dumper" Cadriel family including Ernie Hernandez, Erin H (Hernandez) Garcia for JP!
Thank God John Villareal, finally shows us his true colors. They run brown and PMS red, the color of Erin's diarrhea when she's on her period.
I can't believe this loser Villarreal is a Commissioner with Brownsville. How did this doofus have won except by cheating of course he is friends iwht Ernie and Erin Hernandez! Poor old peopl.e
Never vote for him again
Villareal. We had hear the rumors but he proved he is as corrupt as Erin H Garcia and familia.
What a loser.
Pinche pendejo este Villarreal!!!
Of course he is afraid to be discovered, if he is friends with the Hernandezes he is just as corrupt
Of course he is afraid to be discovered, if he is friends with the Hernandezes he is just as corrupt
What is he afraid of?
So Denise supporting the Hernandez's? She is full of hot air. She talks about having twenty years of experience...yet says that we have lost our voice in Washington. Too funny...since for the last 20 years she and her boss Ortiz did nothing for us!! Fake!!
Villareal is the Hernandez' bitch. Yes I believe he would let them finger his butt hole too.
Great Post JM.
He hasnt done one damn thing for the District he represents!
He has some nerve to threaten the earth fest organisers. Can you say BULLY?!
I applaud Mary Helen Flores for the work she is performing in attempting to raise awareness of the voter fraud issue so pervasive in this community. What I strongly disagree on is her decision to leave Earthfest instead of standing her ground given the fact a great percentage of citizenry in this community believe in what she is advocating. As you so eloquently pointed out, where does Villarreal stand when it comes to issues of free speech….moreover voter fraud? In this politically correct climate it appears many individuals, specifically politicians, are playing a “wait and see” game on what is said or done in order to become offended. If indeed John Villarreal follows through on his threat to defund Earthfest activities, I will personally be leading an awareness campaign of his behavior informing the residents of District 4 of his debauchery. Someone needs to confront the commish and ask what his position is on voter fraud and the advocacy of voter fraud awareness. I would like to see Dann Rivera take a poll on how the community feels about politiqueras and the work CAVA is performing and John Villarreal outlandish behavior regarding this organization.
(Yes I believe he would let them finger his butt hole too.)
Maybe villarreal needs to be recalled and have a new commissioner represent District 4. He is as corrupt as the Hernandezes and Erin Garcia. MaryHelen did nothing wrong at all for being out there. Shame on Villarreal for what he did!!!
Fuck those people. Get a fucking job. Congratulations Commissioner. This is not what Earth Day is about.
aka Commissioner Douche
Recall the freaking mayor. That dushebag hasn't done shit for our city. And as for somebody trying to flex your political muscles to stop the freedom of speech, im.going to exercise mine right now, Fuck you!
Mary Helen Flores is a moron. You are spinning your wheels.
In Vietnam we eradicated the VC from areas. After we left, they would come back and control the lands once again.
You're going no where fast.
Who's laughing now, John Villarreal? It sure ain't you or the Whorenandezes!
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