Tuesday, May 22, 2012


By Juan Montoya

Does the new Port of Brownsville Chief of Police have great timing, or what?
Just after former Brownsville Police Chief Carlos Garcia jumped ship to take over the seven-officer force of the Brownsville Navigation District, the tidy hold he had on revelations of activity going on in his department have unraveled.
Garcia left just before a wrongful death lawsuit was filed by the parents of Cummings teenager Javier Gonzalez, who was gunned down by two officers with assault rifles after getting the command to "take him down."
But that was after another lawsuit claiming that SWAT officers from the department shot down a mentally imbalanced man when he tried to resist their entering his home, even after the neighbors told officers that he wasn't the suspect they were seeking. In that case, Garcia was on the scene and personally directed the officers to storm the building.
That was bad enough.
But that was just the teeny-weenie tip of the iceberg that things were not going well in that passion-driven department. Apparently, the cauldron of lust was spreading like a bad dose of STDs on the corner of Jackson Street between Sixth and Seventh streets.
Just a week ago, we learned that former Police Commander William Ingram suddenly retired after it became public that he was caught by Internal Affairs investigators who seized his city-issued cell phone and discovered nude photos he had sent to a woman with whom he admitted he had been carrying a "relationship".
Ingram joined the department in 1977 and was promoted to Commander of Uniform Services September 16, 2009, during Garcia's watch.
According to PD sources, the report filed against Ingram by the woman had the victim claiming that he started sending her photos of himself and was persistent in that she send him some back. The woman is said to have complied with one photograph of herself, but sources say they were nothing as revealing as the numerous nude photos Ingram sent her from the police station gymnasium using his city-issued cell phone.
Coming, as it does, after a similar incident late December when the department weathered another texting scandal when a dispatcher was arrested on harassment charges for posting online text messages and photographs between her husband, a police officer and a female officer, this latest incident makes the department look bad, administration sources said.
But Garcia, just in time, in now chilling out at port and probably glad he slipped out unscathed.


Anonymous said...

And don't forget how he used his position and influence to save his son embarrassment for his violations of the law. Garcia was a nice guy, but like other local officials in Brownsville, tended to use his badge and position to benefit himself, his family and his friends. He kept local corruption moving along. He will do the same at the Port.

Anonymous said...

Get over it Montoya....All of that is old news....move on.

Anonymous said...

Hey ESE leave montoya alone, hes entitled to say whatever he wants even if is old, so fuck off motherfuckker!!

Anonymous said...

It is his blog. He can write whatever he wants.

Anonymous said...

one officer from port police out whats going on....

Anonymous said...

Carlos Garcia, did not escape anything, he Was the worst Chief the Brownsville Police Department ever had. He left a legacy of compadrismo and bad decisions. Do any of you remember a commander by the name of Robert Avitia? Does anyone how he became commander? It sure was not because of his great leadership, but because Carlos Garcia, the ex (thank goodness)Brownsvillve Police Chief appointed him, which was a BIG! BIG! BIG! MISTAKE. ROBERT AVITIA IS NOT ONLY AN ASSHOLE, HE WAS ALSO AN ASSHOLE OF A LEADER!!!!!!!!. You ask, what is wrong with appointing Robert Avitia? Here is your answer. Robert Avitia was only a sargeant, maybe he was not inetellent to pass the LT. test who knows. There were several qualified Lts. but he appointed the sargeant, his best friend. What is worse is that he had all of his Lts. apply for the commander position knowing that he had already told SARGEANT AVITIA that he was going to be the next commander. THAT IS COMPRADISMO AT ITS MAX. The police department was never the same with those two idiots in charge.
