Wednesday, May 9, 2012


By Juan Montoya

They were quite the pair.
When there was a high-profile case as that of Rubio beheading of his children, the trial Mexican Mafia chieftain who ordered hits from prison, and now, the Tiffany Galvan murder by her 16-year-old boyfriend, it was always Chuck Mattingly and Mando Villalobos making the closing statements and facing the press in triumph afterwards.
Never mind that in the Rubio case they forgot to give the defense the right to question his accusing live-in mate, or that the case cost the taxpayers of Cameron County millions to fight before and after the appeal, or that they didn't get the death penalty for the Mexican Mafia defendant.
Those cases, as cynical lawyers say, were "sexy," the kind you want if you're running for office.
And yes, both Mattingly and Mando are running. Mando for the Democratic Party nomination for the newly-created District 34 congressional seat, and Chuck for the DA's position his boss is leaving vacant.
As legal eagles of the Cameron County District Attorney's Office, they ruled the roost.
But how about dispensing equal and impartial justice?
Take a gander at this.
Mattingly and Villalobos were content to settle for 23 years imprisonment for Amit Livingston who murdered a teacher and then dumped her body in a shallow grave in the far reaches of the South Padre Island national Seashore. The woman left a husband and children behind.
They were content to get 45 years for the pastor who paid five hitmen to murder his wife for a $120,000 insurance policy.
And yet, at the Galvan trail Mattingly insisted on a 90-year prison sentence when he went before the jury, even though the defendant Javier De la Rosa was just 16 at the time he committed the admittedly gruesome crime.
Was this a case of vindictive justice, or a convenient high-profile case that came along just in time for for the primary elections where he is a candidate?
Mattingly, in his campaign speeches, delights in enunciating the names of those bad guys that he has convicted and sent away for a long, long time.
Funny how he doesn't enunciate the name of Amit Livingston, who they let go, or of Pepe Villarreal who slipped though their fingers and is not across the border.
You've met Frick. Now meet Frack.


Anonymous said...

1. You were right all along
2. You are right now
3. We, the community thank you!

Anonymous said...

don't see you smiling now mr. mattingly. hope they get to you for covering for this asshole!

the trick is on you now.

"dont't worry i dropped it down to 10 years"

Anonymous said...

Actually villalobos' hand-picked successor is Maria Deford, villalobos took her to political functions to introduce her to his "buddies", Deford is using villalobos' maquina to run, she worked out cases for certain attorneys who were villalobos' money men, so don't be fooled...

Anonymous said...

I've been away from the Brownsville legal scene for a few years now, but when I practiced there Chuck was well-respected, easy to deal with as opposing counsel, and extremely ethical. I had a few cases with him, and he was always above-board. He was the same way in law school.

I sincerely hope that he has stayed above the fray in this DA's office scandal.

Anonymous said...

Neither mattingly nor Villalobos tried Rubio the first time. That was Yolanda de Leon crack team in 2003 ( before mando took office). Go ole juan never let the facts get in the way of a well placed ad.

Anonymous said...

Some ADA left the office because of the slime factor. Chuck did not. There are only three ways I can figure this:

1. Chuck is up to his neck in the slime, or
2. Chuck watched the slime and did nothing, or
3. Chuck is to stupid to be DA.

Either of the reasons is enough not to elect him and get him off the public dime.

Anonymous said...

Who is next on the FEDS LIST? Abel Gomez, Chuck, Aurora????

Anonymous said...

Everybody's overlooking the fact that Chuck Mattingly has been campaiging full time over the past 6 months and he is STILL drawing his big fat 6-figure salary from the county. He doesn't even have the decency to step down and let go of his salary while he campaigns during working hours. Is that the type of person you want as DA?

Anonymous said...

Carlos Masso is next on Feds list for fixing 8liner cases.

Anonymous said...

What about his right hand man? Lead Investigator Joseph Lopez. He should know his every move. He sleeps and talks Villalobos. Why don't the feds check him? CHUCK is on the line. Everything you have posted on your blog has been true. Great Job and start weeding them out.

Anonymous said...

Zeke, get over it....MASSO is not on the 8 liner list...oth and by the way, even LUIS SAENZ is tired of your ass.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

My understanding is that like Chuck, Maria Deford is also getting a paycheck from the county for doing ADA work but hasn't worked on any cases, hasn't been to court, and has been campaigning full time....check the county records at the auditor's office

Anonymous said...

Gilberto Hinjosa your next you might need Maria de Ford to represent you after all you are fully supporting her and introducing her to all your CLICKA .

Anonymous said...

Chuck, DeFord, and Saenz, work for the county FULL TIME, and yet, THEY ARE CAMPAIGNING FULL TIME???

Anonymous said...

That just goes to show how educated the Valley really is. He hasn't been found guilty of anything. Limas was a judge in the same court house as Villalobos. They decided to investigate everyone in office at the time of Limas. They haven't even presented any evidence. Villalobos hadn't even been given evidence when the media decided to throw false allegations on the news. When are you who have NO EXPERIENCE in politics or legal matters going to learn that hype is hype and that you shouldn't believe everything that your cousin, aunt, grandma, suegra, or best friend felipe tells you. They hadn't arrested him, he was confident that there was no wrong doing, THAT is why he held a press conference and walked over to the Federal Building and said...Here I am, show me what you got on me. Uneducated people are the majority and unfortunately as such, become the people that everyone has to base their decisions off of. Conspiracy Theorists aside, get all the evidence before you make a decision to crucify someone. What if he DIDN'T do it? What makes ANYONE of you say he's guilty? What do you base your decision on? UNSUBSTANTIATED RUMORS? And you wonder why there is an overabundance of innocent people in jail. You talk about corruption, he DETHRONED the corrupt regime. He has done SO much good for your community and you are throwing him under the bus. Get your facts straight.

Anonymous said...

Voting for Gus Garza! The only one of the entire bunch who has nothing to do with Hinojosa or Villalobos or any sort of RICO racket.

Anonymous said...

Armando arranged for Maria De Ford to work as a "special prosecutor" so she can still get paid but have the time she needs to campaign...

Anonymous said...

Convicted drunk: Is P "all about ME" Z or the spanker paying you to write this bull shit?

Anonymous said...

Villalobos held a press conference and only invited his buddies. if he ain't got nothing to hide, invite all the media who has the right to report valley news. such an honest man but all his pinche supporters who stood outside the federal courthouse work for him. did they clock out to support him? how is that ethical. gimme a break. he uses his employees to campaign for him during COUNTY time. honest man? u dont even believe that!

Anonymous said...

You have inside information ?

Anonymous said...

You would NOT be surprised who is being indicted next. And it isn't Chuck. I'll pass on the crook Saenz, pass on De Ford, pass on Masso and his 8 liner schemes and involvement with the bridge fiasco. It leaves Gus or Chuck. I have seen Chuck's court history and it looks good. It not easy for him to get all the high profile cases. It's bullshit to blame Livingston on Chuck. He was presenting to a bought Judge!! At least he got time!! Limas was capable of letting criminals go! The bastard! As far as Gus, seems decent but what does old school show us today!!! Nothing but a slap in the face !!!
