Monday, May 21, 2012


By Juan Montoya

This Sunday's political ads gave the local daily a flavor that it usually lacks on most Sundays when the grocery store ads are the only pages with real meat in them.
On the ad placed by Alex Dominguez, candidate for the District 35 Texas State Representative slot occupied by Rene Oliveira for the last 28 years, the challenger pointedly referred to the piss-poor record of bills introduced and passed by the "Dean of Hispanic legislators" in Austin while he racks up huge bills wining and dining his "constituents."
On Feb. 8, the Brownsville Herald reported that "Oliveira reported contributions of $53,050 and expenditures of $109,240 for the six-month period of July 1 through Dec. 31, 2011 — the most recent statement of such figures that he has filed with the Texas Ethics Commission.
During that period, Oliveira spent $12,028 on mostly lunches, drinks, appetizers and dinners in Austin, South Padre Island and Brownsville.
The statement shows that he spent an additional $1,262 during that period buying beverages at Ben’s Liquor, Feldman’s, Jones Liquor, Statewide Beverage and Twin Liquors."
In the report for the 30-day period prior top the election covering the period of January 1 through April 19, the Oliveira campaign reported that the candidate had received an additional $60,840 from diverse contributors, the great majority from Political Action Committees representing lobbyists, investment concerns, energy companies, communications giants, contractors and other interests from outside Districit 35.
Oliveira reported that he had spent $78,989 during the same period and had another $84,934 on hand.
By contract, his opponent, former teacher and local attorney Alex Dominguez reported $6,600 in contributions, $2,350 in expenditures and $2,773 on hand. He also listed a debt of $2,000 for a personal loan to his campaign.
Of the six contributors that he listed on his Texas Ethics Commission reports, only one – from Antonio Domingez, a relative who is a high school principal – was form outside the city, in Austin. The other five were all from Brownsville, ranging from a high school principal to the owner of a working-class lounge.
In fact, Oliveira spent more wining and dining his constituents than the combined total of what Dominguez has collected in contributions during the entire campaign. In Sunday's ad, the amount Good-Time Oliveria spent entertaining supporters or constituents was $13,290, or about $74 a day.
Yet, the telling part of all is this: If the residents of District 35 elect a representative to pass legislation that will benefit their area, then they don't seem to be
getting that much for the big bucks that Oliveira is throwing into this race. In Sunday's newspaper ad, Dominguez listed the legislation tallies for all South Texas state reps and found that:
– Compared with Reps. Aaron Peña, J.M. Lozano, Veronica Gonzales, Eddie Lucio III, Armando Martinez, Segio Muñoz, Oliveira not only had authored or co-authored less bills than any one of them, but that he was below the group's average of 39.9 bills authored by the rest.
– Oliveira authored only 27 and coauthored 7, his 34 bills not even racing the group's average of 39.9.
Mind you, for a legislator who has bee there for 28 years to be shown up by the likes of Eddie Lucio III (85 bills authored, 16 co-authored) or first-termer J.M. Lozano (66 authored, 43 co-authored) is a telling indictment of where his focus has been in the 2011 legislative session.
The killer is that of these bills, the number of bills that Oliveira authored or co-authored that directly benefited education, teachers, nurses, firefighters or veterans is a fat round 0.
It's probably not profitable to Oliveira to spend his time filing legislation from these groups. When election time comes around, it's not going to be his lower-middle class or low-income constituents who are going to be giving him the big bucks. It's going to be the good people with deep pockets from the interest groups that look very well after their man in Austin, isn't it?


Anonymous said...

Rene Oliviera loves his wine, the senoritas and living high. He has never given much respect to the citizens of Cameron County, except to pull the wool over their eyes and blow smoke up their asses. Oliviera is a slug and its time for him to go. He represents himself in the legislature...not us. Alex Dominguez is a well educated young man from a large Valley family. He is ready to serve us and we need local representation....not someone like Oliviera who represents outside interests. Vote Alex Domiguez for Texas Legislature and send Rene home.

Anonymous said...

Let's home the people get rid of Rene and the Federal courts get rid of Aurora de la Garza. Both political slime.

Anonymous said...

Yes. Thank you, Juan.

Anonymous said...

Never have I seen someone as unpleasant as this guy around women. Ladies, hide your daughters. Creepy!

Anonymous said...!/Denise4Congress. Wow, Rene Oliveira supporting denise instead of Ramiro. Too funny when elite promotions is running Rene's and ramiros campaign. Lol these guys can't keep together...not voting for none of these 3 losers.

Anonymous said...

Good work Montoya, keep the information coming.
May I ask, out of the bills authored by Eddie Lucio the III, how many became law.
If Rene Olivera who has 28 years in the legislature, can't pass any bills, I am curious as to how many bill the other clowns passed. No valen madre ningun pinche politico.

Anonymous said...


Former county employee said...

What happen to the drunk bitch that wrecked his car? Did he use some of that money to wine and dine her? He obviously didn't get lucky that night for the dumb bitch wrecked! Time for you to pack your bags Rene, you worthless excuse for a State Representative!

Anonymous said...

Ese pinche viejo seco es pura rata.

Would you people get off your fat asses and vote this Chupacabra out of office?

YA BASTA RAZA!!!!!!!!!

No tiene verquensa el IDIOTA!!!!

Anonymous said...

Juan...We need to make sure all our friends, neighbors, and colleagues go to vote Rene OUT. Who knows what kinds of tricks he is trying to pull by manipulating the people of Cameron county!

Anonymous said...

Rene is an embarrassing joke in Austin, he is known to frequent prostitutes and brag about it.He has become a total self serving degenerate, is that what we want to represent us? he has been too long in this position, he handles it like it is his own personal business and he does what is good for Rene not for us. please vote him out, we need a change

Anonymous said...

Oliviera is a DICK!

Anonymous said...

12:30 PM - and it appears he thinks with it.

Anonymous said...

Great article! Thanks Juan.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Oliveira's time is up. He is no longer effective and he has taken the residents of his district for granted. Time for some new blood. Every please get family and friends to vote him out.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for staying on this. Mr. Oliveira is out of touch with the district and needs to retire.

Oh by the way the district number is 37 not 35.
