Thursday, May 17, 2012


By Juan Montoya

For months, Brownsville Navigation District trustee Ralph Cowen had been unabashedly seeking to have his colleagues on the board of directors skip over fellow trustee Tito Lopez and place him as chairman of the port.

Alas, it was not to be.

When Ralph, an affable cheerful fellow when things go his way, realized that he didn't have the votes to get the chair, he didn't attend the meeting when the officers were elected.

Instead, the majority opted to make Lopez chairman, Carlos Masso vice chair, and Martin Arambula secretary.

Cowen and John Reed, the outgoing chair will simply be members of the board.

Already, there are whispers in the Golden Ditch that the new majority has a few changes in mind, starting with the lavish spending and obscene salaries of the top administrators. And the new majority, instead of heaping bonuses on the likes of Port Director Eddie Campirano and others, will now try to raise the salaries of the minimum-wage employees out there, sources said.

"The port is making money," said one, "but Reed, Ralph and Campirano were going through it like water."

Another likely target of the new majority will be the expensive lobbyists that have been on retainer since the days of Port Director Raul (sorry) Besteiro and his cohorts in Washington like former congressman Solomon Ortiz and his right-hand man Lencho Rendon.

For example, of the Washington D.C.-based LeMunuon Group's total annual income of $465,000, they clean up on the port's munificence to the tune of $120,000 per year. And what do we get in return? So far, every application for the so-called TIGER grants from the U.S. Dept. of Transportation has been zilch. In fact, on two of the grants, the port paid an engineering firm almost $100,000, only to be left out of the grants. The Port, in fact, is the lobbying firms's biggest client with the two closest one (at $80,000 per year) being the Air Transport Service Group and Alliance Air Services.

Another boondoggle that Cowen has been pushing for is the effort to attract cruise ships to dock at the Port.

Even after none other than Stewart Chiron of stated in USA TODAY that: "The reality is they have as much chance to get a cruise ship to (home port) as they do in luring the Lakers from Los Angeles. They're too far from any major airport, and there aren't enough people within a three hour drive to warrant it."
Nonetheless, Cowen convinced the Cruise Ship Committee, an entity composed of representatives from Cameron County, the port,, Port Isabel, South Padre Island and Valley International Airport,to set up a five-member task force to execute the so-called Cruise Initiative.

The paid consultants , of course, have said that a market exists here and have given Cowen the impetus to push the plan forward.

“It would need some improvements, but it’s within the realm of possibility to get it started with what we have,” Cowen, who also delivers the Charro Days grito each February, crowed to the Brownsville Herald. So far the five entities have chipped in for $25,000 for a first study and will be touched again for another $48,000 t determine the feasibility of bringing a cruise line here.

Then again, if the conclusions are not positive, that will have been money spent chasing Cowen's pipe dream.

"Expect that effort to dwindle," said our source. 'with Reed out and the more sensible Lopez and Masso and Armabula making the majority now, they will be less likely to splurge on Ralph's pet projects."


Anonymous said...

Jhohnny MO, you got the wrong Besteiro. I wasn't Albert, he was at TSC. You was RAUL. Uuuuuyyyyy!

Anonymous said...

It is time the Port of Brownsville stood on its own feet financially and stopped taxing the public. It is sinful how they use tax dollars...especially on their lavis salaries. We need a resolution to end taxing by BND.

Anonymous said...

As reported on local TV news this week, the Cameron County Appraisal District is going to save money by not informing tax payers of their assessments....that only "some" will be receiving an appraisal notice. BUT, the rules for protesting continue to apply, even though appraisal notices will not be sent out. What kind of political babble is this...saving money by not notifying the public of their tax debt. They have squeezed the tax-turnip every way they get more tax dollars when the economy and housing prices are they seem to be going after ag property as their target. For the last few years they have hit resaca property by giving resaca property an exhorbitant rate...regardless of locatiion. The Appraisal District is playing politics with our property values....It isn't fair. They want to minimise the value of homes when insurance companies are demanding new evaluations for wind and hail damage. Insurance companies are assessing property at hundreds of thousands of dollars above Cameron County appraisals while Cameron County raises the value of farm land and residential land. They lower the value of the home, but increase the value of the lot...inconsistent with existing property values. It is time to protest all force the system to be fair.

Anonymous said...

The Brownsville Herald and Freedom Newpapers in the Valley have been sold to AIM Media......can only bring hope of postive change. The Herald is a "rag" and should be eliminated. Time for a Valley Newspaper that will not pander to local Brownsville corruption.

Anonymous said...

Cowen is an idiot and a crook.

Anonymous said...

So Carlitos, Martincito and Titito are up the sucking the BND TIT?

One thing to look for is to whom the BND contracts go?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Juan, can you find out if Tito Lopez is the owner of the truck that struck and killed that poor young boy at the expressway about a month ago. The skuttlebutt is that no charges were filed because the truck belonged to him. What has happened to the investigation that was continuing?

Anonymous said...

GOOD RIDDANCE Freedom Communications

Anonymous said...

Of course the TV media picks up the story about not sending out tax notices....but not the Herald.

Anonymous said...

cowen and a couple of wanna be off the sweat of the poor..........and the other three members ...oh well what can you expect from them... expect the same old zayas and cortez.......just regular old rats...

Anonymous said...

Mr. Cowen is a good man. You shouldn't call someone a crook unless you can back it up, and I'm sure you can't.

Anonymous said...

Fuck Cowen.....and his son.....pinches lambiscones..

Anonymous said...

Port Isabel and Harlingen navigation districts charge no taxes. Why should the BND, with hundreds of millions in assets, charge taxes ? Tax payers should demand a return on their investment.
