Sunday, May 20, 2012


By Juan Montoya

His wife Rose is running as a Republican against a Democratic candidate.

He is named as treasurer for Republican State Representative from Corpus Christi.

And Democratic Party operatives say he has personally recruited candidates to run against other Democrats.

To top it all off, the political chameleon par excellence is none other than Filemon Vela, Jr., who is not shy about evoking the memory of his dead father – federal judge Filemon Vela Sr. – or piggy-backing on the name of his mother, Blanca Vela, a former mayor of the City of Brownsville.

And now that Armando Villalobos – one of his main opponents in the District 35 Congressional seat – has been wounded by a federal indictment unsealed a week before the start of the early vote in the primary, Fil Jr. smells blood.

"Even before the indictment was unsealed, Fil was spreading the rumor, as was (Anthony) Troiani, that Mando would be indicted," said a longtime Democratic Party faithful. "The man's ambition knows no bounds."

In fact, the insatiable hunger for recognition by the Velas, through Fil Jr., has been well documented by the local daily. Way back in 2005, the Brownsville Herald's tenacious reporter Emma Perez-TreviƱo documented the family's campaign to have the same recognition extended to Reynaldo Garza, the first Mexican-American federal judge appointed by President John F. Kennedy, to Vela, who was nominated much later by President Jimmy Carter.

The Velas, and Fil Jr., basically showered former congressman Solomon Ortiz with money and trips to achieve their goal. In the end, the names of both men are not borne on the facade of the federal courthouse.

It took the hapless Ortiz seven long years but he finally got it right even if Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchinson had to step in and pinch hit for Solomon, who had struck out each time he tried to hit the long ball. The following is a synopsis by Emma of the family's campaign to gain recognition for Filemon Sr.
"In June 2005, a long-fought quest by Ortiz paid off: The federal courthouse in Brownsville was in part named after Filemon B. Vela Jr.’s late father, U.S. District Judge Filemon B. Vela.
The bill naming the courthouse the Reynaldo G. Garza–Filemon B. Vela United States Courthouse was signed into law by President George W. Bush on June 29, 2005. Ortiz introduced the legislation to name the courthouse in April 1998 and pursued it through ensuing congresses until he finally succeeded in 2005.
"The central issue on the timing of the legislation was the passing of both great judges (in 2004), a stipulation before a name is attached to federal infrastructure," an Ortiz spokesmen said back then in a written statement.
Also in 2005, Vela Jr.’s law office paid for a "fact-finding" trip to China for Ortiz and his assistant Lencho Rendon. Travel dates were Aug.1-14, and the cost was $22,200. According to travel disclosure forms filed by both Ortiz and Rendon, they personally paid for four days – Aug. 10-13 – of the 14-day trip. Their out-of-pocket costs are not known.
Ortiz in 2005 told the Herald that he was among several Corpus Christi leaders working to bring jobs to South Texas from Asia, and that the trip was meant to help facilitate deals.
"The timing of events never occurred to me, but I do understand how two events out of context could beg the question," Ortiz said.
Vela Jr. and his wife accompanied Ortiz and Rendon on that trip. According to an article by the Herald in November 2005, a statement from Ortiz’s office says that Vela Jr. said he went primarily for leisure and some business, and that he invited Ortiz and Rendon because his wife had a fear of the unknown and Ortiz and Rendon had traveled extensively in Asia.
According to U.S. House rules, a trip sponsored by a special-interest group has to be connected to a legislator’s official duties Vela Jr. has made a number of contributions to Ortiz’s campaigns.
In 1994, he contributed $500.
-- The amount doubled to $1,000 in 1996.
-- There was another $1,000 from Vela Jr. to Ortiz in 1998.
-- The amount doubled again in October 2004 to $2,000.
-- There was another $2,000 contribution on June 27, 2005, two days before the president signed the bill naming the courthouse after Filemon B. Vela.
Vela Jr. did not respond to Emma's request for comment on his buying the recognition for his father.

Now, as he seeks the Democrats' backing for congress, it is interesting to note that:Rose Vela, his wife, first was elected to the bench in 1998, to the 148th District Court as a Democrat. But in 2006 she declared herself a Republican candidate for the 13th Court of Appeals.

Even though Fil Jr. comes from a family of prominent Rio Grande Valley Democrats, Rose Vela is running against Democrat Roy Valdez for reelection as Chief Justice of the 13th Court of Appeals. Rose Vela first was elected to the bench in 1998, to the 148th District Court as a Democrat. She was elected to the 13th Court of Appeals in 2006 as a Republican.

Fil Jr., who is listed as treasurer for Connie Scott, a Republican state Rep. seeking re-election for 2012 in Nueces County, is running as a Democrat. He is reported to have contributed thousands of dollars to the Republican cause and recruited GOP candidate Tom Greenwell to run for Place 2 on the 13th Court of Appeals against Democrat Nora Longoria.
Other Vela hand-picked GOP candidates include Jaime Tijerina to run against Democrat Nelda Rodriguez for Place 4 on the 13th Court of Appeals and Doug Norman to challenge Gina Benavides, the Democratic candidate for Place 5 on the Appeals Court.

Used as he is to having the imprimatur of a famous ancestor, we have no doubt that Fil Jr. will again try to use his family's name not only to try to win the congressional nomination, but to defeat the candidates of the Democratic Party under whose banner he is running.


Anonymous said...

otro cabrito de la maquina de gilberto hinojosa

Anonymous said...

"otro cabrito de la maquina de gilberto hinojosa"

No buey, el cabrito de gilberto hinojosa was Mando Villalobos.

And Montoya, Vela was spreading the rumor about Villalobos' indictment? Really, Juan? Was it not you that broke the story in December and suffered the most for it?

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

He looks like a keebler elf! I don't trust him.

Anonymous said...

Already voted for my fellow Marine, Anthony Troiani for Congress! A Democrat, a veteran...listened to all the forums and he is the only one that made sense and actually has a plan. Semper Fi

Fred REndon said...

Running democrat or republican is int the problem. Corruption is the problem. How is it Filemon's fault Armando Villalobos got caught up in the greed of the local corruption? I suppose it is also Filemon's fault Lima's was taken down. I suppose you think Ernie as a democrat is a great politician. I suppose you also think that by virtue of being Mexican you have to be Catholic? I vote for the person not the party. Have we become such followers we can think for ourselves? I think common sense is another word which has left our vocabulary. Other than saying Filemon has republican associations you have nothing bad to say about him. On the other hand Villalobos has been indicted and if he had any respect for him self or his community and constituents he would step down. Do you know or associate with any republicans or do ask for an ID first? Oh you proably do not like the idea of ID's.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It would be great to have a Republican in this office. Time to end the corruption and none support from Congress to South Texas. The Democrats have not served us well. Time to consider a change. Vote Republican for U.S. Congress.

If you don't follow Follow ME! said...

Wow some people don't stop trying

Anonymous said...

Exactly how dumb do you think we are? So we are suppose to vote for those with Democratic "values"? And what are those? The need to be corrupt and fill their pockets by selling their political influence?

I vote the person not the party. Let me refresh your memory, former State District Judge Abel Limas, ormer Texas State Rep. Jim Solis, former Sheriff Conrado Cantu, Former County Judge Gilbert Hinojosa, Current DA Villalobos, Former Brownsville Mayour Pat Ahumada, Former County Judge Ray Ramon, what do they have in common? Democrats, and all tainted by corruption.

Just saying. So vote the person, their values and proven track record. Don't be bamboozled by the politiceras or any interested party spin.

Anonymous said...

watchen now that villalobos is trouble time to change ships ask gilberto hinojosa the democRAT big chief

Anonymous said...

The issue isn't whether Vela is a republican or a democrate. The issue is that he is a replubican posing as a democrate because he thinks, probably correctly, that a poorly informed public will vote for him because of his supposed party affliation. I think this speaks to his loyalty and his ethics.

Anonymous said...

Another Republican representing us in Congress? The state is run by Republicans! Hell no! Our last Rep was Farenthold(Republican). What the hell has he done for south tx..anyone????? Ramiro Garza,Anthony Troiani,Elmo Aycock,Denise Blanchard....better alternatives. Our local Democratic party just needs new blood. Vote out the corruption!

Anonymous said...

"Hell no! Our last Rep was Farenthold(Republican)."

And who represented us for 28 years before Farenthold? Can you remind us about that Savior? Must have been a bonanza for the Valley to have a Democrat before Farenthold, right?

Anonymous said...

"replubican posing as a democrate,,"

Can you describe to us how a republican will harm the community? Are you saying he will keep with the long standing tradition of Democrats and fill his pockets by selling himself to the special interest groups like our past democratic leaders? If yes, we should just vote for a democrat? WTF? They already had their chance.

Anonymous said...

I voted for Filemon Vela. The usual lies are obvious the Gilberto/ Villalobos/ Abel Limas crowd can't stand the idea of new blood Democrats getting elected who won't give them mordida$$! Time to drain the swamp of the old crooks! Vela has our 100% support! ! !

Anonymous said...

The fact is Congress is Republican majority. You are drinking Gilberto's KOoL AID if dumb enough to believe any democrat other than vela can get the Republicans in Congress to support the valley. We need his wife's republican friends. Or else we will remain the forgotten, job less cesspool aftr 20 years of a corrupt democrat congressman

Anonymous said...

Who else would have sent this info to El rrun rrun than Solomon Ortiz old chief of staff who is running against Vela! No thanks. 20 years of Solomon's incompetence is 20 years TOO MUCH. We do NOT want another Solomon Ortiz employee in office again! Haven't you people fucked this district to death already!! Holy mother. Give it a rest.

Anonymous said...

The Democrat party of Villalobos and Hernandez are all liars. Frankly I don't believe a word they say anymore. My vote is for Vela.

Anonymous said...

The Cameron County Democrats are their own worst enemy. When it comes to corruption the Republicans don't hold a candle to their shameless mordida politics. It speaks to Vela's character that he stands against their bullshit. Predictably they attack him. So the new word for a Democrat who won't kiss Gilberto's ass is to be labeled 'Republican'?? Puro pedo! Ya basta con los politiqos who forgot tu people babosos. Ya basta!

Anonymous said...

"Vela has contributed over $40,000 to republicans, he has voted republican in every primary since 2005. The republicans Vela helped put in office killed the DREAM Act and caused the economic crisis. The facts don't lie, but Filemon Vela does.". Found this on the Internet. Did not vote for him...don't care if his name is Vela, Or all that other BS...this guy is not sincere.

Anonymous said...!/Denise4Congress. Wow, Rene Oliveira supporting denise instead of Ramiro. Too funny when elite promotions is running Rene's and ramiros campaign. Lol these guys can't keep together...not voting for none of these 3 losers.

Anonymous said...

This article is a load of crap. Where is the outrage over all the JOBS lost in Solomon Ortiz' last 28 years in office?? Where is the disgust about the $20 million bridge to nowhere Ortiz orchestrated?? Where is the outrage over Armando Villalobos, the Cameron County Democrat favorite child, getting fucking INDICTED on 30+ counts? REally people. Vela is not the enemy. It's your own stupid Democrat politicians who destroyed this party

Anonymous said...

Rene is "Solomon Ortiz of 2012". He thinks he is unbeatable, let's see what the voters think! Of course he would support Solomon's ex chief of staff, what a moron! Elite promotions is a JOKE. They took all Ramiro's money and what does he have to show for it? Some signs anyone could have bought at Kinkos.

Anonymous said...

In only 2 years, Farenthold brought a shit load of money to Corpus Cristi, more than freeloader Solomon Ortiz did in 28 years. The Democrats will never tell you this secret, but in a Republican majority congress, your only hope of getting the big bucks into a city like Brownsville is to vote for people with Republican friends in Congress. Stop falling for the Democrat BS people, it is EMBARASSING. You're like the guy who's been hoodwinked for 28 years by a cheating wife do you still beleive the smoke blown up your ass? 28 years later? Really?

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Ya no la chingan, asi que don't vote for Vela because he has not kissed Gilbertos ring and he is a DINO, Democrat in name only?

Well than let's bring back
Salomon Ortiz, he is a "real" democrat and is deeply beloved by the Democratic machine.

Anonymous said...

It is time for new ideas and vision. What have the democrats done for us? NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!

Their philosophy is to keep us on WELFARE and happy!!!

Bola de IDIOTAS que se tapan con la misma fresada. Son el asko!!!

The VELA name is still free of corruption unlike the LUCIOS,OLIVEIRAS,VILLALOBOS,DE LA GARZA,HINOJOSA,ORTIZ,LIMAS and on and on.

Oh but we have schools and crap named after these mierdas.

Anonymous said...

Why are we supposed to vote for this guy? Because his daddy was a judge? Give me a fuckin' break!

Anonymous said...

These guys (Villalobos and Lucio) have been blowing each other since high school. They are crooks. Two broke dicks desperate to make a quick buck.
Google Map Lucio's house and you will find in the pic a black Ferrrari. Need I say more....

As for Villalobos...Have you ever seen a Mon Chi Chi?

Anonymous said...

I thought Vela's family did well for Brownsville.

He isn't worth giving him 2 years opportunity?

Or who? Mando?

Anonymous said...

I'm from San Benito and I remember when Vela was hired to represent our school district on a molding case. This guy charged our school district for expenses that were outrageous.......flying private jets and staying at 5 star hotels all paid for by the taxpayers of San Benito!!! And he wants to be a Congressman?!!

Anonymous said...

Ahhh yes Gotta love Texas Republicans. The group that brought us George W. Bush and Rick Perry. Now THAT'S EMBARASSING.

Anonymous said... would not have endorsed Vela if he were a republican. Look at his platform - it speaks for itself and addresses our districts needs. He is in a class of his own when it comes to effectiveness. The rest of the candidates will be ignored or eaten alive in DC. Wake up sheeple. You think Denise or Mando will get us the attention we need? She channels Palin and he will spend most of his time thinking about federal charges.

Anonymous said...

More mud slinging...we need to stop BSing each other with pointless jabber and unfounded claims and look at the candidates ability to lead and make things different here. We owe it to our children.

Denise tried real hard to get Ortiz to do good things for the valley and that's what counts. Plus, she was only there for some of the time. It's not her fault.

Anonymous said...

"Denise tried real hard to get Ortiz to do good things for the valley and that's what counts. Plus, she was only there for some of the time. It's not her fault."

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, stop with the jokes! Oh, you weren't joking?


Anonymous said...

como dice el piporro con dinero baile el pero y el dueno del perro tambien he who has the money in this race will win bottom line

Former county employee said...

@Anonymous, May 21, 2012 at 11:08

Don't forget Roger Ortiz!

Anonymous said...

Fuck vela! Fuck his family! Fuck limas! Fuck all the corrupt judges! Fuck cameron county and everybody on this blog!
