Monday, June 18, 2012


By Fernando TreviƱo
From Texas GOP Vote
Who would have thunk, but South Texas actually has an interesting race on the Republican side for Congress! Of course we are still in the middle of a runoff, but now that we are getting close to November we must look at our candidates and decide who is the conservative that can actually win.
Congressional District 34 is probably the most competitive seat in Texas, right behind CD23 where Republican Freshman Francisco “Quico” Canseco is running for reelection, and we must be smart about who we nominate.
In this runoff, we have two Republicans - Adela Garza and Jessica Puente Bradshaw - running for the opportunity to face the winner of the Democrat primary. With this being an open seat, there has been a lot of interest and even some gossip. Despite proclaiming that “Leaders Lead, Not Mislead,” Jessica Puente Bradshaw has resorted to spreading rumors about Adela Garza and her family life, even stating that State Rep. Jose Aliseda has only endorsed Garza because they are related - completely not true . . . perhaps someone is jealous?
Though this race has been heated at times, these two woman have some things in common; for instance, both Adela Garza and Jessica Puente Bradshaw were born in Mexico and moved to the US at a young age. Both of these candidates undoubtedly love this country and appreciate the opportunities afforded to those willing to work here; they are running as Republicans after all.
Regardless of who wins, South Texas Republicans will be nominating a Hispanic woman who can beat back decades of liberal lies along the border.
(Interestingly, in one of her ads in Brownsville, Bradshaw sais she was a "Brownsville native.")
The major difference between Garza and Bradshaw though is their experiences. Jessica Puente Bradshaw makes a lot of claims, namely that she is a “political analyst,” but what exactly does that mean? Plenty of people can talk and read about politics, but shouldn’t we want representatives who can live conservative values rather than just memorize them?
As a Texas Southmost College Trustee, Adela Garza was elected to protect the local community college and greatly delivered. TSC, a two year college, was “married” to the University of Texas at Brownsville, a regional four year university, and while the name recognition was good, the skyrocketing cost was not. What’s worse, the UT System Board of Regents gave the TSC Board of Trustees an ultimatum - gift us $200 million worth of assets to be paid for by your local taxpayers or separate the two institutions. As any conservative would do, Adela Garza acted with the majority of her board to save millions of assets for her taxpayers by fighting against a larger power seeking to impose its will.
In the aftermath some lost their jobs in what has come to be known as the “Great Divorce,” but it was not at the expense of taxpayers or on the backs of students. You’ve got to feel bad for those who lost their jobs, but this is what cutting government looks like - universities are government entities and working to save money and cut costs inextricably leads to losses.
However, Adela Garza has not only fought in the public sector, she is also a successful small business owner who has started several companies in South Texas - some have succeed and some have failed, but such is the nature of the private sector.
As the owner of a pharmacy, Adela Garza understands first hand the negative effects of government overreach; whether it’s because of Obamacare or a tax system that punishes success, Adela Garza knows that government can only create jobs when it gets out of the way of the private sector.
Funny thing about experience, Adela Garza has actually done what we as conservatives want to see - she has created jobs in the private sector and cut the size of government as a college Trustee. In contrast, her runoff opponent Jessica Puente Bradshaw has only read and opined about the issues that face us. She might be a good public speaker, but at this juncture in our nation’s history, we need fighters who can actually deliver!


Anonymous said...

"Jessica Puente Bradshaw has resorted to spreading rumors about Adela Garza and her family life, even stating that State Rep. Jose Aliseda has only endorsed Garza because they are related - completely not true"

Okay so they are related, but that is not the only reason Aliseda endorsed her. Thanks for the clarification.

Anonymous said...

"Beat back decades of liberal lies"... That's cute... And replace it with what- Conservative truths? Like trickle down economics and war on drugs?Howd those work out for you?

Anonymous said...

Oh shit! I was going to vote for Adela, but will now how to vote Democrat. I don't want to send anybody born in Mexico to the United States Congress.

Anonymous said...

"created jobs", "cut the size of government as a collage Trustee." Actually Adela Garza cut jobs, because of her vote, UTB and TSC are going to split, causing hundreds of jobs and setting back the progress that the partnership had gained in the last 20 years.

Anonymous said...

Voting for Adela is like voting for Ruben Cortez BOTH OF THEM DON"T HAVE DEGREES.


i love Adela Garza said...

OMG, if you voted in the Republican primary, you can not switch and vote in the Democratic runoff. If you did not vote in the primary, I am told you can vote in the runoff. What does it matter where Adela was born? She has lived in this area for many years and has the true interest of our district at heart. I will vote for Adela Garza.

i love Adela Garza said...

The Partnership didn't gain shit except for those who profited from it. The Preservation of TSC is/was an unfortunate but an inevitable short term loss for a long term gain, don't be idiotic and don't mislead people. $ 200 a semester hour is not progress. Stealing from the livelihood of our children is thievery of the lowest kind. I support Adela Garza.

Anonymous said...

(i love Adela Garza said...
The Partnership didn't gain shit except for those who profited from it. The Preservation of TSC is/was an unfortunate but an inevitable short term loss for a long term gain, don't be idiotic and don't mislead people. $ 200 a semester hour is not progress. Stealing from the livelihood of our children is thievery of the lowest kind. I support Adela Garza.

June 19, 2012 1:03 AM)

The 1AM postings of Adela? Everyone knows she chats up with people after midnight. I don't know about you, but I'm in love with Juan Montoya.

i love Adela Garza said...

Who isn't? Have you seen Juan's photos when he was younger? WOW! By the way, I am not Adela, not by a long shot, I am just one of her many supporters. She is one beautiful woman and I love Adela Garza.

Anonymous said...

Anyone so balless to not leave a name, I say your comment should not be posted. The truth is: Adela has provided documents showing that Jessica Puente Bradshaw is indeed the same Jessica Robinson. Jessica Robinson is registered to vote in Travis and Cameron Counties. Jessica Robinson has not changed her drivers license from her Austin Address to her so called Brownsville address. When Jessica Puente Bradshaw attended the State Republican Conventions her credentials and name badge showed her as JESSICA ROBINSON. Tracking Jessica's past is like chasing a ghost. If she can not complete forms property, use her real name, abide by the laws that state one must change name and address within 30 days of moving, how can we trust her in Washington. Do not waste your vote for Jessica. Adela has lived in the district. She is a business woman and has been active in her community. NOT just a Den Mother!

Anonymous said...

Adela is the candidate of choice and Jessica lends to the creation of fraud. The United States Congress is not about personal discovery. We need someone qualified and experienced if we want true conservative representation.
