Wednesday, June 13, 2012


By Gilberto Hinojosa
Chair of the Texas Democratic Party Fellow Texas Democrats:
I am so honored to have been chosen by you as your Chair of our Great Texas Democratic Party. The overwhelming support from our Party rank and file was humbling. Thank you so much!
I would like to thank Rachel Barrios Van Os and Fidel "Ace" Acevedo for their sacrifice in their race for Chair. I know that their love of our Democratic Party is what drove them in this back breaking pace of a statewide campaign. To both of you, congratulations for your commitment to our Party and know that we welcome your continued leadership and work in our Party.
The real work now begins. Much remains to be done. But knowing that, not only is our cause just and right, it is a cause that comes with Hope. As I have stressed to you throughout this campaign for a year and a half, there are more of "Us" than "Them".
Our challenge is to assemble strategies that will ensure that Our Base is engaged, energized and involved in the electoral process. This is doable my friends - but not without a lot of hard work and smart thinking. But, if there is one thing that I am sure of it is that we are smarter than they are and the Republican assault on our families in Texas drives us to want to work harder than ever. Texas families are depending on us to succeed. We cannot fail - WE MUST NOT FAIL!!!
So let's get to work. Let's turn this thing around. And, let's bring the visionary, strong and compassionate leadership to our Great State that our families deserve.
And let's have some fun doing it, my friends!


Anonymous said...

"Us against them?" Yet, he is fully supporting Congressional candidate Filemon Vela -- a democratic in name only. Vela's donation and voting history is Republican. Gilberto is all about Gilberto. He was (is) one of the most corrupt politicians in South Texas. Money leads him, not the people who most need him.

Anonymous said...

Thank you DemoRATS for choosing Dilbert and Dylvia.

D Republicans

Unknown said...

He doesn'nt care about the people. He just wants money and fame, like most of them. He probably has some skeletons in his closet.
He's just like limas. Weren't they friends?
He made me lose my case i had pending. If i had known he was going to do this to me, i would have never followed on everything he told me to do. He waited till the last few days to tell me that I didn't have a case and that nobody here in brownsville would represent me. Before he had said to me that i had a case. Why this sudden change? He probably sold me out. Once a crook always a crook.....Now I am left with nothing, since he let the statue of limitations run out (the 2year limit)no where, no one I can turn to for help,here in Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

WELL you only have yourselves to blame DEMO-TARDS

Anonymous said...

You elected that piece of shit Gilbert, this is only round 1, prepare to eat Republican shit for the next 4 years!!!

DemoCRAP tards

Anonymous said...

"Gilberto is all about Gilberto. He was (is) one of the most corrupt politicians in South Texas."

Sure babe you just now figured this out after he bailed on your campaign? This never occurred to you in your last 28 years with Solomon Ortiz??

She proudly recognized Erin 'sign stealer' Hernandez Garcia and John Wood at her announcement! She was all smiles in photos with Gilbert Hinojosa and Solomon Ortiz two years ago! Awww, but after she couldn't manage not even 15% of the vote Gilberto wants nothing to do with her loser campaign, pobrecita.

lol, dumb DemoCRAP tards who kiss Gilbert's ass for 10 years, don't cry for me Argentina

Anonymous said...

Typical democRATA!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Gilberto Hinojosa will soon do for the Texas Democratic Party what he did for Cameron County....make them a laughing stock in the state. Gilberto is all about Gilberto. Let's hope Judge Able Limas has some good juice on Gilberto.

Anonymous said...

i agree gilberto is about gilberto, he is from hidalgo county for god sakes, mercedes to be exact, he couldnt bullshit the bullshiters there so he came to brownsville, and the first one he calls is joe rivera otro rata de camoenr county, these 2 guyd have been stealing money form the state and national democrats fo rht elast 25 years y de los locals eh locos too. pero ya se va para austin good riddance adios gilbertito buena fortuna en austin brother oh thats if limas and villalobos dont put the fingerhut on you before you go chao

Anonymous said...

(You elected that piece of shit Gilbert, this is only round 1, prepare to eat Republican shit for the next 4 years!!!

DemoCRAP tards

June 13, 2012 4:46 PM)

Shouldn't you be working, JZ?

Former county employee said...

Gilberto "Capo" Hinojosa, don't ring your bell too loud right now? You just got named in a Federal trial and only time will tell whether you are too become a letter or a star witness to save your ugly butt!!! What the hell those people were thinking when they named you to this position? What did it cost you GH? What promises or FAVORS did you make to get that position? Of all people in the State, they pick you??? The chaos of last year's election and all the "crap" that you have pulled since carpet bagging to the RGV years ago. Hope the Feds put you in your place!!!

Anonymous said...

Nothing here but horse and cow manure ans smoke and mirrors for the last 25 years on brownsville and cameron county from gilberto hinojosa, i think those democRATS thst came to the covention last weekend dont really know gilbert or just set him up for a big fall from Grace. Republicans will win Texas in November, DemorRATS are in big dodoo all over the state and the nation as well. maybe need to start a new party. southmost kid

Anonymous said...

Willfully electing crooks is OK. Eliminates the surprises, right Conrado?

Anonymous said...

Keep on writing, great job!
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