Friday, June 22, 2012


By Juan Montoya
It came during the fundraiser that runoff Democratic Party candidate for District Attorney Luis Saenz held yesterday at Louie's Backyard.
The messenger, in the form of local architect David Mendez, said that even though Asst. DA Maria De Ford, who was barely kept out of the runoff could not be present in person, he was authorized to announce her endorsement of her colleague in the embattled District Attorney's Office.
Saenz is facing a runoff July 31 against former Cameron County Asst. DA Carlos Masso who barely beat out Saenz, also a fomer DA, and De Ford, who took a leave of absence from the office to stage her bid.
 Masso's 8,072 votes were just 306 over Saenz's 7,766. Included in that total are an astounding 192 mail-in votes for Masso.
De Fords 6,672 votes gave her almost 30 percent of the vote, with Masso getting 35.8 and Saenz 34.5.
Now, with De Ford endorsing Saenz, it appears that Masso's bid just became a mite harder.
For his part, Saenz welcomed De Ford's endorsement with open arms.
"The Luis V. Saenz for Cameron County District Attorney Campaign is proud to announce the endorsement of Maria Urbina De Ford," he said in a statement on his campaign web page. "Her endorsement is warmly received, and it is with great humility, appreciation, and gratitude that we accept this endorsement."


Anonymous said...

Luis Saenz has a lot of experience and Masso tried to buy his election with 8 liner money. Carlos Masso can't even speak much less defend anyone in court. He is a joke of an attorney and won't win the DA race. Maria De Ford is a bright lady with a lot of integrity and her choice to help Mr. Saenz only shows Mr. Saenz is the best choice for District Attorney.

Anonymous said...

This will be a great year to vote for a Republican for DA. Louis Saenz left the DA's office in disgrace before. He has experience in womanizing and corruption. He and Masso are part of the Gilberto Hinojosa "Dumbokratic" Party and they have corrupted our judicial system. VOTE CHUCK MATTINGLY IN NOV. FOR DA.

Anonymous said...

They are all tainted. Mattingly and Saenz more than the others.. Erin for D.A. LOL

Anonymous said...

.........yeah su-r-r-re Chuck who let a CONVICTED MURDERER walk out the front door of the Courthouse in the Livingston matter, you mean that guy. When Mando's trial gets going and Chuck can't play the "me not know what go on here, Mango just a pawn in game" bit he's been laying on everyone in town, the full extent of his involvement in the mess he claims to know nothing about will come to light. Yeah vote that guy in so we can have two consecutive DA's in Federal Court explaining themselves to the Fed's.

Anonymous said...

What !?!?! You mean to tell me an indictment illustrated by a Grand Jury with not one but two political adversaries sitting on it, one in Mr. Medrano who at the time was running AGAINST Mr. Saenz for the DA's seat and the other in the Atty. for the woman Mr. Saenz FIRED who then quickly turned around and claimed Sexual Harassment against (real original lady), is not an ATTEMPTED ASSASSINATION of his character ?? You see for those of us who know Mr. Saenz we know he has NEVER, not once exhibited any of the tendencies of a supposed lothario, politics is politics and from time to time you get burned but he bounced back from those FALSE claims the only way he knows how to he set his mind, expertise and skill-set on another front, Defense Law, and he excelled at it as he does in everything he sets his ambitions on, see what made him one of the best damn Defense Atty.'s in town was the fact that HE WAS AN EVEN BETTER PROSECUTOR. The guy is hands down, head and shoulders, more qualified than the opposition. Mr. Masso can only hope and pray he one day he can posses the prosecuting talent and skills of Mr. Saenz. Facts is facts and the facts of this matter are there are two candidates one is simply better and holds more skills, skills required to get the job done in the Courtroom where this job takes place.

"You need a DA who is going to be an ADMINISTRATOR and not just a prosecutor, you can't be in the court all the time. You may try a case from time to time but you have to administrate an office of 100 plus personnel." -Carlos Masso 05/29/12

Former county employee said...


Anonymous said...

On COngressional race, heard that Ramiro Garza endorsed Filemon Vela.

Anonymous said...

Just look at who Masso surrounds himself with. Abelardo Gomez is a thug with a badge and beside every Masso sign there's a Gomez sign. "Birds Of A Feather Flock Together". Vote against local corruption vote Saenz

Anonymous said...

Luis Saenz is a product of the University of Texas Law School. I hear Carlos Masso went to law school with Abel Limas. Vote for Mr. Saenz.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Saenz is the one with all the experience that's why the Velez case just got overturned after they found Saenz committed prosecutorial misconduct, and the Dora Cisneros was also overturned based on a rookie error by Saenz o then theres the mowbray case too. Saenz was investigated for corruption by two grand jury's convened by the late Honorable Judge Hester. His longtime secretary and several other members of his staff were investigated and indicted for bribery, extortion, and corruption Deja vu. For your information Saenz has represented and settled his share of 8 liner cases. Let's just convict at all costs and then use TAX PAYERS money to retry.

Anonymous said...

Poor, Maria De Ford under all the pressure to endorse Saenz. I hear she didn't attend the party because she is not the true endorser but all that pressure from the click. Vote for the click! Vote for the click! Maria thought u were smarter than that.

Anonymous said...

That deal was done a long time ago! Villalobos had three of his puppets run so that he could try to maintain some type of control over them in the event that he didnt win the congressional race. One down (deford) and two to go (Saenz and Mattingly)! Too bad Villalobos will not be around to see them go down!

Anonymous said...

Nice try Carlos Masso. You can't handle running a clean campaign because you are a thug just like the people you surround with. Your family are convicted Felons and 8 liner owners. You thought you were going to buy your election. We see and saw right thru you. You will loose this one. FYI. Big mistake hiring Erasmo from Brownsville Cheezmeh

what a "loser" or is it "looser" said...

OMG, the word is "lose",
L O S E, as in to suffer defeat, fail to win ,
LO O S E, as in something that is not secured or fastened tightly.

Anonymous said...

Click? What Click? Since you don't have the credibility Carlos Masso it is obvious no one wants to be associated with you. Especially those that are honest people who are in it for real justice for the victims. Every one knows you got the money for your campaign from the 8 liners and illegal gambling. The criminals bank rolled your campaign. They want somebody who won't prosecute them and cut deals to stay out of prison. Starting with your brothers and nephiew. You hold ALL your fund raisers at Stick Bar which is another front. Come on show some dignity and give it up. Have you heard yourself speak?

Anonymous said...

The TX CCA just reversed Manuel Velez's death sentence for Saenz's misconduct, holding he knew or should have known the prison expert's testimony was false. It also found that Saenz put on "misleading" testimony by the codefendant (and mother of the child victim) who later walked from prison after 5 years. It also discussed an unsavory incident where Velez's family attempted to hire Saenz to represent him, before he turned around represented the State as a special prosecutor.

Anonymous said...

Carlos Masso will loose his grip on the people running his campaign and lose the race. Satisfied Erasmo from Brownsville Cheezmeh?

Anonymous said...

Knew or should have known? Give it up Carlos Masso. Why don't you tell us what deal you cut or how much money you got from the 21 million to the bridge to nowhere while under your watch as Port Commissioner? Eres Pura transa.

Voting for Luis Saenz said...

@Anonymous June 24, 2012 10:06 AM

Sounds like to me that the Judge who presided the case is to BLAME also? That is the reason that he is the neutral guy and should have caught it during the trial? I guarantee you that the Judge is embarassed by it and got that letter also!

Anonymous said...

At least Saenz has actually has trial experience. Masso was in the DAs office for 12 years. 12 years and never made 1st chair. Didn't even make 3rd chair. No trial experience as a prosecutor or defense attorney. Wake up, everything will be settled if hes elected. 12 years of getting moved around in the DAs office means your bosses just moved you around and you are less than mediocre. Ask any attorney!

Anonymous said...

Oh by the way on Thursday De Fords dad was in a car accident that's why she wasn't at Louie's. She's smart enough to not be surrounded by the Masso click. These guys are being looked at by the Feds. Gomez has been spotted several times leaving the federal courthouse. He would have had a chance if he wasn't surrounded by the Andrades and Abel Gomez. Esquivel has spent over 50 grand on this campaign. The bail bondsmen want him so they can work out deals with him with out a lawyer.

Anonymous said...

I forget Saenz has the creme of the crop, Rosenbaum, Jesse Vallejo, and Zeeke all convicted felons. Where have I heard the saying "Birds of a feather flock Together". Zeeke get the point u can't run for anything or win any campaign look for a different hobby.

Anonymous said...

Is that the Jesse that was indicted for bribery and extortion. Rosenbaum wasn't he in federal prison for possession. Zeeke wasn't he thrown out of the city election because of his criminal history what a looser. All Saenz clients and personal friends.

Anonymous said...

Carlos Masso is being investigated by the FBI can you say pick up the soap? Erasmo and Carlos you two will probably bunk together. Both of you are con artists.

Anonymous said...

OMG, do you guys know what pick up the soap mean? lol lol lol lol it means that the prisoners will be bumping you from behind :(, lol lol lol you guys better get as much as you can out here in the world, cuz inside prison all you guys are gonna get IS FROM BEHIND OOOPPPSSSS :( OUCH, I THINK THAT HURTS!!!!
