By Gromer Jeffers
Dallas Morning News
In what supporters hope could awaken a sleeping Latino electorate, former Cameron County Judge Gilberto Hinojosa on Saturday was overwhelming elected chairman of the Texas Democratic Party.
In what supporters hope could awaken a sleeping Latino electorate, former Cameron County Judge Gilberto Hinojosa on Saturday was overwhelming elected chairman of the Texas Democratic Party.
(After having lost to Republican Carlos Cascos for Cameron County Judge, presiding over the Democratic Party in the county and seeing Cascos again defeat John Wood, his party's nominee for judge, Democrats across the state think Gilbert Hinojosa is eminently qualified to hold the chairmanship of the Texas Democratic party. Never mind the fact that two years ago, for the first time in 28 years, Republican Blake Farenthold became the first GOP congressman in District 27 that includes the state's southernmost tip, a traditional De

mocratic seat held by his bud Solomon Ortiz. What are the Democratic Party leaders in the state thinking?)
Hinojosa, who had also served as Chairman of the Cameron County Democratic Party, beat several other candidates to become the first Hispanic in the history of Texas to serve as Democratic Party chairman.
“We believe that every person in this state deserves an equal chance,” Hinojosa told delegates gathered in Houston for the state Democratic Party Convention. “We can only succeed at that if we win elections.”
Hinojosa replaces Democrat Boyd Richie, who served six years as chairman. Richie is credited with rebuilding the party’s infrastructure, but under his tenure Democrats failed to win a single statewide office.
Democrats hopes Hinojosa’s ability to organize, especially in the heavily Democratic environs of South Texas, will net victories down the line.
Hinojosa, who had also served as Chairman of the Cameron County Democratic Party, beat several other candidates to become the first Hispanic in the history of Texas to serve as Democratic Party chairman.
“We believe that every person in this state deserves an equal chance,” Hinojosa told delegates gathered in Houston for the state Democratic Party Convention. “We can only succeed at that if we win elections.”
Hinojosa replaces Democrat Boyd Richie, who served six years as chairman. Richie is credited with rebuilding the party’s infrastructure, but under his tenure Democrats failed to win a single statewide office.
Democrats hopes Hinojosa’s ability to organize, especially in the heavily Democratic environs of South Texas, will net victories down the line.
(While chairman of the Democratic Party in Cameron County, Hinojosa "mobilized" the voters to the tune of 24,773 of 173,482 registered voters, a whopping 14.26 percent in the primary May 29. Next door, in Hidalgo County, Hinojosa's native turf, 52,040 voted of 293,523 registered, another dismal showing of 17.73 percent.)
“It will help to have someone who has mobilized voters there and knows how to engage a part of the state we will need in November,” said state Rep. Rafael Anchia, D-Dallas.
“It will help to have someone who has mobilized voters there and knows how to engage a part of the state we will need in November,” said state Rep. Rafael Anchia, D-Dallas.
In his best Hispanic rendition, Gilbert said: “Yo no quiero que me den nada, nada más pónganme en donde hay: (Don’t give me anything. Just give me the opportunity to get it.),” he said. “That is what America is all about. That is what our Democratic Party is all about. Those are our values and, dammit, don’t question my patriotism.”
(Ready for the ride into the void fellow Democrats?)
God help us. Or just obliterate us all.
The Republicans would have been smart to pay infiltraters in the convention to elect el raton Gilbert.... with his track record of losing races and giving Democrats a reason to vote Republican year after year....
But Democrats did it voluntarily. Priceless. Adios statewide dominance
From around the web. Comments about Hinojosa from South Texas blogs (did the Democrats spend less than an hour researching this guy's devastation on the Democrat party in South Texas before they elected him???!!!)
"Can you give us more data on Gilbert? What specifically makes him so bad?"
Well, when County Judge, he tried like hell to sell off Isla Blanca park to hotel concerns. There was the whole "Red River" trash debacle, constant promotion of the status quo within the party, promoting Hilary even after the convention chose Obama, denying any use of Cameron County Democratic Party assets to be used for Obama later in the general election, again after the convention picked Obama. The list goes on and on......
"Gilberto Hinojosa Moves to Stop Corruption in Cameron County
Headline should read, Gilberto Hinojosa Moves, out of Brownsville. This should Stop Corruption in Cameron County. It's all about the puctuation."
"What a shame for the Democrats of the State of Texas. Best thing that ever happened to the Republican Party in Cameron County was David Sanchez and then Gilberto Hinojosa's miserable leadership of the Local Drmocrats!! Now, Gilberto wants to take his "leadership" abilities and control the State of Texas. What a shame !!"
"It is miraculous that this guy is not in prison yet. His assent to state chair for the Democratic party is a horror show in slow motion."
"Villalobos serves us like Conrado Cantu....stupid and under the influence of Gilberto Hinojosa and his Dumbokratic Party corruption and fraud. Villalobos is a DICK and his indictment is timely and right."
"If the Democrats want division and are happy losing elections....then they should choose Hinojosa; he will surely destroy the start party as he did locally. "
"limas scandal is not over i am sure gilberto will get his part in due time puras calabacitas baby"
LOL! You know, I literally believe you are more than right. I hope you are, anyways. Cause I'm on my way to Cobbleheads saloon to start betting on it. Good day to ya!
"When Gilberto Hinojosa decided to give up the Cameron County Democratic Chair to run for the state version of that office it was a godsend to the citizens of Brownsville and Cameron County. Hinojosa has been viewed by many as the poster boy for corruption, backdoor dealing and influencing elections in Cameron County and is closely associated with Abel Limas, Conrado Cantu and Jim Solis. The obvious win-win situation would be for Hinojosa to vacate the county chair, then lose his bid for the state chair."
Gilberto Hinojosa is at the heart of the corruption in the Democratic Party of Cameron County. The Democratic Party is to corruption in Cameron County as local doctors are to corruption in the medicare and medicaid systems. Corruption we have lawyers loyal to the Democratic Party and their corruption, in order the make a of ad litems, guardianships, probate appointments and judicial favors. Gilberto Hinojosa is at the heart and soul of this corruption of the Hispanic community. Behind that bushy moustache is a forked tongue devil...who serves no one but himself.
old RR
Brownsville Herald. April 23, 2000
Cameron County Judge Gilberto Hinojosa together with his partner Juan Magallanes have received the most in ad-litem fees, records show. Combined, they have pulled in $126,000 in six appointments alone. An additional $55,000 was pulled in by Magallanes but with State Rep. Rene Oliveira, district clerk public records reflect. Judge Ben Euresti approved most of the fees awarded to this group. Oliveira received an additional $40,000 from two appointments made by Euresti and former Judge Darrell Hester. Ernesto Gamez has received the next-highest amount of ad-litem money. Gamez frequently contributes to political campaigns, and along with Magallanes and others guaranteed a loan for Limas in his bid for the 404th.
Gamez has received $64,250 in nine appointments but the amount is greater, records also reflect.
Oliveira, by the way, was also quoted in the newspaper expressing dismay over the Limas case. Was he expressing dismay over the fact that Limas is looking at nearly a quarter century of prison time? Or is he expressing dismay that the gravy train has stopped?
Now, Gilbert, how many of those named on this post are Republican?
Say Juan, what is up with Jerry Mchale's blog? He ain't posted any new articles or comments since about June 2. Just think you should post an update on the current condition of his blog, and while you're at it, his physical and mental condition as well.
Renolds Eltoro
Hate to tell you but, Gilbert and Silvia are making it easier for the Republicans to win.
Wow Montoya, that title tells it all. I wonder who or what made the Democratic Party chose Gilberto Hinojosa? Obviously, this is a bought selection since all of South Texas knows that anything that Gilberto Hinojosa has his hands into gets FUCKED up? Gilberto Hinojosa has a long list of questionable,suspicious dealings along with the political fiascos orchestrated by him. Too bad the Democratic Party is going to find out the hard way that they screwed up in chosing Gilberto "Capo" Hinojosa!
all the above posts were written by carlos cascos.
Goodbye statewide dominance is right. What a shame, the Democrats sure blew it...
This is another example of selecting an individual for a postion because of his/her ethnic background and disregarding who they are as people. Such "token" whatevers, are never given the through background checking needed. The Texas Dems didn't look hard enough at this guys record and playmates.
"The Texas Dems didn't look hard enough at this guys record and playmates."
They didn't look at all. In fact, they resented anyone who pointed these things out about Gilbert. What meanspirited, racist hatchet job thugs we must be, to expose the truth about their precious token Hispanic nominee!
Had they been interested in an activity besides blowing smoke up their own asses, it would have taken all of 1/2 an hour to search the word 'Hinojosa' on or one of the other valley papers, brings up articles about Gilbert and Conrado Cantu, Limas, Villalobos, scandals etc....
Idiots. Well, their loss is the Republican's gain. The Republicans will use it to their advantage and good for them. At least one of the parties has a brain.
These fucking idiot Democrats always asking for donation$ and contribution$ (they never have enough!! wonder why?)
Always needing more of my money$ to spend but did they spend a few free minutes of their own free time, to look up Gilberto and Conrado before putting that idiot in charge of the entire fucking state party? Hell no. Fuck them. And that new chairman Silvia, what a team!!!! What a joke!!!!
You can't fix stupid by throwing money$$ at it.
A few of the commenters alluded to the reason why Gibert Hinojosa was elected was b/c of being a "precious token Hispanic". The dirty little secret is democrat are truly THE RACIST ONES!!!!!!!
caca quacha pupu shit merida sewer wastewater mr mahoney you name it gilberts nickname im glad he won so he can get the fuck outta and leave cameron county once and for all and go straight to austin and never come back or should i say Mr. Shit your honor?
And the first one he calls after he wins is Joe rivera otra merida de cameron county who by the way came to brownsville as an al bundy, he was a shoe sales with kinney shoes downtown brownsville back in the old days, i remember joe and then you became a camote de ray ramon and he help you get elected. wow time to hang it up joe before you die at the county courthouse steps.
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