Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Comment 1: Its the elephant in the room that they do not want to recognize. It is the truth. But as Mexicanos..whether educated or not... they want to continue to have us to the "yesum sir..we will do as you say" The racism has not changed ... its a alive ..just more sophisticated in the RGV. Now we call it "sanctions" for standing up for the Truth.
 Note: The Black community would have had his ass (Asst. U.S. Attorney Jodi Young) fired long time ago. The mentality that its ok... its only a Mexican/joke. Obama wants our vote but not defend us. I am sure a complaint was filed against this behavior but zero action. There is a "witchhunt" and yes it is a "white" mandate.

Comment 2: A number of years ago a young attorney with deep roots to this community graduated from law school and wanted to return to Brownsville to practice. He approached Federal Judge Filemon Vela for advice. Judge Vela suggested that he change his last name or use a Hispanic last name in order to be successful in Cameron County. That seems to indicate a prejudice (officially and unofficially) by Hispanics against Anglos. This community is about 95 percent Hispanic and Hispanics control the government and the Democratic ruling party. Yet, the Hispanics refuse to take action against corruption....its part of the culture. So, when there is evidence of corruption guys like you Juan bring up the race card; just like Al Sharpton and Rev. Jackson. As long as locals refuse to police the Democratic party and take action against corruption...somebody has to do it.

Comment 3: Using the race card was not only stupid, it was the desperate act of a mamon lawyer. There is no distinction between Brown and White here, both sides have their share of crooks and idiots. (Marchan defense attorney Noe) Garza is simply a racist with a guilty client, and bears no resemblance to lawyers who really fought for minority rights.

Comment 4: The only racist is Garza, for trivializing racism. Bola de mamones son ratas, and we do have them in our Mexican culture as well as in all others.

Comment 5: Corruption is corruption, white, Hispanic, black, etc. We must as citizens look at the facts and determine whether the accused is guilty of the allegations brought forth by the federal government. The jury does not decide if this is a witchhunt and the white guys get off free. The jury looks at the evidence and determines if the accuser is guilty, regardless of color. It is apparent that the defense did not have any evidence to refute what the government had alleged and therefore used the race card. I can only assume that the jury was just, composed and impartial when the facts were submitted to them. I thank the jury for a job well done.

Comment 6: What was the ethnic profile of the grand jury? And the trial jury? I bet I know. Mescalero

Comment 7: Former county employee said...Interesting write up Montoya? Sounds like you agree with Noe Garza on that perception of the government picking and choosing? Bottom line, like one other blogger wrote. "Corruption is corruption and a jury of MARCHAN'S peers found him guilty". Who cares the color of their skin? These are and were elected officials who ran for office to publicly serve. As anyone in public office knows that the purpose of being an elected official is for notoriety, resume, standing and making money. The only problem is that "making money" leads to greed. The problem is that the voter sometimes TOO ignorant to vote their common sense and go with their heart or family loyalty. Thus, this is the result of that chose of vote? Elected officials being Indicted, convicted and sentence to prison. Let's just hope that this will teach those a lesson and prevent this from occurring again, at least in my lifetime?


Anonymous said...

How come you can dress up Marchan as a Mexican rat/mouse in a Peon costume and sombrero and it is not racist?

If folks put a sombrero and KKK hood on an AUSA it is an act of racism on his part.

There is a a real disconnect here.

Anonymous said...

no racism, just funny.

Gloria Guerra said...

jajajaj ohhhh how cute!!! Speedy Gonzalez back into town again! he looks awsome, and this is not a peon costume, this is a famous mouse, he should be proud and everyone that at least the cyber did not pick an ugly character, jajajaja

Anonymous said...

My Hispanic son, a graduate of UT/ Austin Law School, decided a couple of years ago that he wanted to return to his hometown of Brownsville. It took him two years to find out that the legal community here (including the local judiciary) leaves much to be desired with regard to ethics and a desire to really serve the law. Now he is back in Austin, working with a firm within sight of the capitol. Brownsville's loss, Austin's gain. But what can you expect in a town where the local bar will not even sanction attorneys who advertise on billboards about taking knives to gunfights and hiring a counselor with "a pair!"

Anonymous said...

lighten up. it was stupid for Marchan's attorney to use the race card cause it's not in the deck. proportionately speaking, eight out of ten ratas are Hispanic and the other two are willette and rosenthal. poetic justice: marchan always thought himself as a dark Frenchie/Cajun, not Hispanic. gloria gets it. it should be Speedy G. who should be insulted.

Anonymous said...

Blogger with attorney son. I knew your son and he returned to Austin not because of the local judiciary, but because of his alternative life style.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

LOL, LOL, LOL, LOL THAT WAS A GOOD ONE!!!!! that the guy left bck to Austin and not because of the local JUDICIARY, but because of his life style!!!! Lo que pasa es que hay gente mamona que hablan y le hechan tanto a la gente de aqui de Brownsville nada mas para quedar bien (segun ellos), la realidad es que si los hijos se van de la casa es por el tipo de vida que llevan y que muchas veces no quieren que los padres se den cuenta!!! y es x que son unos SINVERGUENZAS!!! La ley que tenemos aqui es buena y mala como en todas partes...K NO MAMEN JAJAJA

Anonymous said...

"Hispanic" and "Mexican" are not one's race - they are one's national origin. Marchan and Willette and Villalobos and the rest are all the same race.

Anonymous said...

Seems to me Garza was advocating for a client who refused to take a plea deal and was facing overwhelming evidence. Selective prosecution is an issue that will be raised in trials to come. Can't fault a guy for trying his hardest to do what he swore to do, advocate for his client. Get over it.

With regard to the person that suggested Montoya is racist because he put Marchan's photo on Speedy, Montoya is not a person employed by the government in a position of power and authority who is supposed to represent the people and the Constitution. An AUSA doing it, however, is quite different.

Justice is supposed to be blind and fair. As long as state district and county judges have to run for office and get elected, justice will be everything but blind and fair whether its in Cameron County, Hidalgo County, Bexar County, or Travis County. That is the system chosen by the people through its legislature and we have to deal with rotten apples when things go awry. Hopefully the feds clean house and open the way for a new generation of leaders who are truly interested in serving the people.

Former county employee said...

Montoya, thank you for adding me to your story. Although, I got to correct you on one thing. Racism is still in existence here in Cameron County and in one particular section? That's HARLINGEN! The "white boy" and I refer to one particular circle of "white boys and girls" there and the ones with money.
They still control Harlingen with no ambition of making it grow or allowing businesses in without it putting money in their pockets. Or, they make sure that their "white boys or girls" get taxpayer money to pay for private ventures or businesses such as the Reese building located at 1st and Van Buren Streets. City Hall is so full of "monkeys" that the only time that they dance is when the box is played? They put up such a wall to anyone wanting to open business and make it so difficult that it discourages anyone from coming into the city. Its when the property or building is owned by that circle then it becomes easier. Its too bad that the Hispanics in Harlingen who outnumber that circle cannot change things. There are some Hispanics who kiss up to that circle and pull those Hispanics down when they make a charge!

Former county employee said...

Montoya, reading the Brownsville Herald. Commissioners Court could came up in a tie in asking for Armando Villalobos to step down. Of course, Commissioner Dan Sanchez was absent and not surprising since he is a very good friend of Villalobos. I'm sure that Sanchez got some favorable decisions for some of his clients? Now knowing that his brother has been named as a judge possibly doing "unethical things" in his courtroom? Get a story going buddy!

Anonymous said...

Who is the gay young lawyer who returned to Austin???

Anonymous said...

thats right, get your story going sweetie!

Anonymous said...

jajajaja le veo los bigotes y se ve bien curiosito, esta foto le quedo super bien!!!!

Anonymous said...

yeah, the good young people who come back to Brownsville from good schools usually have a hard time.....Think I knew the firm that young attorney was with, and they have a rep for running off the good of my classmates in his late 20's was a sharp dude with them but his education was too good for Cameron. Didn't have any thing to do with his lifestyle, his own style was just too good for the Valley so he went to Dallas and is doing great...

Anonymous said...

Just leave it to the hombres bobos to mix up race with ethnicity. Hey burros, not every camacho cares about la raza.

Anonymous said...

As a fairly young attorney, I believe I know who that young guy is. He was in trouble at the law firm where he worked because of strained relations with a partner and a rep for being "quick" with the ladies. I think he has a big job now with Perry. He knew how to shake and move with big dogs.

Anonymous said...

Dan Sanchez is always absent from the meetings when there is something that relates to Villalobos or his brother. It's so obvious why he failed to show!!!!

Anonymous said...

These blog posts are missing the forest for the trees, but then again we don't have that many trees in south Texas! Why get hung up on race, sex, etc., all of which have been over-blown in Cameron County.

That young attorney is probably one I have encountered. If so, he is one shrewd guy with a mind like a steel trap. He is unusual these days, because only a few young attorneys can move with ease from location to location, and I will tell you why: Law is undergoing a sea-change, just like other industries before it. Firms like mine have had to spend great amounts to train young lawyers and paralegals to do the grunt work of research and document preparation. Many of us have concluded that the 3rd year of law school is a total waste. And now we can get the same work done off-shore for a fraction of the cost. This morning when I came in to my office to play catch-up, work that had been sent late yesterday to India had been emailed and was waiting for me. No young attorney or paralegal had had their weekend interrupted by work that I needed to review today. Unfortunately for young lawyers and paralegals, we are not going to need as many of them. This means that young practitioners will increasingly be turning to the type of law that we used to call "ambulance chasing" to pay off their law school debt. They certainly will not be mobile, like the young, anonymous fellow who has been mentioned. He will become more and more a rarity. And, with an increasing Third-World population with terrible driving skills and a tendency to sue, defensive driving is the order of the day. So, drive carefully, the suit you save may be your own!
